Monday, December 21, 2009

more surprises in my mailbox

Un plic din Franta care aduce un fin aer de primavara....fat-quarter-ul din batik vopsit de Smaranda se potriveste perfect cu Schlumbergera mea care deschide boboc dupa boboc...Multumesc , Smaranda!

An envelope from France brings in my home a fine spring air....and the batik fat-quarter hand-dyied by Smaranda fits so well under my Schlumbergera that open buds after buds.....
Thank you, Smaranda

apoi un alt plic, total la Sanda. Un plic care m-a emotionat....povestea e atit de frumoasa, incit doar peticelele o cunosc. A fost o data ca-n povesti.....un fir de ata colorata....niste bucati de material si multa-multa imaginatie....asa se nasc MARILE PROIECTE care dainuie peste timp....
O amintire, de fapt doua: un calendar magnetic superb auriu, si un calendar de birou care imi va amintit mereu ca am fost si eu o mica parte din acest proiect...alaturi de celelelalte peticele.....
Multumesc, Sanda !

...then another totally unexpected envelope from Sanda
An envelope that move me to tears...the story is so beautifull and is known just by peticele. Once upon a time....a coloured thread.....some fabric pieces ...and a lot of imagination...this is how are born BIG PROJECTS that are everlasting...
A memory, actually two of them: a beautiful golden magnetic calendar and a desk one that will remember me, forever, that I was a small part of this project. Along with the rest of us...
Thank you , Sanda !

si aici vedeti lunile, rind pe rind, cu lucrarea unui peticel nascut in aceeasi luna. Si cu atita grija este marcata ziua de nastere a fiecarei peticele...Cit de frumos din partea ta, Sanda !! asa nu ne uitam prietenii.....( apropo  Sanda : am avut grija sa notez si data TA de nastere ....;)

and here you can see, one by one, month after month, the creations of each of us in the proper month, according to their date of birth. thoughtfull of you, Sanda!!just for remembering the friends in life....( and by the way , Sanda: I do note YOUR birthday, too !;) )

ce viata frumoasa....ce prieteni minunati intilnesc in drumul ei....MULTUMESC !
what a beautiful life....what gorgeous friends I found on its way....thank YOU !

Sunday, December 20, 2009

more gifts

Raceala vine si pleaca...citeodata mai repede, altadata mai tirziu...incet -incet totul revine pe fagasul normal.
Am primit cadouri dragi, pe care nu am apucat sa le arat.
Csilla mi-a trimis un tablou dragutz cu panoul central in cruciulite : un ingeras lucrat integral in mouline metalic auriu. Stie cit de mult imi plac ingerasii....

The flue comes and goes....sometimes faster , other times not so fast....slowly everything become as good as new. 
Meanwhile I received precious gifts that I was unable to show you till now. 
Csilla send me an wall-hanging with the central panel worked enterely in metallic thread - cross-stitched. It represent an angel because she knows how much I like them. 


Apoi , am gasit in cutia postala o alta supriza : o carte postala de la Ena. O carte postala in stilul ei aparte,
creat printr-o tehnica proprie ce include o plasa speciala, aracet si multe-multe cusaturi. Multumesc, Ena!

Then another surprise I found in my mail-box : an postcard worked and signed by Ena . She has her own style, worked in her own technique...something including net, glue and a lot of stitiching. 
Thanks , Ena !

Apoi, soacra mea  mi-a facut o alta supriza : o fata de masa pentru masuta de cafea , lucrata in tehnica hardanger. De data aceasta pinza este crem , o culoare superba pe care iese mai bine in evidenta jocul cu ata...Am deja citeva piese frumoase lucrate de ea si daruite mie, stau toate frumusel impaturate pe un raft, asteptind o casa noua unde sa poata fi expuse/folosite .O casa noua fara nici un pic de praf...
Then my mother-in-law  made me another gift  : a beautifull cover for my coffee-table ( I don't even "think" to drink coffee on it, you know ) . It is made in hardanger technique on cream canvas this time...I just like more how the design show off on cream canvas then on white. Quite a work, isn't ? I already have several pieces made by her, they are all stacked on a shelf, waiting for a new home to be properly exposed/used.O new home with no dust at all...

