Ghici ghicitoarea mea ? ;)
guess what ? ;)
inca un ajutor :
another clue :
ta-daaa...o alta micuta "bzzzz"...ha-ha..
Grasuta, vesela, nastrusnica, plina de magie...
ta-da...another baby-bzzz ( LOL) .
Chunky, happy, naughty, full of magical moves...
Asa arata pachetul cu care se expediaza pentru comenzile din Breslo .
This is the final wrapping for Breslo customers.
Noutati : celelalte doua albinute au fost bine primite de catre clienta mea de pe pare ca au deja o casa fericita, plina de dragoste. ;)
News : the other two baby-bees ( yellow and orange) were already received by my breslo shop client...seems that they are having a happy and loving home!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
busy baby-bees
Intii de toate s-a nascut o albinuta ginditoare si nu intzeapa pentru ca e prea dragalasa...:)
First of all was born a thoughtfull and naughty baby-bee...and she doesn't sting because she's too cute...:)
Apoi cineva s-a indragostit de ea si a mai cerut sa aiba o asa a aparut albinuta harnica, pusa pe pozne cu bagheta ei fermecata, aurie...nici ea nu intzeapa. ;)
Then somebody felt in love with her and ask for a likely sister...and like so appear the always working and also naughty baby-bee, hoping forever to touch something with her golden wand...she doesn't sting , too...;)
First of all was born a thoughtfull and naughty baby-bee...and she doesn't sting because she's too cute...:)
Apoi cineva s-a indragostit de ea si a mai cerut sa aiba o asa a aparut albinuta harnica, pusa pe pozne cu bagheta ei fermecata, aurie...nici ea nu intzeapa. ;)
Then somebody felt in love with her and ask for a likely sister...and like so appear the always working and also naughty baby-bee, hoping forever to touch something with her golden wand...she doesn't sting , too...;)
surprises in mail and some butterflies
Am primit azi de la Katy coletul cu lucrarile pentru Luberon .
Am reusit totodata sa pun primul meu video pe youtube , partial cu fluturasul negru ( nu uitati sa il vedeti in HQ, aveti un buton micut dedesubtul ecranului) :
Iar inauntru am gasit citeva surprize frumoase :
- un port-servetzele, in care mi-am strecurat repede si "bomboanele" pentru git, deci va avea dubla utilizare ;).
Dupa cum spune si ea , piesa aceasta este mai mult origami decit patchwork, are doar doua cusaturi, va vine sa credeti ?
And , the nice story beggins here : inside I found some surprises for me :) - a hadkerchief cover, where I also slipped my throat medecins, so it will have a double functionality.
As she says, this piece is more "fabric origami" then patchwork, it has only two seams!! can you believe it ? it is so nice, I have cows and chickens on it :)
Apoi am mai gasit un outz de Paste, simpatic foc, in care iepurasul imi arata ma vede...vede el ceva in iarba, poate cauta niste oua ;)
Then I found an fabric Easter egg, cute and sweet, in which the bunny shows me the tail...he didn't see me, is looking for some eggs in the grass...
O cornita atit de vesela incit deja am planificat-o pentru pomul de pasti alaturi de oua si de puii de gaina.;)
Multumesc frumos pentru surprize , Katy !!
And a happy wreath that is already planned for the Easter installation among eggs and chicken babies. ;)
Thank you for the surprises, Katy !
Ieri am lucrat putin in tehnica broderiei cu bobina si am facut aceste posetute din fetru, cu fermoar asortat si cu tnt alb in interior.
Imi place foaaaarte mult aceasta tehnica asa incit veti vedea mai multe lucrari de acest gen aici ;)
Aceastea sunt doar primele, va trebui sa le brodez mult mai mult pe urmatoarele...
Yesterday I worked on some bobin-work embroidery making these pouches, in felt with assorted zippers and inside white tnt :
I looove this technique so you'll see more works here ;) These are just the first try, I must embroider much-much more on them...
Am reusit totodata sa pun primul meu video pe youtube , partial cu fluturasul negru ( nu uitati sa il vedeti in HQ, aveti un buton micut dedesubtul ecranului) :
I also managed to post my first video on youtube, with a part of black butterfly ( you should watch it in HQ - you have a small button under the screen):
A fost o zi frumoasa ...
Was a nice day...
Monday, March 23, 2009
boring post today...
Am gasit un site cu seminte din Germania. Si mi-am comandat citeva pliculetze. Nu sunt super incintata de calitate- nici macar cum arata plicurile, dar sper ca semintele sa aiba putere buna de germinare.
