Monday, October 29, 2007

Christmas in october??

Pentru ca in ultimul timp lucrez la proiecte patchwork care nu pot fi dezvaluite ,pot doar sa va arat cum dintr-o mica greseala de croi s-a nascut o mica fata de masa cu "aroma" de Craciun....chiar daca suntem inca in Octombrie...Aceasta a fost ieri :

Because lately I'm working on some patchwork projects that cannot be revealed, I just can show you how -from a small cutting error- was born, after, a small table-mat with Christmas "flavour"... even it's only october...This was yesterday :

Si aceasta a fost azi ;)) - aceasta are primul binding din panglica decorativa pus vreodata de nu e greu deloc ;))-
And this from today ;)) - this has my first decorative ribbon binding ever...not difficult at all ;)) -

1 comment:

  1. As vrea sa gresesc si eu ca tine si sa-mi iasa lucruri asa frumoase! Elena



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