De cind am descoperit firul Bossanova, hypoalergenic - deci mai mult decit perfect pentru mine ;) - nu ma mai pot opri din tricotat esarfe. De data aceasta va arat ultimele doua .
Gri -cenusa, o culoare superba care se potriveste minunat la gitul unei doamne cu parul grizonat . Poate sa fie si o tinara cu buzele vopsite in rosu aprins ;) .
Moale, pufoasa si atit de usoara....un vis....poate fi purtata in diferite moduri : esarfa simpla prinsa cu brosa accesoriu ( din imagine ) , innodata in jurul gitului, aruncata peste un umar sau atirnind lung in fata....dispozitia voastra este cea care o "modeleaza"...esarfa doar va pune in valoare frumusetea. ;)
Since I discovered the Bossanova thread, hypolargenic - more than perfect for me ;) - I can't stop from knitting scarves. This time I'll show you the last two I've made.
Ash-Grey, a beautiful color that suits wonderfully a grey-hair lady. It can be also a young lady with painted red lips.
Lightweight, fluffy....a can be worn in several ways, simple as any scarf closed with the brooch ( in the image ) , knotted around the neck, flip over the shoulder,etc....your mood "models" it ....the scarves only show out the best of you . ;)
si una mov care se potriveste unei tinere cu parul roscat si eventual citiva pistrui ;)
vine deasemenea insotita de o brosa realizata de mine.
and a purple one ....that suits well on a red-hair women ..eventually with some speckles ;)
it also comes accompanied by a brooch - made by tiktakro .
Apoi , am re-facut modelul de sal negru cu volane din voal. 2 metri lungime per 56 cm latime .
Chiar daca munca depusa a fost imensa ( surfilatul marginilor cu pas minim, rulat, pentru 55m lungime ) mi-a facut o deosebita placere sa il vad la il asez pe Monique - manechinul meu care, chiar daca nu are brate, a incercat sa redea cit mai bine frumusetea lui .
Then I re-made the black ruflled shawl on veil. 2 meters long by 56 cm width.
Even that the work for making it was tremendous ( over-locking along 55 meters with minimal stitch ) I was extremely pleased to see it finished. I love the way it covers Monique - even that my dummy doesn't have arms - and show off the entire beauty of it.
Acum ma gindesc la un sal de culoarea ciocolatei....voi ce spuneti ? sau imi sugerati alta culoare care s-ar potrivi acestui model ?
Apropo : toate produsele le gasiti in magazinul meu, active sau vindute ;).
I'm thinking now at a shawl in chocolate color ....what do you think about ? do you suggest another one that suits this pattern ?
By the way : all these products you can find in my shop, among active listings or sold. ;)