Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Surpriza nr. : 8 + 9 + 10 + 11

De la Viviana : culoare si veselie

From Viviana : colour and joy

De la Dora : finetze-finetze...

From Dora : finesse-finesse...

De la Moni B : precum vedeti deja se contureaza un quiltuletz foarte..."foarte" :))

From Moni B. as you can see is already ready a very " very" small quilt ;))

De la Daniela : o felicitare dulce foc ascunsa intr-un saculetz cu ursuleti iar in rest atita culoare incit mi-a dat avint la lucru pentru azi ;))

From Daniela : a super-pretty post card hidded in a bear small bag and for the rest so much colour that she pushed me to work hard today ;))

Si ca sa vedeti ca nu spun povesti , uite ce table-mat s-a nascut azi
And to see that I'm not telling stories, look at the table-mat that was born today

si spatele
and the back of it

si un "ceva" mic pentru casa mea de Craciun
And a small "something" for my house for this Christmas

Si citeva poze din aceasta dimineata cu zapada proaspata

And some fresh-snow pictures from this morning :

Monday, November 12, 2007

Alte surprize 5+6+7

Azi am mai primit 3 plicuri pline cu surprize !! de la Ioana, Elena si Smaranda.
Today I received another 3 envelopes full of surprises!! from Ioana, Elena and Smaranda...
De la Ioana ...cita finetze !
From delicate!

De la Elena .... cita culoare, cite idei....mi-a placut mult nasturelul cu Brothers ;)))
From Elena...what a colour, how many ideas...I love the little button with Brothers ;)))

De la Smaranda ...cita ELEGANTA .
From Smaranda : how elegant !

Si de la mine ;)) , am mai facut un bloculetz de Craciun : Verde-Auriu . Am folosit metoda rapida a lui Eleanor Burns pentru Drumul Betivanului - aplique prin lipire.
And from me ;)) I made another small Christmas block : Golden-Green.
I used the Eleanor Burns speed technique for fused -applique of Drunkard path.

Si miine e o alta zi....
And tomorrow is another day....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Surpriza din Noiembrie - 3+4

Azi am primit alte doua plicuri cu Surprize : de la Ena si de la Adina.
De la Ena : floricelele mov si cele din macrame sunt minunate, atit de fine...
Today I received another two surprise envelopes from Ena and from Adina.
From Ena, this one, with so fine purple flowers and macrame ones...

De la Adina: niste micute paneluri de Craciun, materiale minunate, dantelutze si banda bias sa pot practica diferite metode de coasere a ei .
From Adina : some small and cute Christmas panels, wonderfull fabrics , laces and bias tape to practice different methods of sewing it.

Si a inceput perioada piinii facute in casa....un broscoi de paiine, calda, crocanta gata scoasa din cuptor....
And from today started the bread baking perioud...a hot, crunchy just pop-out of the oven bread...

Si seara o cina de rasfat : ciupercute umplute cu ceapa rosie si cas de oaie...
And a special dinner : stuffed mushrooms with red onions and sheep cheese...

Gata de papat in combinatie cu cirnaciori wienezi in sos de bere...
Ready to eat along some wienner sausages in beer sauce...

ce zi minunata...
What a wonderfull day...

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Intre timp am facut un nou quilt. Din tafta si brocart...
Din pacate mi-a adus foarte multa tristete in suflet...din motive personale.
Meanwhile I made a whole new quilt, from fancy materials.
Unfortunately it brings a lot of sadness in my soul...personal reasons....

Part of it

Quiltingul vazut pe spate
The quilting work seen better on the back of it :

Si ca seara sa se incheie totusi frumos am facut reteta lui Jamie Oliver : Tagliatelle with a ragu of tiny meatballs...bineinteles linga un pahar de vin rosu. Yeap ;))
And for the evening to end anyway in a nice mood I made Jamie's Oliver recipe : Tagliatelle with a ragu of tiny meatballs...of course with some red wine...Yeap ;))

Miine e o alta zi ....
Tomorrow is another day...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Surpriza din Noiembrie - 2

Azi am primit un colet cu adevarat surpriza din partea Marianei Tugui.
Multumesc , Mariana !
O dantela ca un vis,un material care va fi un quiltuletz micutz in curind ;)), fundite stralucitoare, paiete si margelutze asortate, atze....oh, cite atze!! sa tot cos acum ;)).
Citeva rinduri cu o caligrafie de invidiat...