Pentru ca destinatara a primit deja pachetul , pot sa va arat cadoul cu care am participat la jocul de Craciun.
  Adela, caci ei i-am fost "ingeras";) face niste sapunuri minunate...naturale si aromate. Merita sa ii faceti o vizita pe blog.
Now, that my present for X-mas game was received, I can show it to you , too. 
I was Adela's "angel"...she's making some wonderfull, natural soaps. You can visit her blog here

ei bine, in rest asa ceva.... imi place sa ma joc cu cutter-ul , sub orice forma :)) si in orice loc : in bucatarie sau in atelier...bineinteles ca in fiecare loc este un alt fel de cutter ;). Rezultatul este cam acelasi : niste bucatele pe care le unesc la loc ;). Infrumusetarile ? niste gem de casa. :).
well, for the rest something like this.... still love to play with the "cutter" under any form :)) and in any place : in kitchen or in my studio...of course, in each place different cutters ;). The result is quite the same : some pieces to put back together ;) Embellishments ? some home-made jam. :).

Monday, December 07, 2009

angel love

Scurt , rapid si din prag de alta raceala... uff...
doua noi servete decor pentru masa de Craciun ( sau pentru tavite)  cu ingerasi....laitmotivul meu in ultimul timp ...doar pentru ca imi plac...

Short and briefly , from the beggining of another flue...uff...
another two Christmas decor place-table ( or inlay for trays ) with leitmotiv lately just because I love them...



.. mie imi plac ,si se pare ca si voua va plac...:)
intoarce capul si asteapta : nu cumva simti altfel ? simti iubire si bunatate si mai simti cum un zimbet larg ti se asterne in suflet...da! stiam eu : nimeni nu e singur pe lumea asta..

.. I like them , and seems to me that you like them, too... :) turn your head and wait : do you FEEL something ? something else, like love and kindness and a happy smile in your soul...yep! I knew it! you can't be alone in this world...

Saturday, December 05, 2009

6 table mats

Azi am terminat aceste servete de masa...6. Bucati. :)

Today I finished these table-mats. 6. Pieces. :)

Am folosit o gama de culori care sa se asorteze cu dining-ul prietenilor materiale cumparate cu citeva luni in urma de la Dungarees and Daisies-Marea Britanie . Din linia "Peace on Earth" de la Moda Fabrics. M-am indragostit de ele la prima vedere...parca sunt "rupte" din mine :))...imi plac enorm paisley-urile..

I used assorting colours for our friends dining....and fabrics that I bought , months ago, from Dungarees and Daisies - UK. It's "Peace on Earth" from Moda fabrics. I felt in love at first glance....I absolutely love them. I do have a soft spot for those paisleys . For all paisleys, in fact. :)) 

pe spate am folosit o pinza de bumbac, simpla, maro-ciocolata....
on the back it's just a simple chocolate-brown muslin...

 iar cind le-am asezat pe masa noastra pentru proba de "poza"( sau poza de proba ??), nu mi-a venit sa cred cit de bine le sedea aici. Adica la mine pe masa ;).
Din pacate nu mai am din culorile acestea ca sa fac si pentru noi un set asemanator.Acum imi pare foarte rau ca am fost atit de ..."econoama" la cumparaturi :))
In poza vedeti doar 4 dintre ele, ca sa le pun pe toate ar fi insemnat sa ma ating de "decorul" jumatatii mele, lucru absolut interzis. Absolut. ;)

and when I put them on my table for the photo-shooting, I just can't believe how nice they fit in. I mean :  fit on MY table. :). Unfortunately I didn't have any fabrics like those, in same colours, to make a new set for, I'm so sad that at that time I was so... " shop-economic" :))
in the picture you'll see just four of them laid on table, because I am not allowed to touch my DH "decoration". Not at all ;).

Arata atit de bine!...atit de bine, incit mi-a trecut prin cap gindul ca as putea sa schimb tapiteria de pe scaune, pe urma vesela si la final de ce nu , chiar si setul de tacimuri....poate cu putin crem, nu ? :)
dar totusi sa nu uit : sunt cadouri pentru prietenii nostri :))....asta inseamna ca pot sa ma asez din nou la masina de cusut pentru alte piese....ce si cum au sa urmeze oare ??

spor la cusut si voua ! ;)

They are so good good that I figure how about changing the chairs cover, then the tableware and at last, why not, even the cuttlery....maybe it's needed a little cream around here ? :)) but, not forget: these are gifts for our friends :)) . This means I must set myself again at the sewing machine, to start some new and what will they be ?? :))

happy sewing to you, too ! ;)

Friday, December 04, 2009

fire test...sorry : water test :)

O prietena m-a intrebat daca si cum poate spala aceste servetele cu ingerasi
A friend asked me , if and how she could wash these angels napkins

 deoarece panoul central este realizat prin tehnica serviette-decoupage pe textil . Oups! am fost nevoita sa recunosc ca nu am facut aceasta proba, nici macar nu mi-a trecut prin cap sa ma intreb daca indicatiile de pe cutia adezivului sunt adevarate au ba...

because the central panel is made in paper napkin-decoupage technique. Oups! I was forced to recognise that I didn't made any test of washing the panel, not even thinking, at least,  to doubt about the indications from the glue bottle if these are true ot not ...