I found a seed delivery site from Germany. And I ordered a few . I hope the seeds have a good germination power . I took some purple beans, winter radishes, a "freaky" winter salad, rhubarb seed ( because I lost my old plant...I put some Round-up on her without being attentive- and perfumed blue Lathyrus. I realized that I don't have any blue or pink or purple flowers in my future garden. ( only yellow, red, orange, white...sad, isn't ? )
I already put in dirt all those 6 ginko seeds. They are big and spicy perfumed...I must wait some 30 days to appear the tiny seedlings.
Regimul meu alimentar este inca sub forma aceasta ( mic dejun / prinz) : gris cu lapte presarat cu scortisoara si zahar iar pentru prinz : piure de cartofi cu lapte si carne de vita cu legume pasate. Gustoase dar nu foarte prezentabile in imagine...evident ca incerc sa diversific de la o zi la alta...dar consistenta trebuie sa ramina aceeasi :( . Mi-ar prinde bine niste retete noi ;)....
si a cafelei baute cu paiul...
Am luat cite un plic din fasole mov, ridichi de iarna, o salata "ciudata rau" de iarna, Ginko Biloba, seminte de rubarba ( pentru ca am pierdut planta in gradina veche - am ierbicidat ca toanta peste ea ) si Lathyrus albastru parfumat. Mi-am dat seama ca nu am flori albastre, roz sau mov in viitoarea gradina...doar galbene, rosii, portocalii si albe. Trista paleta, asa-i ?
I found a seed delivery site from Germany. And I ordered a few . I hope the seeds have a good germination power . I took some purple beans, winter radishes, a "freaky" winter salad, rhubarb seed ( because I lost my old plant...I put some Round-up on her without being attentive- and perfumed blue Lathyrus. I realized that I don't have any blue or pink or purple flowers in my future garden. ( only yellow, red, orange, white...sad, isn't ? )
Pe Ginko Biloba deja l-am semanat- toate 6 semintele ...are niste seminte mari si parfumate intzepator... astept sa scoata capsorul din pamint peste vreo 30 zile...
I already put in dirt all those 6 ginko seeds. They are big and spicy perfumed...I must wait some 30 days to appear the tiny seedlings.
Intre timp cresonul de la Smaranda s-a facut maricel si creste...tot creste...ce folos daca eu nu il pot minca...inca !
Meanwhile the cresson from Smaranda gets bigger and bigger ...what useful to, because I can't eat it ( yet)
Regimul meu alimentar este inca sub forma aceasta ( mic dejun / prinz) : gris cu lapte presarat cu scortisoara si zahar iar pentru prinz : piure de cartofi cu lapte si carne de vita cu legume pasate. Gustoase dar nu foarte prezentabile in imagine...evident ca incerc sa diversific de la o zi la alta...dar consistenta trebuie sa ramina aceeasi :( . Mi-ar prinde bine niste retete noi ;)....
My diet consist in soft things like these ( breakfast/lunch ): sweet breakfast :semolina milk with cinammon and sugar, and lunch : mashed potatoes in milk and mashed beef meat with vegetables. Yummy but not so good looking in pictures... of course I try to eat different things every day, but the consistency must remain the same :(...It would be so good some new recipes . ;)
si a cafelei baute cu paiul...
and of coffee drink with a straw...
da, da' stiti ceva ? miine e o alta zi ! ;)
friends know why ! ;) LOL ...just Saturday I will have my stitches off...oh, 5 days more to go !!! ...
yep, but you know ? tomorrow is another day ! ;)
yep, but you know ? tomorrow is another day ! ;)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
a new garden with raised garden beds
Povestea mea incepe de la un teren plin de musuroaie de cirtite si o stiva de lemne - reciclate - taiate la dimensiune. Ei bine, vreau -nu vreau ,mai nou Goldie trebuie sa apara in fiecare poza pe care o fac ;) .
Am pus carton peste plasa de sirma, apoi fin uscat si de-abia pe urma am inceput sa umplu straturile cu pamint din musuroaie.....
Deci la sfirsitul zilei de munca, viitoarea mea gradina ( dati-mi voie sa o numesc astfel ) arata cam asa...In total vor fi 8 straturi , asezate simetric ,in patrat. Inca mai necesita foarte multa munca, multe roabe de pamint descarcate , multe lopeti de ridicat, multa durere de spate...ei bine, facem acest lucru doar acum, o data la inceput. Intrebati-ma mai bine: cine va sta in gradina asta mirosind florile sau sorbind dintr-o cafea sau ceai cu gheata in vara fierbinte ce vine? ei bine, stiti raspunsul : cine merita ! ;)
In casa , paharele cu viitoarele rasaduri stau bine mersi, la caldurica...le verific zi de zi sa vad care rasare mai grabit!Deocamdata nici unul, inca este prea fost puse doar acum citeva zile...
