Tuesday, March 17, 2009

a new garden with raised garden beds

Povestea mea incepe de la un teren plin de musuroaie de cirtite si o stiva de lemne - reciclate - taiate la dimensiune. Ei bine, vreau -nu vreau ,mai nou Goldie trebuie sa apara in fiecare poza pe care o fac ;) .

My story begins with a garden full of moles hills and some recycled wood, cut on proper dimensions.Well, you know, wanted or not, Goldie must appear in every photo I make. ;)

Deci : se iau 6 scinduri de 2 m si 6 de 1 m si coltarele si putina plasa de sirma, o gramada de cuie si ..la munca !

So, for beggining : you take 6 pieces of wood- 2 m long , and 6 of 1 m long, 4 corners and some wire-mesh, a bunch of nails and...start to work!

Dupa citeva degete lovite cu ciocanul si citeva ore iata cu ce te alegi : ( dupa masa de prinz m-am ales si cu ajutor, dupa cum vedeti ;) )
After some hammerd fingers and a few hours, here are the results : ( as you can see, after lunch I got some help, too ;) )

Am pus carton peste plasa de sirma, apoi fin uscat si de-abia pe urma am inceput sa umplu straturile cu pamint din musuroaie.....
I layered some cardboard on the bottom of the bed, then some decaying dry hay and at last the dirt from moles hills.

Hai sa va prezint anatomia unui musuroi ! Prima poza reprezinta un musuroi normal, chiar dragutz arhitectural, as spune...a doua m-a speriat de-a binelea! puteti sa va imaginati cit de GRASA e cirtita aceea daca a lasat o asa de mare gaura in pamint ?!! Sper sa nu ma intilnesc niciodata cu vreuna , fata in fata...nu sunt fricoasa dar nu cred ca ar fi o intilnire prea placuta...pentru ea ! LOL. ;)
Let me introduce you to the anatomy of a mole hill :
First photo seems to be a normal, quite pretty architectural hill...the second, just fraightened me : you just can't belive how FAT this mole has to be to let such a hole in the earth !!! I hope I'll never met one in person...I'm not a chicken but I don't think it will be a pleasant meeting...for her ! LOL.;)

Masa de prinz a fost...primavaratica ! salata mixta , dovlecei grill-uiti, peste si piine cracker. Sanatoasa si indestulatoare.
Apoi am continuat munca pentru ca vremea permitea...Cam 8 grade Celsius. Nu e usor sa bati atitea cuie...poate ca nu pare mare lucru , din poze, dar va asigura ca spatele meu a spus cu totul altceva seara in casa...
The lunch was...spring-ish ! mixed salad, greated zuchinni, white fish and cracker bread. Healthy and fullfilling.
Then we go out, continuing the work, because the weather was good. About 8 degrees - Celsius..
Let me tell you that it's not easy to hammer so many nails...it doesn't seem pretty much from the photos, but my back was telling something different at the end of the day.

Deci la sfirsitul zilei de munca, viitoarea mea gradina ( dati-mi voie sa o numesc astfel ) arata cam asa...In total vor fi 8 straturi , asezate simetric ,in patrat. Inca mai necesita foarte multa munca, multe roabe de pamint descarcate , multe lopeti de ridicat, multa durere de spate...ei bine, facem acest lucru doar acum, o data la inceput. Intrebati-ma mai bine: cine va sta in gradina asta mirosind florile sau sorbind dintr-o cafea sau ceai cu gheata in vara fierbinte ce vine? ei bine, stiti raspunsul : cine merita ! ;)
So, at the end of the day , the future garden ( let me named it so) looked like this...There it will be 8 garden beds, set simetrically in a square....I mean, this requires a lot more of wheelbarrows of dirt to be let in...a lot of shoveling, a lot of back pain...well, we'll do this just once: now. Ask me, who will sit near by,smelling flowers or sipping coffee or iced-tea in the next hot summer? well...you know the answer! who deserves it ! ;)
In primul strat, gata umplut, am si rasadit citeva rinduri de spanac, ridichi si ceapa rosie.E clar ca ma maninca degetele, nu ? abia astept sa se incalzeasca putin vremea...
In the first bed I already seeded some spinach, radishes and red onion. My fingers are itching, it's obviously...I'm anxious for warmer days...

In casa , paharele cu viitoarele rasaduri stau bine mersi, la caldurica...le verific zi de zi sa vad care rasare mai grabit!Deocamdata nici unul, inca este prea repede...au fost puse doar acum citeva zile...
Inside home, the seedlings pots are doing well, at warm...I check them day by day to see which raise first in hurry...untill now : none. It is too quick , yet.They have been put in just a few days ago...

Miine e o alta zi...nu ?
Tomorrow is another day, no ?


  1. o adevarata lectie de gradinarit pt mine! ...dar plasa trebuie sa aiba ochiuri destul de mici... presupun,... nu m-am gandit si la carton asfaltat... si la fan... este o investitie initiala... Multumesc Teodora!

  2. Am un singur cuvant pentru comentariu: AOLEUUUUU!!!! Elena

  3. Vai de spatele tau! Dar stiind ce urmeaza dupa atata munca, merita! Esti o harnica, asta este!Si perseverenta!

  4. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Si eu am un comentariu scurt: as fi vrut sa fiu acolo, sa te ajut, sa ridem impreuna de cartita daca aparea...O sa fie in regula straturile inaltate - abia astept sa le vad pline de legume.
    8 grade? E cald, aici toata saptamana nu a trecut de 6.



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