Povestea noastra de Craciun.....
in acelasi colt din living am instalat anul acesta un micut brad "eco"...acelasi farmec , aceeasi semnificatie si mai ales am avut sufletul usor ca am salvat de la moarte un bradulet in dezvoltare.
Our Christmas story ....
in the same corner in living , this year we installed an "eco" Christmas tree....same charm, same meanings but moslty we have an easy soul just because we save from death a young tree from somewhere in the woods.
Aceleasi ornamente in jocul clasic de culori : rosu, auriu.
Same classic coloured golden-red ornaments.
Ca in fiecare an, de Craciun - ca si de Pasti- se stringe toata familia la tara, la soacra, in casa mare.
Brad natural, cu luminarele, imens. Aici are, de fapt, loc marele
dezmat cu cadouri :
A venit Mosuuuuu' ! " :D
.... toata lumea, la sosire, lasa sub brad cite un mic cadou pentru toti ceilalti din familie....in total suntem cam 12 persoane deci se aduna un munte de cadouri....
Each Christmas - as for Easter- all the family gathers at my mother-in-law big house in the country.
Natural tree, huge. Here is where actually take part the big game of opening presents :
" Santa's comiiiiiing !" :D
everyone, at arrival, leaves a gift under the tree for each of the members of the family...totally we are around 12 persons this means that a lot of gifts are hidden under the tree...
eu fac ca intotdeauna cadouri hand-made....fiecare membru din familie a primit anul acesta cite un servetel pentru masa, in materiale de Craciun, matlasat, cu un bol alb, din portelan, pentru cerealele de dimineata ( indemn la un mic dejun sanatos ;) si o steluta sau un globuletz in tehnica decoupage :
I'm giving - as always - handmade gifts....each of them received this year a placemat in Christmas fabrics, quilted, together with a white porcelain bowl - for morning cereals ( like an invitation for eating more healthy ;) and a decoupaged star or a ball
frumos impachetate :
nice wrapped
Cadoul meu pentru M. a fost in concordanta cu noua lui preferinta pentru culoarea verde :D...
este la noi o vorba : "ai grija ce iti doresti pentru ca se poate implini" :))
ambalajul a fost un roz identic cu cel al pastilelor de ibuprofen luate pentru dureri de spate pe durata quiltingului :D
My main gift for M. was accordingly to his last love for green ( apple-lime green ) :D
we have a saying here : " carefully what you wish , for may come true " :))
The package was wrapped in a hot pink paper identical with the colour of ibuprofen pills I took during quilting for back pains :D
modelul l-am luat din cartea aceasta si se numeste Blueberries ( exact modelul de pe coperta):
I took the pattern from this book and it's called Blueberries ( the same model on the cover )
ei bine , cred ca cel mai potrivit nume pentru noul quilt ar fi.. GreenBerries :D ....
are 2.0m x 1,60m si da, are un bloc al umilintei ( stinga sus , aparut dintr-o simpla greseala de taiere )
well, I think that this new quilt should be named ..Greenberries :D....it has 2.0 m x 1.60m and yes it has an humility block ( up in the left corner, due to a simple wrong cut )
este quiltuit free-motion pe vatelina de bumbac Freudenberg iar spatele este din finet alb. Pentru top am folosit toate fat-quarter-urile si alte mici bucati de verde din rezerva de materiale plus 4 m de alb in alb
cu diverse imprimeuri
Faye Burgos for Marcus Fabric, in total cu putin peste 8m material .
t is free-motion quilted on 100% cotton batting made by Freudenberg , and the back is white flannel.
For the top I used all the green fat-quarters and leftover scraps I had in stash and 4 metres of white in white ( different prints ) from Faye Burgos for Moda fabrics, totally a little over 8 meters of fabric in top.
Pe toata durata serii au fost momente frumoase, emotionante...ca in fiecare Craciun !
During the evening there were beautiful moments, touching...like every Christmas!
ne-a lipsit Alberta - cea mica - care a avut program de munca inclusiv in data de 24 decembrie, dar a fost prezenta printre noi indirect prin pozele pe care ni le-a trimis:
We missed Alberta - the youngest - she worked even in 24 of December- but she was there with us indirectly from the pictures she sent for us
Apoi , in ciuda timpului petrecut atit de bine, a mincarii bune si a risetelor si glumelor, seara de Craciun a luat sfirsit.... in zilele urmatoare, acasa la noi, am luat citeva cine speciale cu copiii :
Then, despite all the good time, good food , laughs and jokes, the Christmas evening finished....next days, at our home, we have a few special dinners with childrens :
la fel am ris si am glumit, ne-am simtit bine ...vacantele de Craciun sunt atit de scurte !
in the same manner we laugh, we joked we had good time....Christmas holidays are so short !
sau am stat foarte seriosi in poze :D ( doar pentru ca
unii dintre noi nu suntem fotogenici :D )
or we stayed very seriously for pictures :D ( just because some of us aren't photogenics :D )
Craciunul inseamna pentru noi familie, sarbatoare, clipe pretioase petrecute impreuna.
Sper ca si voi ati petrecut la fel de placut si de bine....
Si pentru ca tot suntem deja in anul 2011 va doresc : Un An Nou Fericit, plin de bucurii si pace !
Christmas means for us family, celebration, precious moments spent together.
I do hope that you , too, had the same pleasant and happy Christmas.
And because we are already in 2011, let me wish you :
"A happy New Year, filled with happiness and peace !"