Today I received a really surprize package from Mariana Tugui.
Thank you, Mariana !
A lace of dream, a piece of fabric that soon will be a small quilt ;)), shining ribbons, sequins and assorted beads, threads...oh, how much thread !! I have enough to sew from now on ;))
And a few lines with a calligraphy to covet for...

...dar surpriza cea mare au fost acesti papucei de casa facuti chiar de Mariana !!! si dupa cum vedeti deja sunt pusi la lucru ;)) Calzi si colorati cu pompomi rafinati care m-au facut sa-mi aduc aminte de copilarie...eram innebunita dupa pom-pomi...i-as fi pus pe orice! nu sunt deloc pisicoasa, ba dimpotriva fac alergie la pisici :))
...but the biggest surprise were this slippers handmade by Mariana!! and as you see they are already put to work ;)) Warm and coloured with fine pompoms that make me remember my childhood...when I was nuts for pompoms...I was using them almost on everything! hmmm...and I'm not at all a pussycat... I'm allergic at cats :))

Pfuiii...da' ce bine-mi vin!!! super ! good they fit on ! super!

Ha-ha...vedeti ce minuni face un schimb intre prietene ?? in primul rind ma face pe mine sa postez zilnic ;)) you see how wonderfull is a between-friend swap ? ? first of all it makes me post every single day ;))

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Surpriza din Noiembrie - 1

Azi am primit primul plic din schimbul Surpriza din Noiembrie, schimb facut in cadrul grupului Peticelul International .
Multumesc, Ela!! nastureii aceia sunt atit de simpatici ;)) iar din restul in mod sigur voi face ceva dragutz. Imi place mult materialul pe fond inchis..deja am idei pentru el!

Today I received the first envelope from the swap November Surprise that is hold by my group Peticelul International .
Thank you , Ela!! those buttons are so cute ;)) and from the rest I will certainly do something nice. I love the dark fabric...I'm already dreaming at something for it.

Afara... o toamna rece, intens colorata....
Outside... a cold autumn, intense coloured...

Saturday, November 03, 2007


El este Fluffy...cadoul pentru Arabella ( lucrat si acesta in mare secret ;)) )

This is Fluffy....a birthday gift for Arabella ( also worked in great secret ;)) )

"Colturile" ( prairie-points ) care ii plac ei atit de mult...

The "corners" ( prairie-points) that she loves so much...

Sper sa-i fie "aproape" tot restul vietii ...

Hope that Fluffy to be close to her heart for the rest of the life...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Christmas in october??

Pentru ca in ultimul timp lucrez la proiecte patchwork care nu pot fi dezvaluite ,pot doar sa va arat cum dintr-o mica greseala de croi s-a nascut o mica fata de masa cu "aroma" de Craciun....chiar daca suntem inca in Octombrie...Aceasta a fost ieri :

Because lately I'm working on some patchwork projects that cannot be revealed, I just can show you how -from a small cutting error- was born, after, a small table-mat with Christmas "flavour"... even it's only october...This was yesterday :

Si aceasta a fost azi ;)) - aceasta are primul binding din panglica decorativa pus vreodata de nu e greu deloc ;))-
And this from today ;)) - this has my first decorative ribbon binding ever...not difficult at all ;)) -

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Quiltul soacrei ;))

Un quilt-rapid pentru aniversarea de 70 ani , din noiembrie, a soacrei mele ;))
An quick-quilt, for the 70th anniversary - in november - of my mother-in-law ;))

Detaliu de quilting :

Quilting detail :

Spatele :
The back :