My story begins with a garden full of moles hills and some recycled wood, cut on proper dimensions.Well, you know, wanted or not, Goldie must appear in every photo I make. ;)
Deci : se iau 6 scinduri de 2 m si 6 de 1 m si coltarele si putina plasa de sirma, o gramada de cuie si munca !
So, for beggining : you take 6 pieces of wood- 2 m long , and 6 of 1 m long, 4 corners and some wire-mesh, a bunch of nails and...start to work!
Dupa citeva degete lovite cu ciocanul si citeva ore iata cu ce te alegi : ( dupa masa de prinz m-am ales si cu ajutor, dupa cum vedeti ;) )
After some hammerd fingers and a few hours, here are the results : ( as you can see, after lunch I got some help, too ;) )
Am pus carton peste plasa de sirma, apoi fin uscat si de-abia pe urma am inceput sa umplu straturile cu pamint din musuroaie.....
I layered some cardboard on the bottom of the bed, then some decaying dry hay and at last the dirt from moles hills.
Hai sa va prezint anatomia unui musuroi ! Prima poza reprezinta un musuroi normal, chiar dragutz arhitectural, as spune...a doua m-a speriat de-a binelea! puteti sa va imaginati cit de GRASA e cirtita aceea daca a lasat o asa de mare gaura in pamint ?!! Sper sa nu ma intilnesc niciodata cu vreuna , fata in sunt fricoasa dar nu cred ca ar fi o intilnire prea placuta...pentru ea ! LOL. ;)
Let me introduce you to the anatomy of a mole hill :
First photo seems to be a normal, quite pretty architectural hill...the second, just fraightened me : you just can't belive how FAT this mole has to be to let such a hole in the earth !!! I hope I'll never met one in person...I'm not a chicken but I don't think it will be a pleasant meeting...for her ! LOL.;)
Masa de prinz a fost...primavaratica ! salata mixta , dovlecei grill-uiti, peste si piine cracker. Sanatoasa si indestulatoare.
Apoi am continuat munca pentru ca vremea permitea...Cam 8 grade Celsius. Nu e usor sa bati atitea cuie...poate ca nu pare mare lucru , din poze, dar va asigura ca spatele meu a spus cu totul altceva seara in casa...
The lunch was...spring-ish ! mixed salad, greated zuchinni, white fish and cracker bread. Healthy and fullfilling.
Then we go out, continuing the work, because the weather was good. About 8 degrees - Celsius..
Let me tell you that it's not easy to hammer so many doesn't seem pretty much from the photos, but my back was telling something different at the end of the day.
Deci la sfirsitul zilei de munca, viitoarea mea gradina ( dati-mi voie sa o numesc astfel ) arata cam asa...In total vor fi 8 straturi , asezate simetric ,in patrat. Inca mai necesita foarte multa munca, multe roabe de pamint descarcate , multe lopeti de ridicat, multa durere de spate...ei bine, facem acest lucru doar acum, o data la inceput. Intrebati-ma mai bine: cine va sta in gradina asta mirosind florile sau sorbind dintr-o cafea sau ceai cu gheata in vara fierbinte ce vine? ei bine, stiti raspunsul : cine merita ! ;)
So, at the end of the day , the future garden ( let me named it so) looked like this...There it will be 8 garden beds, set simetrically in a square....I mean, this requires a lot more of wheelbarrows of dirt to be let in...a lot of shoveling, a lot of back pain...well, we'll do this just once: now. Ask me, who will sit near by,smelling flowers or sipping coffee or iced-tea in the next hot summer? know the answer! who deserves it ! ;)
In primul strat, gata umplut, am si rasadit citeva rinduri de spanac, ridichi si ceapa rosie.E clar ca ma maninca degetele, nu ? abia astept sa se incalzeasca putin vremea...
In the first bed I already seeded some spinach, radishes and red onion. My fingers are itching, it's obviously...I'm anxious for warmer days...
In casa , paharele cu viitoarele rasaduri stau bine mersi, la caldurica...le verific zi de zi sa vad care rasare mai grabit!Deocamdata nici unul, inca este prea fost puse doar acum citeva zile...
