Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Surpriza din Noiembrie - 2

Azi am primit un colet cu adevarat surpriza din partea Marianei Tugui.
Multumesc , Mariana !
O dantela ca un vis,un material care va fi un quiltuletz micutz in curind ;)), fundite stralucitoare, paiete si margelutze asortate, atze....oh, cite atze!! sa tot cos acum ;)).
Citeva rinduri cu o caligrafie de invidiat...

Today I received a really surprize package from Mariana Tugui.
Thank you, Mariana !
A lace of dream, a piece of fabric that soon will be a small quilt ;)), shining ribbons, sequins and assorted beads, threads...oh, how much thread !! I have enough to sew from now on ;))
And a few lines with a calligraphy to covet for...

...dar surpriza cea mare au fost acesti papucei de casa facuti chiar de Mariana !!! si dupa cum vedeti deja sunt pusi la lucru ;)) Calzi si colorati cu pompomi rafinati care m-au facut sa-mi aduc aminte de copilarie...eram innebunita dupa pom-pomi...i-as fi pus pe orice! nu sunt deloc pisicoasa, ba dimpotriva fac alergie la pisici :))
...but the biggest surprise were this slippers handmade by Mariana!! and as you see they are already put to work ;)) Warm and coloured with fine pompoms that make me remember my childhood...when I was nuts for pompoms...I was using them almost on everything! hmmm...and I'm not at all a pussycat... I'm allergic at cats :))

Pfuiii...da' ce bine-mi vin!!! super ! good they fit on ! super!

Ha-ha...vedeti ce minuni face un schimb intre prietene ?? in primul rind ma face pe mine sa postez zilnic ;)) you see how wonderfull is a between-friend swap ? ? first of all it makes me post every single day ;))


  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Sa porti sanatoasa papuceii si Mariana sa traiasca !Tare mai sunt frumusei!!

  2. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Vai, ce draguti sunt!!!!!!!!Si pom-pom-ul ala e asa de simpatic! O sa iti prinda bine iarna asta.




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