Friday, September 30, 2011

two new scarves and a shawl

De cind am descoperit firul Bossanova, hypoalergenic - deci mai mult decit perfect pentru mine ;) - nu ma mai pot opri din tricotat esarfe. De data aceasta va arat ultimele doua . 
Gri -cenusa, o culoare superba care se potriveste minunat la gitul unei doamne cu parul grizonat . Poate sa fie si o tinara cu buzele vopsite in rosu aprins ;) . 
Moale, pufoasa si atit de usoara....un vis....poate fi purtata in diferite moduri : esarfa simpla prinsa cu brosa accesoriu ( din imagine ) , innodata in jurul gitului, aruncata peste un umar sau atirnind lung in fata....dispozitia voastra este cea care o "modeleaza"...esarfa doar va pune in valoare frumusetea. ;)

Since I discovered the Bossanova thread, hypolargenic - more than perfect for me ;) - I can't stop from knitting scarves. This time I'll show you the last two I've made.
Ash-Grey, a beautiful color that suits wonderfully a grey-hair lady. It can be also a young lady with painted red lips. 
Lightweight, fluffy....a can be worn in several ways, simple as any scarf closed with the brooch ( in the image ) , knotted around the neck, flip over the shoulder,etc....your mood "models" it ....the scarves only show out the best of you . ;)
si una mov care se potriveste unei tinere cu parul roscat si eventual citiva pistrui ;)
vine deasemenea insotita de o brosa realizata de mine.
and a purple one ....that suits well on a red-hair women ..eventually with some speckles ;)
it also comes accompanied by a brooch - made by tiktakro . 

Apoi , am re-facut modelul de sal negru cu volane din voal. 2 metri lungime per 56 cm latime . 
Chiar daca munca depusa a fost imensa ( surfilatul marginilor cu pas minim, rulat, pentru 55m lungime ) mi-a facut o deosebita placere sa il vad la il asez pe Monique - manechinul meu care, chiar daca nu are brate, a incercat sa redea cit mai bine frumusetea lui . 

Then I re-made the black ruflled shawl on veil. 2 meters long by 56 cm width.  
Even that the work for making it was tremendous ( over-locking along 55 meters with minimal stitch  ) I was extremely pleased to see it finished. I love the way it covers Monique - even that my dummy doesn't have arms - and show off the entire beauty of it. 


Acum ma gindesc la un sal de culoarea ciocolatei....voi ce spuneti ? sau imi sugerati alta culoare care s-ar potrivi acestui model ? 
Apropo : toate produsele le gasiti in magazinul meu, active sau vindute ;). 
I'm thinking now at a shawl in chocolate color ....what do you think about ? do you suggest another one that suits this pattern ? 
By the way : all these products you can find in my shop, among active listings or sold. ;)

two contests, two prizes = lucky me ! :D

In luna august am participat pe forum, la concursul intitulat "Cea mai frumoasa lucrare a lunii ", cu acest table runner :

In August I participated on forum , in the contest " The most beautiful work of the month ", with this table-runner : 

si am cistigat locul II . Mare fericire ! 
Azi am primit prin posta, prin intermediul lui GabyErika ( multumesc! ) premiul  constind in lina Bossanova  - pentru esarfele mele , o insigna si un breloc cu insemnele forumului din care fac parte. 

and I won the second place. Happy dance for a day ! :D
Today I received, by mail with the help of GabyErika ( thank you ! ) the prize which consist in Bossanova threads - for my scarves,  a brooch and a keyholder with the forum inscriptions. 

Al doilea concurs organizat in forum a fost cu ocazia Zilelor Internationale ale Tattingului , concurs in care m-am inscris si eu chiar daca nivelul meu este, inca, de incepator in tatting. Am participat cu Geanta de seara - Frivolite Albastru  alaturi de avansate in aceasta tehnica  si spre surpriza mea maxima am cistigat locul I. 

The second competition organised in the forum was about Tatting Days, where I joined in, even that I am still a beginner in tatting. I entered my Blue Tatted Drawstring bag in the competition among the works of a few advanced tatters  and to my great surprise I won the first place. 

Premiul consta in fire si navete pentru tatting - surpriza ! :D
Am fost tare norocoasa luna aceasta, nu-i asa ?
The prize consist of threads and shuttles for tatting - surprise ! :D
I was so lucky this month, wasn't I ? 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

embroidery and nuts. Wallnuts .