Inside home, the seedlings pots are doing well, at warm...I check them day by day to see which raise first in hurry...untill now : none. It is too quick , yet.They have been put in just a few days ago...
Miine e o alta ?
Tomorrow is another day, no ?
Monday, March 16, 2009
seeds, a lot of seeds
Am fost o multime de pliculetze de seminte. Smaranda, mi-a implinit dorinta de a semana anul acesta o varietate cit mai mare de salate...salata de iarna, salata de vara, salata frou-frou...ce mai, am fost o rasfatata...;)
I was spoiled, oh, so spoiled! Smaranda hear my wish to seed all sorts of salads in my future raised gardening beds and send me a lot of salads seeds. Winter salads, summer salad, frou-frou salads...what should I say more : I was spoiled !;)
Si pentru ca anii trecuti visam doar dovleci peste dovleci, am adunat din rezerva de seminte toate pliculetzele ce mi le-a trimis tot fine, ce a mai ramas...aromatice si dovleci. Anul acesta voi avea un colt de gradina fermecat...
And because last year I was dreaming all the time just pumpkins, I gathered here the reamining seeds that were send by her also...aromatic plants and pumpkins. This year I will have a magic corner in my garden .
Asteptati putin si am sa vi-l arat! ;)
Wait a little and I'll show you ! ;)
I was spoiled, oh, so spoiled! Smaranda hear my wish to seed all sorts of salads in my future raised gardening beds and send me a lot of salads seeds. Winter salads, summer salad, frou-frou salads...what should I say more : I was spoiled !;)
Si pentru ca anii trecuti visam doar dovleci peste dovleci, am adunat din rezerva de seminte toate pliculetzele ce mi le-a trimis tot fine, ce a mai ramas...aromatice si dovleci. Anul acesta voi avea un colt de gradina fermecat...
And because last year I was dreaming all the time just pumpkins, I gathered here the reamining seeds that were send by her also...aromatic plants and pumpkins. This year I will have a magic corner in my garden .
Asteptati putin si am sa vi-l arat! ;)
Wait a little and I'll show you ! ;)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ieri , un inceput de plan :
Yesterday, the start of a new plan :
o brosa -floare din panglica semitransparenta. O perluta rozalie ascunsa in mijloc. Vise multe..planuri mari. Am folosit un ac vechi...singurul pe care il aveam la dispozitie.
A flower-brooch made of semi-transparent ribbon. A pinkish pearl hidden inside. Big dreams, bigger plans. I used an old metal pin, the only one I had around...
Azi am continuat cu planurile...visele ramin aceleasi. O brosa identica dar de data asta o perla verde pal.
Today I continued with the plans...the dreams remains the same. A sister flower-brooch, this time a green one with a pale green pearl.
Apoi s-au nascut pe rind altele si ...altele...din ce in ce mai "diferite".
Cea maro-aurie are o margea de pastrat-o ani de zile in cutia cu margele si nu m-am hotarit sa o folosesc pina azi... brosa portocalie are o margea de sticla albastra cu un inel auriu...seamana cu Jupiter.
Then , one after another were born several...the more I made, the more different they look.
The golden-brown one has a porcelain bead inside...I was saving this bead for years and just today I was determined to use it...the orange brooch has a deep-blue glass bead with a golden ring around...seems like Jupiter.
Apoi am schimbat...atitudinea. Ha-ha. Cele albastre in patratzele au margelutze de lemn, portocalii.
Si in final dar nu cel din urma Setul Zdrentaros. O brosa imensa pentru geanta, o brosa simpla si o agrafa pentru par-floare. Toate piesele au nasturi vintage . Primavaratic, nu-i asa ?
Then I change the...attitude. LOL . Blue with orange wood beads and last but not the least The raggedy set . A huge brooch for purse, a simple smaller brooch and a pin-hair flower.
The set has vintage buttons. Spring-ish, ha ?
Si cina : Pasta Primavera care incepe de la zero cu legume proaspete sau congelate : ciupercute ( yep!), ceapa rosie, ardei gras rosu, dovleac, fasole verde, broccoli, usturoi. Vin alb, sos de soia, busuioc, chilli.
Si cam asa arata in farfurie, ninsa cu parmezan, inainte de a disparea ca prin farmec, ha-ha...
And the dinner : Pasta Primavera made from scraps ( fresh and freezed vegetables) : mushrooms, red onion, red pepper, squash, beans, broccoli, garlic. Of course some white wine, soya sauce, basilicum and chilli pepper. And a last photo, "snowed" with parmiggiano, before disparition...LOL.
