Thursday, May 26, 2011

nature and free-motion love

Dragoste pentru natura...
Am fost intotdeauna atrasa de natura prin forme, linii si culori.....
mereu imi spun ca odata si-odata voi folosi aceastea in lucrarile mele. Pina atunci adun idei si imagini.
Love for nature .
I'm always attracted to new shapes , lines and colours from nature....
always thinking that someday I might use these in my work. Still gathering ideas and pictures until then.

Dragostea pentru fructe.
Pe zi ce trece, ciresele devin din ce in ce mai rosii....
Love for fruits. 
Day by day the cherries are becoming more and more red...

la fel si capsunii 
as strawberries do

Dragoste pentru flori. 
Nu am "degete verzi" pentru ma pune sa insamintez ceva , nu va rasari decit printr-o minune. 
Am in schimb "talent" la pomi, arbusti decorativi sau trandafiri....adica cam asa ceva:  
Love for flowers. 
I haven't green fingers at all for flowers...don't put me to seed something pretty because just with a miracle will rise ...I have green fingers for flowered bushes, trees or roses...something like this :

citeva dintre flori le-am adus in interior ca sa ma bucur de parfumul lor ...citeva in bucatarie 
some flowers I must take inside for that delighfuly fragrance ...some in the kitchen

 si citeva in sufragerie 
and some in the dining

Vorbind de sufragerie...iarasi m-am lasat dusa de val intr-un table-runner .
Am pornit de aici :
Speaking of dining....I let myself go again for a table runner .
Started from here :

Am ajuns aici : 
I get here :

Un table-runner lung ( 115 cm x 38 cm ) care arata bine oricum 
A long table runner ( 115cm x 38cm ) that looks good in any circumstances

Astept cu nerabdare sa infloreasca adevaratele margarete din gradina....pina atunci pot doar sa visez :
I am waiting for the real daisies to bloom in the garden...untill then I'm just dreaming : 

Dragostea pentru free-motion. Punct. ;)
Love for free-motion. Dot . ;)


Va place ? il gasiti in magazin AICI .

Do you like it ? 

Monday, May 23, 2011

another one

Imi merge chef de cusut si nu numai atit : si finalizez ceea ce cos. :))
I'm feeling great...I am eager to sew and also I do finish what I sew. :))

Dintr-o mina de bucatele de materiale superbe RobertKaufman, primite ca deobicei de la Geta , am facut un joc de triunghiuri echilaterale in doua culori : rosu si crem . Materialele au irizatii aurii . 
From a handfull of scraps - RobertKaufman- received as usually from Geta , I set ups some red and cream equilateral triangles. The fabric has golden accents. 

Partea cea mai placuta a fost , bineinteles, quiltingul . Am inceput cu un quiltuing liniar cu piciorusul walking-foot, dar am trecut la dragostea mea cea mare : free-motion-ul . Sus ata YLI Invisible Thread Transparent, dedesubt ata de bumbac alba .
The most pleasant part was , of course, the quilting. I started with some liniar quilting with the walking-foot but quickly I pass on to my great love : free-motion. I use for the up side YLI Invisible Thread Clear and in the bobin white cotton thread. 

Il gasiti in magazin, aici. 
Do you like it ? 

Red&Cream triangles

Acum stau si ma joc cu cutia mea umila cu resturi ...imi stirneste imaginatia si cheful de lucru . Ador resturile de materiale ! 
Now I play with my humble scrap stash box. It sets my imagination and desire to sew on fire. I LOVE fabric scraps !

Sunday, May 22, 2011

a hint of red

Un table-runner cu putin rosu
A table-runner with a hint of red

Pentru ca minte imi statea la rosul aprins al capsunilor 
Just because my mind was set on strawberries red 

...m-am apucat sa cos ceva. Ceva cu putin rosu . 
....So I start to sew...something. Something with a hint of red .

apoi sa quiltuiesc
then to quilt 
si la final, dintr-o mica greseala de taiere am avut parte si de cusut manual ( binding-ul ) . O adevarata placere cusutul manual. Mi-e dor sa cos cu mina un proiect ca acesta
And because I wrong cut the width of the binding I have the pleasure to sew it by hand on the back . A real pleasure .  (I miss to work by hand on a project like this

in final arata asa ( 85cm x 32cm , patratul de 32cm latura) :
Finished , looks like this ( 33,5" x 12,5", the square 12,5"  : 

Afara este un ocean de culori, flori si parfumuri 

Outside is an ocean of perfumes, colours and flowers 


si un cer ciudat
and a very strange sky 

Acum ca apetitul pentru cusut s-a deschis, mai aruncati cite o privire pe aici pentru alte noutati ....cine stie ce urmeaza ? :D
Now that my appetite is open for sewing, keep an eye here for more news...who knows what's next ? :D

Monday, May 16, 2011

goodies from the garden

Bunatati din gradina. Ridichi si spanac . Ambele baby. Crocante si suculente. Gustoase...
Goodies from the garden. Radishes and spinach. Both baby. Crunchy and juicy. Yummy....
 Ceapa si sparanghel. La fel de crocante si de gustoase ;)
Green onions and asparagus. The same crunchy-ness and yummy-ness ;)

Primele virfuri de sparanghel erau movulii...le-am "descoperit" cu mare bucurie dupa un an de asteptari...
The first shots of asparagus were purple...such a joy to see them after a year of waiting...

apoi pe masura ce se inalta devin verzi 
then, during growth, became green (-ish )

Cultura de sparanghel din gradina noastra este de-abia in al doilea an, dar deja anul aceasta am recoltat de mai multe ori citeva manunchiuri . Nu sunt egale in dimensiuni ca si cele din magazin, dar sunt super-gustoase. Si crocante si zemoase, v-am mai spus asta, nu ? :))
The asparagus crop from our garden is it just in its second year, but still, this year we manage to gathered several times a few bunches of . Not equal in size as the supermarket ones, but these are really tasty. And juicy and crunchy, did I mention that ? :))

s-au integrat perfect in reteta de paste "Aglio e olio "...e asparagi ;)
they entered succesfully in the pasta recipe "Aglio e olio"  ..e asparagi ;)

si acum o schimbare de gama : dintr-un poplin japonez superb , ( de care m-am despartit cu mare greu :D ), am facut inca un saculet rotund pentru bijuterii 
And now let's change the theme : of a beautiful japan poplin ( of which I hardly depart ), I made again a round jewelry bag .

Data viitoare va arat mai multe ;)
 Next time I'll show you some more ;)


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