Friday, January 28, 2011

good for the nerves

Bun pentru nervi . Ce anume? scoaterea unor insailaturi. :))
Good for the nerves. What ? taking out some basting stitches :))

o MULTIME de insailaturi....
am descoperit pontul de a pune o bucatica de vatelina- pe care in prealabil am frecat-o in mina pentru a o incarca electric -  linga lucrare si astfel toate capetele de ata stau lipite de mai putine ajung pe mocheta. 
A LOT of stitches....
I discovered that rubbing a piece of synthetic wadding on its own just for getting that electric stage, is a wonderful way to keep all those annoying little thread ends out of the carpet. They stay put on the wadding. 

buna pentru nervi este si scoaterea celor 999 bucatele de hirtie sablon :D
good for the nerves is also taking out all of those 999 hexagonal template paper pieces  :D

la fel : o multime de hirtiute care stau cuminti in cosuletul lor pentru o posibila viitoare lucrare
the same : they go, one by one, in the basket waiting for a possible future work. 

 si o privire pe furis la momentul aplicarii ....lucrarea va fi gata in curind . Aveti putintica rabdare  ;)
and a sneek-peek over the applique part ...the piece it will be soon finished. Please be patient ;). 

Si o bunatate recent invatata : salata de avocado pe piine prajita. 
Adica avocado, putin suc de lamiie, sos de soia, seminte de susan cit va lasa sufletul. 
Servita pe feliute de piine -de casa- prajita. 
Un deliciu ! 

A recently tried and tested recipe : avocado salad on toasted bread. 
I mean chunks of avocado, a little lime juice over, some soya sauce and sesame seeds. As much as you like. 
Served on home baked toasted bread. 
A delight !

si pentru ca ma bucur ca incepe week-end-ul , va urez sa aveti zile linistite.
And because week-end is starting I wish you all some peacefully days. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ruffled shawl

Visez de ceva vreme la acest sal....
I'm dreaming for some time at this shawl....

Cum am gasit materialul potrivit , m-am apucat de lucru. 
Nu e deloc usor sa lucrezi cu un triplu voal negru....nici usor, nici "curat ". Overlock-ul s-a umplut de scame marunte negre, ca un praf negru , arata ca dupa razboi . 
As I found the proper fabric for it, I jumped in work. 
It isn't easy to work with triple veil ....not easy nor clean. The overlock filled with small particles, like a black looks just like after war....

Initial am incercat sa inlatur praful negru cu peria de fardat obrajii, dar tot aspiratorul a fost decisiv. 
Initially I tried to push off the black dust with the cheeks paint brush, but finally yet the vacuum cleaner was decisive.

 Dupa ce am surfilat nici mai mult nici mai putin de 20 metri de banda pe ambele parti ( deci faceti voi totalul ;) ) , am trecut la faza de incretit. Mai aveam putin si mi se incretea si parul. haha.
After I serged no more or less than 20 metres of fabric strip on both sides ( you make the calculations for yourself ;) ) I started to ruflle it. I had just a little bit more for my hair to curl, also LOL...

Piciorusul special mi-a fost de mare ajutor la incretit ....chair daca m-a fortat sa cos incet ....ceea ce pentru 20 m liniari  a insemnat minute bune de tzaca-tzaca -paca!, tzaca-tzaca-paca!  haha.... .... 
The ruffler foot was a great help....even that it forces me to sew slowly....this means considerably time spent for ruffle a 20 metres long strip...

 apoi a urmat din nou o faza de surfilare...:D .
Mda, adica tocmai dupa ce am terminat de curatat "praful" negru de pe overlock :D la orice model nou fazele tehnice pot sa difere de cele proiectate . 
Then again one overlock phase...:D
Yep, I mean just after I've finished cleaning the black dust from the overlocker every new model/pattern the technical phases could slightly differ from the projected one.

Dar la final , am obtinut ce am dorit : eleganta, semi-transparenta, acel "chic" retro.... un sal pentru ocazii speciale, un sal de asezat peste umerii goi si parfumati ....
Finally I've got what I've dreamed of  : elegance, semi-transparency, that retro "chic" look ....a shawl for special occasions, a shawl to put on your naked shoulders...perfumed naked shoulders....

Are 200 cm lungime si 56 cm latime. 7 benzi incretite pe toata lungimea . 
It has 200 cm long and 56 cm width.7 ruffled strips along. 

 Un sal care poate deveni un top indraznet pe o tinara 
A shawl that can become a daring top on a young body 

 sau putin romantic 
or more romantic 

 Un sal care se poate transforma una-doua intr-o simpla  "Cenusareasa" pentru tinuta de zi cu zi.....pardon, o simpla esarfa :D
A shawl that can quickly transform into a simple Cinderella for a day outfit....sorry, a simple scarf :D

aproape ca imi vine sa cint : 

"stau si visez la rochii cu volane,
 dantelute si zorzoane ...." :)

I almost started to sing : 
( an old romanian song ) 
"I'm sitting and dreaming
at dresses with laces
ruffles and frills "

Va place ? nu cintecul, ci salul .
You like it ? not the song, the shawl.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

on the run....a long run :D

Vremea asta atit de schimbatoare. Ieri era  tristete totala  
This changing weather ...Yesterday was a total sadness 

 azi ninge apos: 
today is snowing  ( more like water-snow)

 vremea ma afecteaza nu numai pe mine ci si pe somnoroasa Goldie care doarme mai toata ziua 
this weather affects me and also my all-day sleeping Goldie....