Recent m-am alaturat acestui proiect de lunga durata cu intentia de a broda ,pentru Craciun, asa ceva :
I recently joined SewHappy Christmas Sewalong  for embroidering this : 

Sunt convinsa ca va arata minunat pe semineul meu . Si apoi nu e niciodata prea repede sa te pregatesti de Craciun, nu-i asa ? :D
I'm absolutely sure that it will look marvelous over my fireplace, too. And I think it's never too early to prepare for Christmas, isnt' it ? :D

Ei bine, ieri am primit primul block, asa ca mi-am pregatit toate cele necesare
Well, yesterday I received the first block instructions so I gathered all I need to start
apoi am transferat modelul pe o bucata de pinza alba 
then I transferred the model on a piece of white muslin 

apoi am asezat pinza pe o bucata de vatelina identica ca dimensiuni cu pinza alba 
then I make the sandwich with wadding

si am inceput sa cos cu mare placere.... 
Mi-am amintit de un Craciun trecut cind dragii mei au primit astea : 
and started to embroider so happilly...
remembering a past Christmas when my dears received these : 

Astazi dimineata primul meu bloc arata asa ( inca neterminat ) fi o frumusete . Deja sunt nerabdatoare pentru vinerea viitoare cind blocul nr. 2 va fi afisat. 
Puteti sa va alaturati si voi acestui proiect, este GRATIS. Aici : 
this morning my first block look like this ( still unfinished ) will be a beauty. I'm already anxious for the next Friday to come when the block nr. 2 will be released. 
You can join in , too , it's FREE . Here : 

Si acum despre toamna si despre recoltele ei bogate....aici aveti doar o mica parte din bunatatile din aceasta toamna....asa ca sa le cuprind pe toate
And now something about autumn and her rich you can see only a small part of them, just to show a part of each

unele nuci trebuie decojite 
some nuts have to be peeled
 adica cu un cutit se face o crestatura in coaja verde si cu o miscare scurta laterala se afla daca e coapta sau nu 
which means that with a small knife you make a slit on the green cover and with a short lateral move you can tell if it's ripe or not
aceasta este coapta , se desface usor si iese o nuca curata, alba...
this is ripe and you get a white, clean nut...
altele sunt deja crapate la momentul culesului , se desfac usor si ies nuci care trebuie spalate
others are already cracked at picking time and you get out some nuts that need some washing
si altele care nu vor nicicum sa se desfaca....
and some that are not ready yet for peeling 

dar acestea au un miez care este ATIT de bun de mincat crud, depielitat....miez de nuci verzi ;), asa : 
but these have such a good core for eating walnuts. Like so : 

Este deja toamna....sunt atit de bucuroasa, pentru ca IUBESC toamna. Voi ?
It's already autumn....I'm so happy for it, because I LOVE autumn. Do you ? 


Friday, September 23, 2011

the story of the blue tatted evening pouch

 Povestea gentutei de seara Frivolite Albastru.
The story of the Blue tatted evening pouch
Totul a inceput de aici, de la acest model gasit intr-o revista
Everything started from here, from this model found on a magazine

in alegerea mea, cu ata albastru electric, modelul arata asa : 
in my thread choice - electric blue - the model looks like this

apoi a inceput sa creasca si sa creasca ....
and then it grows and grows...

Apoi a urmat constructia saculetului propriu zis din saten burgund inchis, cu captuseala interioara identica, cu intaritura termocolanta pe treimea de jos. Apoi am cusut banda de frivolite care - in optica mea - "cerea" ceva...margelute, paiete....moment de grea decizie...
Then followed the real construction of the so named pouch . Made in dark burgundy saten, with identical interior lining and fusible insert. Then I sewed the frivolite lace that - in my opinion - "asked" for something like beads, confetti....hard time for a decision....

Apoi am taiat jos margelutele ...."mai putin inseamna mai mult" este o regula de aur pentru mine ;)
Then I cut out the beads just because for me the saying "less is more" is a golden one ;)

Totusi gentuta era prea decis sa ii adaug o alta banda de frivolite sus la gura. De data aceasta o banda a iesit prea ingusta asa ca m-am vazut nevoita sa o "largesc" ...fara model, doar niste lanturi si inele. Am invatat cu ocazia aceasta tehnica "shuttle joint" si " ring on chain" . Simpatice tehnici, sunt incintata sa invat lucruri noi oricind.
Dantela rezultata se infoaie si se ridica dupa propria ei vointa atunci cind saculetul este strins la gura .  
Still , the bag was too simple....I decided to add another thin border at the was too thin so that I have to make it pattern, just some simple chains and rings on chains....I learnt at this point the "shuttle joint" and the "ring on chain" technique. Pretty nice, I'm happy to learn new things anytime. 
The resulted lace pouf out and moves by her own desire when the pouch is string-closed. 

Aceasta este. Sper sa va placa . :)
So this is it. Hope you like it :). 