O pretioasa carte postala textila primita de la Smaranda ( Franta ) .
An extremely precious textile post-card received from Smaranda ( France) :

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Macii Albertei+ crochet

Si pentru ca surpriza s-a consumat in totalitate, acum va pot arata quiltul lucrat in septembrie, cadou pentru cei 20 ani ai fetei noastre cea mica :))
Macii Albertei
Fata :
And because the surprise is already consumated, now I can show you the quilt I worked in september as a present for the 20 th anniversary of our "little girl": ))
Alberta's Popies
The top :

Spatele si un detaliu :
The back of it and a detail :

Intre timp mi-am facut o multime de prietene noi pe forumul Lucru de mina care mi-au reaprins pasiunea de a croseta. Iata rezultatul cind in jurul tau ai atitea prietene :
Meanwhile I made myself a lot of new friends on the Lucru de mina forum, friends that fired again in me the passion for crochet. Here is the result when someone is surrounded with friends :

So...quite a busy month...

Monday, August 20, 2007

citeva poze din concediu

Rosarium in Baden - Austria :

The Rosarium in Baden - Osterreich :

Geneva, pe malul lacului, obosita si ...infrigurata

Geneve ( Genf) , on the lake side, tired and ...chilly.

Mircea mi-a facut cadou mult-dorita carte a lui Jamie, o amintire nepretuita din Geneva. Sunt un mare fan al lui ;))

Mircea did me a long-time whished present : Jamie's book. I,m a big fan of him ;))

In Dornbirn...ador dafinul!!

In Dornbin...I love the laurel tree !!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

hand quilting

Another face of a sweet memory.
Cum afara este o canicula in toata puterea cuvintului ma ascund in fotoliu si cos...toata ziua. Am o fata de perna, cu multa dantela, mostenita de la bunica mea, veche-veche , atit de veche incit , chiar daca o tineam in cutia cu amintiri dragi, a devenit fragila pe alocuri si se rupe. Vroiam sa pastrez cumva amintirea bunicii si totodata sa imi las amprenta pe ea in vreun fel...asa incit am ales cea mai buna bucata din ea, am facut-o sandwich si am inceput sa quiltuiesc manual. Nu e o idee buna ?

As outside is an extremely hot weather, I just hide myself in my favorite armchair and I sew... all the day. I have an old pillow cover from my grandmother, which is so old that even kept in my memories box, it began to ripe all over. I would like to keep over time this sweet memory some way and also to put my fingerprint on, I choose to cut out the best part of it, make a sandwich of and began hand quilting... Isn't it a good ideea??

Inca nu e gata... si va ramine doar ce se vede in poza, deci un bloc micut aprox. 15" x 15"... Din cauza tensionarii materialul gindesc sa adaug cumva la bordura dantela crosetata manual care facea parte din vechea fata de perna.... vom vedea rezultatul...
It's not ready will remain what you see in the picture, just a small block,aprox: 15" x 15". Due to the tensioning, the fabric is really suffering. I'm thinking to add somehow in the border a part of the hand-made lace that belong to the old pillow cover...we'll se the result...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

another table runner : PLUM

Zilele trecute am terminat un nou table runner. Cu un aer de antichitate, m-a cucerit cu totul...In ultimul timp tot ce termin imi place la nebunie...dar viata isi spune cuvintul si l-am scos la vinzare.
Last days I finished this new table runner. With an antique-ish look, I felt in love with it....Lately I'm in love with all I finish....but life has its tribute so I put it on sale.

Unicat. Dimensiuni : 22 inch x 47 inch ( aprox. 56 cm X 121 cm) Fata : bumbac, umplutura : bumbac, spatele flanel alb. Cusut cu masina, quiltuit cu masina.

Unique. Dimensions : 22" x 47 "( aprox. 56 cm x 121 cm). Top:cotton, batting:cotton, back in white flanel. Machine pieced, machine quilted.
Spatele in flanel alb.
The back on white flanell - non-slippery.
L-am numit PLUM ( pruna)...
I named it PLUM....


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