Eu nu. Nu pot sa dorm toata ziua....pentru ca am atitea idei si planuri incit nu-mi ajunge timpul de peste zi. Intind ziua cit pot de mult....

No, I'm not sleepy....I can't afford...because I have so many ideas and thoughts that I can't get enough time over day. I stretch it as much as I can....

 Si o noutate : v-o prezint pe Monique. Anterior Selena dar... prefer oricind un aer frantuzesc in jurul meu ;)
And a news : let me introduce you Monique. Previously Selena but...I rather prefer a french air around me ;)

da, e antica si de demult :)) si poate putin prea "shabby" . Dar are forme frumoase de femeie ce poarta marimea 38 inspre 40 . Nici macar ea nu poate fi perfecta ;)
Si are unduiri adevarate, de femeie frumoasa. Poate putin prea frumoasa ;). 
Yep, she's old and shabby :)) perhaps a little too shabby. But she has nice forms like a woman wearing 38 to 40 size . Not even her is perfect ;).
And she has beautiful curves, like a beautiful woman. Maybe a little too beautiful ;)

 Asa cum am re-botezat-o, am si imbracat-o ;) ...Alb si putina dantela in jurul gitului. E drept ca si-a pierdut din senzualitate, dar pentru un atelier de lucru e mult mai bine asa ;) 
Inca sunt in cautarea unui picior/stand pentru ea...poate gasesc pe undeva un cuier vechi din lemn ;)....

As I renamed her I do re-dressed her :). In white and a little lace around the neck. It's true that she suddenly lost her sensuality but for a working studio is much better this way ;). 
I'm still looking for a leg/stand for her....perhaps and old wood clothes hanger would fit...still looking....

Deocamdata poarta/prezinta rind pe rind , cite una din ultimele creatii 
For now she is just wearing/showing , one by one , my last creations



Cind s-a asternut linistea in atelierul meu, deci cind nu zangane nici o masina de cusut,  e sigur ca ma gasiti asa 
(Se vede clar ca am ajuns la capatul rindului 33 - azi -dimineata - :D)
When quiet is settled in my studio, I mean when no sewing machine is humming here, you can bet you find me sitting here like so : 
( it is obviously that I reached the end of 33 line , this morning :D ) 

 si se mai vede clar ca mai am doar 4 rinduri de cusut ( yupiiii! ) ...apoi incepe partea a doua , adica de scos insailarea, hirtia, de realizat sandwich-ul , de quiltuit....deh, munca multa, nu gluma !
and it is obviously , too, that I have only 4 more lines to go ( yupiii! ) ...then starts the second part, meaning taking out the basting lines, the paper, making the sandwich, quilting....well, a lot of work still to go !

si cind stau in fotoliu si cos, nu-mi sta mintea decit la proiecte noi : esarfe, quilturi, portfarduri, pernite de ace....dar sunt foarte limitata de timp asa ca deocamdata doar fac planuri sa nu spun DIN NOU ca visez :)) 
Acesta este inca un vis maaaare....inca in asteptare : 
and when I'm handsewing in my armchair , my mind is flying at new projects, new ideeas : scarfes, quilts, pouches, pincushions....but I'm so restraint in time that for now I'm just planning....not to say AGAIN : I'm dreaming :))
Here's another biiig dream ...still waiting : 

 Si ca final , pentru ca pe lista mea de "pretentii" de anul acesta, printre altele (la fel de demne de mentionat, dar nu acum pentru ca lista e luuunga )   este testarea unei varietati mai mari de retete "yummy"....ei bine,  pastele cu sos de gorgonzola si rucola sunt chiar yummyyy...Am grilluit -extra fata de reteta- rosiile cherry pentru o mai puternica aroma.
Cine poate sa spuna ca nu mincam sanatos ? :D
and as a final note, just because on my "have to do this year"  list, among others ( of the same importance or dignity to be mentioned here, but with other occasion because the list is loooong ) well, is testing a large varietes of yummy recipes....well, those pasta with gorgonzola sauce and ruccola are indeed yummyyy...
I've just extra grilled the cherry tomatoes for a better flavour.
Who can say that we don't eat healthy ? :D


