Dragoste pentru natura...
Am fost intotdeauna atrasa de natura prin forme, linii si culori.....
mereu imi spun ca odata si-odata voi folosi aceastea in lucrarile mele. Pina atunci adun idei si imagini.
Love for nature .
I'm always attracted to new shapes , lines and colours from nature....
always thinking that someday I might use these in my work. Still gathering ideas and pictures until then.
Dragostea pentru fructe.
Pe zi ce trece, ciresele devin din ce in ce mai rosii....
Love for fruits.
Day by day the cherries are becoming more and more red...
la fel si capsunii
as strawberries do
Dragoste pentru flori.
Nu am "degete verzi" pentru flori....nu ma pune sa insamintez ceva , nu va rasari decit printr-o minune.
Am in schimb "talent" la pomi, arbusti decorativi sau trandafiri....adica cam asa ceva:
Love for flowers.
I haven't green fingers at all for flowers...don't put me to seed something pretty because just with a miracle will rise ...I have green fingers for flowered bushes, trees or roses...something like this :
citeva dintre flori le-am adus in interior ca sa ma bucur de parfumul lor ...citeva in bucatarie
some flowers I must take inside for that delighfuly fragrance ...some in the kitchen
si citeva in sufragerie
and some in the dining
Vorbind de sufragerie...iarasi m-am lasat dusa de val intr-un table-runner .
Am pornit de aici :
Speaking of dining....I let myself go again for a table runner .
Started from here :
Am ajuns aici :
I get here :
Un table-runner lung ( 115 cm x 38 cm ) care arata bine oricum
A long table runner ( 115cm x 38cm ) that looks good in any circumstances
Astept cu nerabdare sa infloreasca adevaratele margarete din gradina....pina atunci pot doar sa visez :
I am waiting for the real daisies to bloom in the garden...untill then I'm just dreaming :
Dragostea pentru free-motion. Punct. ;)
Love for free-motion. Dot . ;)
Va place ? il gasiti in magazin AICI .
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