Miine e o alta zi...alte planuri...aceleasi vise. ;)
Yesterday, the start of a new plan :
o brosa -floare din panglica semitransparenta. O perluta rozalie ascunsa in mijloc. Vise multe..planuri mari. Am folosit un ac vechi...singurul pe care il aveam la dispozitie.
A flower-brooch made of semi-transparent ribbon. A pinkish pearl hidden inside. Big dreams, bigger plans. I used an old metal pin, the only one I had around...
Azi am continuat cu planurile...visele ramin aceleasi. O brosa identica dar de data asta o perla verde pal.
Today I continued with the plans...the dreams remains the same. A sister flower-brooch, this time a green one with a pale green pearl.
Apoi s-au nascut pe rind altele si ...altele...din ce in ce mai "diferite".
Cea maro-aurie are o margea de pastrat-o ani de zile in cutia cu margele si nu m-am hotarit sa o folosesc pina azi... brosa portocalie are o margea de sticla albastra cu un inel auriu...seamana cu Jupiter.
Then , one after another were born several...the more I made, the more different they look.
The golden-brown one has a porcelain bead inside...I was saving this bead for years and just today I was determined to use it...the orange brooch has a deep-blue glass bead with a golden ring around...seems like Jupiter.
Apoi am schimbat...atitudinea. Ha-ha. Cele albastre in patratzele au margelutze de lemn, portocalii.
Si in final dar nu cel din urma Setul Zdrentaros. O brosa imensa pentru geanta, o brosa simpla si o agrafa pentru par-floare. Toate piesele au nasturi vintage . Primavaratic, nu-i asa ?
Then I change the...attitude. LOL . Blue with orange wood beads and last but not the least The raggedy set . A huge brooch for purse, a simple smaller brooch and a pin-hair flower.
The set has vintage buttons. Spring-ish, ha ?
Si cina : Pasta Primavera care incepe de la zero cu legume proaspete sau congelate : ciupercute ( yep!), ceapa rosie, ardei gras rosu, dovleac, fasole verde, broccoli, usturoi. Vin alb, sos de soia, busuioc, chilli.
Si cam asa arata in farfurie, ninsa cu parmezan, inainte de a disparea ca prin farmec, ha-ha...
And the dinner : Pasta Primavera made from scraps ( fresh and freezed vegetables) : mushrooms, red onion, red pepper, squash, beans, broccoli, garlic. Of course some white wine, soya sauce, basilicum and chilli pepper. And a last photo, "snowed" with parmiggiano, before disparition...LOL.
Miine e o alta zi...alte planuri...aceleasi vise. ;)
Tomorrow is another day...other plans...same dreams. ;)
Sunday, March 08, 2009
I've done it again
Cadoul pentru Mircea a fost finalizat oferit tot azi. Cu foarte mare intirziere, ziua lui a fost totusi la finele lui februarie...rusine mie!
Culori masculine ( apreciate pe deplin de el ) , fiecare patratzel cu povestea lui...amintiri din anii trecuti. Spatele alb, shifon. Vatelina de grosime 180 ! pfuuu...numai bratele mele stiu cit de greu se quiltuieste asa ceva. Daca va uitati cu atentie la spate, vedeti pe mijloc o "ramura " a la Patsy Thompson...dupa prima mi-am dat seama ca nu se potriveste acest model de quilting pentru un quilt mare. Asa ca am trecut la un stippling nici prea mare nici prea marunt ( cum "prost" imi sta mie in obicei sa fac micro-stippling pe orice)
Culmea : este tare ca o tabla...sper ca dupa prima spalare sa se inmoaie...toate quilturile mele de pina acum au finet ( flanel) pe spate si sunt moi, pufoase si foarte comfortabile....acesta este tare ca o tabla. Inca...;)
Mirceas' gift was finished today...and offered today , too. With such a great delay, still his birthday was at the end of february...shame on me!
Manlike colours ( fully apreciated by him ) , each square with its own story...memories from the past years. Back on white musslin . Batting thick as 180!...pfuuu only my arms know how hard is to quilt something like this. If you look carefully at the quilting on the bacl you'll notice at the middle a Patsy Thompson like "branch"...after finishing the first along the quilt I realized that it is not appropriated to a big quilt so I start some stippling...not too big-not too small ( small, as I have a bad habitude to make micro-stippling on everything).