Sunday, January 02, 2011

Our Christmas story

Povestea noastra de Craciun.....
in acelasi colt din living  am instalat anul acesta un micut brad "eco"...acelasi farmec , aceeasi semnificatie si mai ales am avut sufletul usor ca am salvat de la moarte un bradulet in dezvoltare.
Our Christmas story ....
in the same corner in living , this year we installed an "eco" Christmas tree....same charm, same meanings but moslty we have an easy soul just because we save from death a young tree from somewhere in the woods.
 Aceleasi ornamente in jocul clasic de culori : rosu, auriu.
Same classic coloured golden-red ornaments.
          Ca in fiecare an, de Craciun - ca si de Pasti- se stringe toata familia la tara, la soacra, in casa mare.
          Brad natural, cu luminarele, imens. Aici are, de fapt, loc marele dezmat cu cadouri :
                                                "A venit Mosuuuuu' ! " :D
       .... toata lumea, la sosire, lasa sub brad cite un mic cadou pentru toti ceilalti din total suntem cam 12 persoane deci se aduna un munte de cadouri....
       Each Christmas - as for Easter- all the family gathers at my mother-in-law big house in the country. 
Natural tree, huge. Here is where actually take part the big game of opening presents  :
                                                     " Santa's comiiiiiing !" :D
everyone, at arrival, leaves a gift under the tree for each of the members of the family...totally we are around 12 persons this means that a lot of gifts are hidden under the tree...
eu fac ca intotdeauna cadouri hand-made....fiecare membru din familie a primit anul acesta cite un servetel pentru masa, in materiale de Craciun, matlasat, cu un bol alb, din portelan, pentru cerealele de dimineata ( indemn la un mic dejun sanatos ;) si o steluta sau un globuletz in tehnica decoupage : 
I'm giving - as always - handmade gifts....each of them received this year a placemat in Christmas fabrics, quilted, together with a white porcelain bowl - for morning cereals ( like an invitation for eating more healthy ;) and a decoupaged star or a ball 
                                   frumos impachetate :
                                   nice wrapped 
Cadoul meu pentru M. a fost in concordanta cu noua lui preferinta pentru culoarea verde :D...
este la noi o vorba : "ai grija ce iti doresti pentru ca se poate implini" :))
ambalajul a fost un roz identic cu cel al pastilelor de ibuprofen luate pentru dureri de spate pe durata quiltingului :D
               My main gift for M. was accordingly to his last love for green ( apple-lime green ) :D
              we have a saying here : " carefully what you wish , for may come true " :))
             The package was wrapped in a hot pink paper identical with the colour of ibuprofen pills I took during quilting for back pains :D

     modelul l-am luat din cartea aceasta si se numeste Blueberries ( exact modelul de pe coperta):
         I took the pattern from this book and it's called Blueberries ( the same model on the cover ) 

          ei bine , cred ca cel mai potrivit nume pentru noul quilt ar fi.. GreenBerries :D ....
          are 2.0m x 1,60m si da, are un bloc al umilintei ( stinga sus , aparut dintr-o simpla greseala de taiere ) 
          well, I think that this new quilt should be named ..Greenberries has 2.0 m x 1.60m and yes it  has an humility block ( up in the left corner, due to a simple wrong cut )

 este quiltuit free-motion pe vatelina de bumbac Freudenberg iar spatele este din finet alb. Pentru top am folosit toate fat-quarter-urile si alte mici bucati de verde din rezerva de materiale plus 4 m de alb in alb cu diverse imprimeuri Faye Burgos for Marcus Fabric, in total cu putin peste 8m material .
It is free-motion quilted on 100% cotton batting made by Freudenberg , and the back is white flannel. 
For the top I used all the green fat-quarters and leftover scraps I had in stash and 4 metres of white in white ( different prints ) from Faye Burgos for Moda fabrics, totally a little over 8 meters of fabric in top. 

Pe toata durata serii au fost momente frumoase, in fiecare Craciun !
During the evening there were beautiful moments, every Christmas!

ne-a lipsit Alberta - cea mica - care a avut program de munca inclusiv in data de 24 decembrie, dar a fost prezenta printre noi indirect prin pozele pe care ni le-a trimis:
We missed Alberta - the youngest - she worked even in 24 of December- but she was there with us indirectly from the pictures she sent for us  

Apoi , in ciuda timpului petrecut atit de bine, a mincarii bune si a risetelor si glumelor, seara de Craciun a luat sfirsit.... in zilele urmatoare, acasa la noi, am luat citeva cine speciale cu copiii : 
Then, despite all the good time, good food , laughs and jokes,  the Christmas evening days, at our home, we have a few special dinners with childrens : 

 la fel am ris si am glumit, ne-am simtit bine ...vacantele de Craciun sunt atit de scurte !
in the same manner we laugh, we joked we had good time....Christmas holidays are so short !
 sau am stat foarte seriosi in poze :D ( doar pentru ca unii dintre noi nu suntem fotogenici :D )
or we stayed very seriously for pictures :D ( just because some of us aren't photogenics :D ) 

Craciunul inseamna pentru noi  familie, sarbatoare, clipe pretioase petrecute impreuna. 
Sper ca si voi ati petrecut la fel de placut si de bine....
Si pentru ca tot suntem deja in anul 2011 va doresc : Un An Nou Fericit, plin de bucurii si pace !
Christmas means for us family, celebration, precious moments spent together.
I do hope that you , too, had the same pleasant and happy Christmas. 
And because we are already in 2011, let me wish you : 
                      "A happy New Year, filled with happiness and peace !"


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