:) Deci :
-am luat un panou - tot cu ingeras , sic ! -,  m-am uitat frumos la el spunindu-i : -"acu' e acu! sa te vad daca faci fata! :))
Bun : directia spre baie , ingerasul pus in ligheanul albastru ( mda, iarasi albastru....Ce sa fac? imi place albastrul :) )

:) So : I took a panel - also with an angel ;) - and I just give it that look telling : "- now it's the moment of proof!" . Going straight to the bathroom, let the panel in my blue basin ( yap, again blue. I love blue : ) )

apoi am turnat direct peste el detergent lichid pentru haine ( trebuia sa il fortez in toate felurile, nu ? )

I pour right over it some liquid cloth detergent ( you know, I must put it on real trouble ) 

si am dat drumul la apa calda peste  :
turn on the warm water - splashes and bubbles , how fun :) !

l-am smotocit si l-am frecat cu nadejde , sa fiu sigura ca rezista :
I just rubbed it harder and harder to be sure it'll resist 

apoi l-am desfacut fara nici o gentilete si m-am mirat cit de bine a rezistat. Degetele devin usor alunecoase, dar atit. Adezivul a ramas acolo unde a fost aplicat. Adica direct pe servetel. :)
then with no manners I opened and straighten it just to make a smiling : wow! how nice he made it over. My fingers become just a little slippery but that's all. The adhesive remain where it was painted. I mean on the paper napkin. 

apoi l-am pus la uscat :
put it to dry

si pe urma am trecut la calcat . Se calca DOAR pe spate( sau cu o bucata de pinza uscata  asezata deasupra panelului), de dragul calcatorului intii de toate :) si pe urma de dragul lucrarii ;).
The next step was ironing it. You can iron this ONLY on the back of it ( or with a dry cloth above it). Just for caring about your iron and just after for caring about the piece of work. ;)

Concluzia finala :
s-a comportat perfect la spalarea manuala, arata foarte bine, poate ca a prins un usor aspect shifonat , ceea ce nu face decit sa ii sporeasca imaginea vintage. Asta am si urmarit de la bun inceput folosind tehnica aceasta. Alaturat, in imagine,  am pus si adezivul folosit, marca PentaColor Ungaria. Bravo, lor !! ramin fidela acestui produs si chiar vi-l recomand .
Final conclusion : 
it pass nice and brave the water test. It took just a bit of a crinkled look, this makes it more vintage. That was the beginning ideea above all - a vintage look. Next to it, I put the bottle of adhesive that I used, made by PentaColor Hungary. Bravo for them ! I will remain faithfully to it and I will recomend it to anyone.

Nu, nu fac publicitate gratuita si nici nu primesc produse gratis de la acest producator - ci le cumpar ca oricine altcineva! pretul se vede pe capac :). Pur si simplu m-am gindit ca ar fi de real folos si altor artizani o  parere directa si sincera asupra acestui produs. Si o sa-mi dati dreptate! cind altii ca mine isi vor prezenta parerea asupra unor produse sau bunuri care merita cumparate si folosite cu succes , atunci poate ca vor disparea de pe piata acele produse fara pic de adevar in ele, dar cu tupeu. Cu mult tupeu in pret!
Si ca vorbele mele sa aiba valoare, uitati ce gama de adezivi - acelasi producator - folosesc in micul meu hobby :
No, I'm not making any free advertising to this producer, nor I receive free products from them- I just buy them like anyone else. You can see the price on the lid . I was just thinking that my sincere and true opinion on this product will be usefull to others like me. 
And here they are the rest of adhesives that I use in my hobby 

Si tot ca o completare : am lucrat cu acest produs multe cadouri pentru familie si prieteni , deci consider ca sunt indreptatita sa imi spun parerea aici.

and also adding some more gifts for my family and friends that were worked with the same adhesive, so that I am entitled to say my opinion here.



Spor la lucru si voua :) !
Happy moments to you , too !


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