From Viviana : colour and joy
De la Dora : finetze-finetze...
From Dora : finesse-finesse...
De la Moni B : precum vedeti deja se contureaza un quiltuletz foarte..."foarte" :))
From Moni B. as you can see is already ready a very " very" small quilt ;))
De la Daniela : o felicitare dulce foc ascunsa intr-un saculetz cu ursuleti iar in rest atita culoare incit mi-a dat avint la lucru pentru azi ;))
From Daniela : a super-pretty post card hidded in a bear small bag and for the rest so much colour that she pushed me to work hard today ;))
Si ca sa vedeti ca nu spun povesti , uite ce table-mat s-a nascut azi
And to see that I'm not telling stories, look at the table-mat that was born today
si spatele
and the back of it
si un "ceva" mic pentru casa mea de Craciun
And a small "something" for my house for this Christmas
Si citeva poze din aceasta dimineata cu zapada proaspata