Vremea asta atit de schimbatoare. Ieri era tristete totala
This changing weather ...Yesterday was a total sadness
azi ninge apos:
today is snowing ( more like water-snow)
vremea ma afecteaza nu numai pe mine ci si pe somnoroasa Goldie care doarme mai toata ziua
this weather affects me and also my all-day sleeping Goldie....
Eu nu. Nu pot sa dorm toata ziua....pentru ca am atitea idei si planuri incit nu-mi ajunge timpul de peste zi. Intind ziua cit pot de mult....
No, I'm not sleepy....I can't afford...because I have so many ideas and thoughts that I can't get enough time over day. I stretch it as much as I can....
Si o noutate : v-o prezint pe Monique. Anterior Selena dar... prefer oricind un aer frantuzesc in jurul meu ;)
And a news : let me introduce you Monique. Previously Selena but...I rather prefer a french air around me ;)
da, e antica si de demult :)) si poate putin prea "shabby" . Dar are forme frumoase de femeie ce poarta marimea 38 inspre 40 . Nici macar ea nu poate fi perfecta ;)
Si are unduiri adevarate, de femeie frumoasa. Poate putin prea frumoasa ;).
Yep, she's old and shabby :)) perhaps a little too shabby. But she has nice forms like a woman wearing 38 to 40 size . Not even her is perfect ;).
And she has beautiful curves, like a beautiful woman. Maybe a little too beautiful ;)
Asa cum am re-botezat-o, am si imbracat-o ;) ...Alb si putina dantela in jurul gitului. E drept ca si-a pierdut din senzualitate, dar pentru un atelier de lucru e mult mai bine asa ;)
Inca sunt in cautarea unui picior/stand pentru ea...poate gasesc pe undeva un cuier vechi din lemn ;)....
As I renamed her I do re-dressed her :). In white and a little lace around the neck. It's true that she suddenly lost her sensuality but for a working studio is much better this way ;).
I'm still looking for a leg/stand for her....perhaps and old wood clothes hanger would fit...still looking....
Deocamdata poarta/prezinta rind pe rind , cite una din ultimele creatii
For now she is just wearing/showing , one by one , my last creations
Cind s-a asternut linistea in atelierul meu, deci cind nu zangane nici o masina de cusut, e sigur ca ma gasiti asa
(Se vede clar ca am ajuns la capatul rindului 33 - azi -dimineata - :D)
When quiet is settled in my studio, I mean when no sewing machine is humming here, you can bet you find me sitting here like so :
( it is obviously that I reached the end of 33 line , this morning :D )
si se mai vede clar ca mai am doar 4 rinduri de cusut ( yupiiii! ) ...apoi incepe partea a doua , adica de scos insailarea, hirtia, de realizat sandwich-ul , de quiltuit....deh, munca multa, nu gluma !
and it is obviously , too, that I have only 4 more lines to go ( yupiii! ) ...then starts the second part, meaning taking out the basting lines, the paper, making the sandwich, quilting....well, a lot of work still to go !
si cind stau in fotoliu si cos, nu-mi sta mintea decit la proiecte noi : esarfe, quilturi, portfarduri, pernite de ace....dar sunt foarte limitata de timp asa ca deocamdata doar fac planuri ...ca sa nu spun DIN NOU ca visez :))
Acesta este inca un vis maaaare....inca in asteptare :
and when I'm handsewing in my armchair , my mind is flying at new projects, new ideeas : scarfes, quilts, pouches, pincushions....but I'm so restraint in time that for now I'm just planning....not to say AGAIN : I'm dreaming :))
Here's another biiig dream ...still waiting :
Si ca final , pentru ca pe lista mea de "pretentii" de anul acesta, printre altele (la fel de demne de mentionat, dar nu acum pentru ca lista e luuunga ) este testarea unei varietati mai mari de retete "yummy"....ei bine, pastele cu sos de gorgonzola si rucola sunt chiar yummyyy...Am grilluit -extra fata de reteta- rosiile cherry pentru o mai puternica aroma.
Cine poate sa spuna ca nu mincam sanatos ? :D
and as a final note, just because on my "have to do this year" list, among others ( of the same importance or dignity to be mentioned here, but with other occasion because the list is loooong ) well, is testing a large varietes of yummy recipes....well, those pasta with gorgonzola sauce and ruccola are indeed yummyyy...
I've just extra grilled the cherry tomatoes for a better flavour.
Who can say that we don't eat healthy ? :D
Ce multe hexagoane!!! In cat timp le-ai strans? Sunt preferatele mele.
ReplyDeleteSpor si din cand in cand ciupeste-te; este adevarat ca realizezi lucruri delicate si mai cu seama foarte bine finisate :)
Happy to met your new friendships :-) Very good for your new projects during 2011,that's sure they're a lot of and I love parcel photos!!!Congratulations for exagonalls! A lot of word draga!
ReplyDeleteImi place fularul siclamen cu pliseu verde, e foarte dragut. Numai sa ai la ce sa-l asortezi, insa combinatia e perfecta. Spor la treaba.
ReplyDeleteTikTak-cel, zilele trecute cautam pe net un manechin! :)) Tiii, cum mai zboara gandul asta! :) Felicitari pt Monique si sa te inspire in noi creatii si toate proiectele sa se implineasca si... asteptam cu nerabdare Charm Quiltul! :))
ReplyDeleteYour scarves are beatiful! I am so impressed with your talent! I'm thinking I could crochet a long scarf and connect the ends and have the same type of design you have here. The food looks delicious also!