Surprisingly it is hard as a piece of metal...I do hope that after first wash it will become soft ...all my other quilts have flannel ( white) on the back , that makes them soft and puffy and comfortable. This is piece of metal...still ! ;)
Apoi am meritat o plimbare prin gradina , sa miros primavara care sta sa apara...primele floricele salbatice ( nu le stiu denumirea ) si primele tije de narcise...
Then I worthed a garden walk to smell the spring that still is hidding on the corner...the first wild tiny flowers and the first daffodils leaves.
Puteti crede ce au facut cirtitzele pe gazonul nostru ???! cita munca ne asteapta...
Cine stie cum se poate scapa de ele ??
Can you believe what all those damn moles done on our grass ?? how much work waits us...
Who knows what should we do to get rid of them ???
Ca si incheiere am descoperit ca , in cazul meu, cel mai bun medicament care ma scoate din depresie este....gatitul sau coptul piinii! Acesta este rezultatul unei "sedinte" cam lungi . LOL. Intotdeauna incerc metode noi, cit mai rapide si mai acest caz am "prelucrat" reteta de la Piine Neframintata ( No-Knead bread). Simplu , rapid si foarte gustoasa.
As a closing to this post I must say that I discover the best medicine that get me out of depression sessions : cooking or making bread. This is the result of a some long-kind "session". LOL . I always make new (as simple and quickly as can be ) experiments on old bread making recipes is a personal "adnotation" at No-Knead Bread recipe. Simple, quick and Yummy....
Care este "medicamentul" vostru ?
What's yours medicine for getting out and smile again ?
Culori masculine ( apreciate pe deplin de el ) , fiecare patratzel cu povestea lui...amintiri din anii trecuti. Spatele alb, shifon. Vatelina de grosime 180 ! pfuuu...numai bratele mele stiu cit de greu se quiltuieste asa ceva. Daca va uitati cu atentie la spate, vedeti pe mijloc o "ramura " a la Patsy Thompson...dupa prima mi-am dat seama ca nu se potriveste acest model de quilting pentru un quilt mare. Asa ca am trecut la un stippling nici prea mare nici prea marunt ( cum "prost" imi sta mie in obicei sa fac micro-stippling pe orice)
Culmea : este tare ca o tabla...sper ca dupa prima spalare sa se inmoaie...toate quilturile mele de pina acum au finet ( flanel) pe spate si sunt moi, pufoase si foarte comfortabile....acesta este tare ca o tabla. Inca...;)
Mirceas' gift was finished today...and offered today , too. With such a great delay, still his birthday was at the end of february...shame on me!
Manlike colours ( fully apreciated by him ) , each square with its own story...memories from the past years. Back on white musslin . Batting thick as 180!...pfuuu only my arms know how hard is to quilt something like this. If you look carefully at the quilting on the bacl you'll notice at the middle a Patsy Thompson like "branch"...after finishing the first along the quilt I realized that it is not appropriated to a big quilt so I start some stippling...not too big-not too small ( small, as I have a bad habitude to make micro-stippling on everything).
Surprisingly it is hard as a piece of metal...I do hope that after first wash it will become soft ...all my other quilts have flannel ( white) on the back , that makes them soft and puffy and comfortable. This is piece of metal...still ! ;)
Apoi am meritat o plimbare prin gradina , sa miros primavara care sta sa apara...primele floricele salbatice ( nu le stiu denumirea ) si primele tije de narcise...
Then I worthed a garden walk to smell the spring that still is hidding on the corner...the first wild tiny flowers and the first daffodils leaves.
Puteti crede ce au facut cirtitzele pe gazonul nostru ???! cita munca ne asteapta...
Cine stie cum se poate scapa de ele ??
Can you believe what all those damn moles done on our grass ?? how much work waits us...
Who knows what should we do to get rid of them ???
Ca si incheiere am descoperit ca , in cazul meu, cel mai bun medicament care ma scoate din depresie este....gatitul sau coptul piinii! Acesta este rezultatul unei "sedinte" cam lungi . LOL. Intotdeauna incerc metode noi, cit mai rapide si mai acest caz am "prelucrat" reteta de la Piine Neframintata ( No-Knead bread). Simplu , rapid si foarte gustoasa.
As a closing to this post I must say that I discover the best medicine that get me out of depression sessions : cooking or making bread. This is the result of a some long-kind "session". LOL . I always make new (as simple and quickly as can be ) experiments on old bread making recipes is a personal "adnotation" at No-Knead Bread recipe. Simple, quick and Yummy....
Care este "medicamentul" vostru ?
What's yours medicine for getting out and smile again ?
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