Thursday, November 08, 2007


Intre timp am facut un nou quilt. Din tafta si brocart...
Din pacate mi-a adus foarte multa tristete in suflet...din motive personale.
Meanwhile I made a whole new quilt, from fancy materials.
Unfortunately it brings a lot of sadness in my soul...personal reasons....

Part of it

Quiltingul vazut pe spate
The quilting work seen better on the back of it :

Si ca seara sa se incheie totusi frumos am facut reteta lui Jamie Oliver : Tagliatelle with a ragu of tiny meatballs...bineinteles linga un pahar de vin rosu. Yeap ;))
And for the evening to end anyway in a nice mood I made Jamie's Oliver recipe : Tagliatelle with a ragu of tiny meatballs...of course with some red wine...Yeap ;))

Miine e o alta zi ....
Tomorrow is another day...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Quiltul e foarte, foarte frumos!
    Si numele i se potriveste perfect!



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