Sunday, December 20, 2009

more gifts

Raceala vine si pleaca...citeodata mai repede, altadata mai tirziu...incet -incet totul revine pe fagasul normal.
Am primit cadouri dragi, pe care nu am apucat sa le arat.
Csilla mi-a trimis un tablou dragutz cu panoul central in cruciulite : un ingeras lucrat integral in mouline metalic auriu. Stie cit de mult imi plac ingerasii....

The flue comes and goes....sometimes faster , other times not so fast....slowly everything become as good as new. 
Meanwhile I received precious gifts that I was unable to show you till now. 
Csilla send me an wall-hanging with the central panel worked enterely in metallic thread - cross-stitched. It represent an angel because she knows how much I like them. 


Apoi , am gasit in cutia postala o alta supriza : o carte postala de la Ena. O carte postala in stilul ei aparte,
creat printr-o tehnica proprie ce include o plasa speciala, aracet si multe-multe cusaturi. Multumesc, Ena!

Then another surprise I found in my mail-box : an postcard worked and signed by Ena . She has her own style, worked in her own technique...something including net, glue and a lot of stitiching. 
Thanks , Ena !

Apoi, soacra mea  mi-a facut o alta supriza : o fata de masa pentru masuta de cafea , lucrata in tehnica hardanger. De data aceasta pinza este crem , o culoare superba pe care iese mai bine in evidenta jocul cu ata...Am deja citeva piese frumoase lucrate de ea si daruite mie, stau toate frumusel impaturate pe un raft, asteptind o casa noua unde sa poata fi expuse/folosite .O casa noua fara nici un pic de praf...
Then my mother-in-law  made me another gift  : a beautifull cover for my coffee-table ( I don't even "think" to drink coffee on it, you know ) . It is made in hardanger technique on cream canvas this time...I just like more how the design show off on cream canvas then on white. Quite a work, isn't ? I already have several pieces made by her, they are all stacked on a shelf, waiting for a new home to be properly exposed/used.O new home with no dust at all...

Pentru ca destinatara a primit deja pachetul , pot sa va arat cadoul cu care am participat la jocul de Craciun.
  Adela, caci ei i-am fost "ingeras";) face niste sapunuri minunate...naturale si aromate. Merita sa ii faceti o vizita pe blog.
Now, that my present for X-mas game was received, I can show it to you , too. 
I was Adela's "angel"...she's making some wonderfull, natural soaps. You can visit her blog here

ei bine, in rest asa ceva.... imi place sa ma joc cu cutter-ul , sub orice forma :)) si in orice loc : in bucatarie sau in atelier...bineinteles ca in fiecare loc este un alt fel de cutter ;). Rezultatul este cam acelasi : niste bucatele pe care le unesc la loc ;). Infrumusetarile ? niste gem de casa. :).
well, for the rest something like this.... still love to play with the "cutter" under any form :)) and in any place : in kitchen or in my studio...of course, in each place different cutters ;). The result is quite the same : some pieces to put back together ;) Embellishments ? some home-made jam. :).


  1. Foarte frumoase cadouri ai primit si ai trimis :)
    Multa sanatate iti doresc!!!

  2. Sanda6:07 PM

    Toate sunt foarte frumoase! Imi place mult servetul hardanger.

  3. Cat de mult o pot admira aceste lucrari handarger, mai ales cand ma gandesc cat de mult este de lucru pe ele. Mie mi mila sa le folosesc. asa sunt si cu pernele mele irasos de la mama, voi folosii cand Lilla va fi mai mare si putem sa avem mare grija de ele. Apropo, maine pleaca si cadoul tau, dar cred ca vei primi doar dupa craciun, intre cele doua sarbatori. Sper ca esti mai bine.



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