Friday, September 16, 2011

tatting ..again ;)

Ei bine, tatting-ul nu este dragoste de-o vara....uite ca a venit si toamna si eu inca innod.....
o pereche de cercei in culoarea mea preferata. Cu mici margelute seed-beads. Agatatori cuprate. 
Well, tatting isn't an one summer love....autumn is already here and I'm still making knots....
A pair of earrings in my favorite color. Small seed-beads added. ( it's a first try , must learn better beading ) . Copper hooks.  
Si pentru ca am invatat din patchwork sa folosesc orice UFO ;) , din resturi si incercari nereusite am "adunat " aceasta brosa . Fir poliamida - auriu si bumbac - verde. Pina acum este brosa mea preferata. Delicata asa cum numai o dantela frivolite poate sa fie....
And because I learnt from patchwork to use every UFO that I have, from some scraps and unsuccessful pieces I gathered together in a pretty much my favorite brooch. Polyamide golden thread  and green cotton. As delicate as a frivolite lace can be....

Ieri am incercat si un alt fel de fir, Flavia, mult mai gros decit firele pt frivolite, in incercarea de a da "corp" urmatorului set , Simply Black.  
And yesterday I tried another kind of thread, much thicker than regular tatting thread , to give some "body" for the next set , named Simply Black. Upset that I can't find good tatting thread in my's still a lost art here....So sad. 

Padantivul este agatat pe o baza de colier din sirma siliconata, neagra, cu inchidere surub din inox. Cerceii au agatatoare din inox. Piesele sunt egale ca marime, au diametrul de 4,5cm . 
The pendant is mounted on a siliconed wire black base , with a inox twist closing. The earrings have inox hooks. All pieces are equal in size, 4,5cm diameter. 

Si cum viata mai consta si in treburi casnice, uite ce a aterizat in bucataria mea  ;). Sunt fericita, au aparut din nou ciupercile in zona noastra...Deja la ora aceasta sunt curatate, taiate si congelate. Atit de gustoase... 
And as life compress some household chores, look what landed in my kitchen this morning. ;) . I'm SO happy that mushrooms appear again in my part of country....Already cleaned, chopped and in the freezer. 
So yummy....

Sa ne auzim cu bine !
See you !

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

a corner of my home

Ma bate gindul sa va arat , din timp in timp, cite un colt din casa mea....un colt drag....
Incep cu acesta care este de fapt un colt, atipic, din ..bucataria mea total atipica ..ha-ha !
I'm thinking to show you, from time to time, a corner of my home ...a dear corner to me....
I'm starting with this one which in fact is an atypical corner in my...totally atypical kitchen . LOL.

de fapt, in intregime coltul respectiv arata asa ...poate intr-o zi am sa va arat si coltul diametral opus ;)
actually, the whole corner looks like this....maybe some day I'll show you the opposite one....

Petrec un timp minunat intre noile mele prietene de pe forumul Hobby handmade . Ma simt bine in familia aceasta mica, calda si iubitoare. Ca dovada am primit luna trecuta o diploma pentru o lucrare patchwork....
I'm spending a great time between my new friends on Hobby Handmade forum. I feel good in this small , warm and loving family. As a proof I can show you the diploma I received last month for a patchwork piece. 

Va invit sa va alaturati noua, gasiti butonul activ in bara din dreapta a blogului mod sigur veti fi cucerite de paleta larga de hobby-uri si de atmosfera prieteneasca plina de activitate...haideti, va asteptam ! suntem bucuroase de noi prietene, de noi idei....
I invite you to join us, you can find the active button in the right side of my blog...I'm sure you'll be charmed by the large palette of hobbies and of the warm, friendly atmosphere....Come on, we'll wait for you! we are always happy to meet new friends with new ideeas....
Si pentru ca tot pe acest forum am invatat sa lucrez frivolite ( sau tatting ) am sa va arat doua "noutati" ;)
O pereche de cercei ( lucrati cu naveta ) cu aroma de smeura coapta si atingeri de catifea...Simplitate prin excelenta ,sau invers.. cum va place ! ;) diametrul 4cm . Ii gasiti si in magazinul meu  ;)
And because on this forum I learned to make frivolite lace ( or tatting ) I'll show you two new pieces ;)
A pair of earings ( shuttle worked ) that carry a ripened raspberry aroma and velvet touch....Simplicity by excellence or in reverse.. as you like ! ;).  4cm diameter . 

si a doua "noutate " ( neterminata inca )  : o piesa la care lucrez pentru concursul "Tatting" din luna septembrie de pe forum , piesa care trebuie sa fie finalizata si prezentata pina in data de 24.
Pot sa va spun doar ca NU este o bijuterie si NU este un mileu :D  Va las, fara nici un alt indiciu, in asteptarea finalului....:)
And the second new piece ( unfinished yet ) : a piece that I work for the Tatting contest on the forum, piece that must be finished and presented until 24 of September.
All I can say now is that it isn't a jewelry nor a doily. I let you without any other clue, waiting for the final ....;)

Afara ploua si s-a racorit putin....o vreme tocmai buna de lucrat mai departe....Spor in tot ce faceti !
Outside is raining and chilled down....a pretty good weather to work on further.....Have luck in everything you do !


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