Sunday, May 31, 2009

Oups! I'm in trouble...

Oups! probleme...mari probleme....mi s-au terminat toate patratzelele :( sunt de-abia aproape -aproape de jumatate din 999 piese...

Oups! I'm in trouble....big trouble...I finished all those 2" charms squares :(..and I'm just about in the middle of those 999 pieces...

Aici sunt doar 426 bucati...fiecare piesa este unica, fara repetitii...

Here they are 426 pieces....each of them is unique, with no repetitions...

Si dupa cum vedeti am fost nevoita sa schimb cutia...erau prea inghesuite in cutiuta de la batistutze...
Apoi am invatat , din mers, ca e extrem de folositor sa le asez pe culori/nuante pentru a putea verifica dintr-un pas foarte rapid si sigur ( !! ) daca materialul se repeta sau nu....Pentru a avea un charm quilt autentic este obligatoriu ca materialul din piese sa nu se repete nici macar o data!
....acum mi-e oarecum ciuda, pentru ca am senzatia ca odata scapate din mina - pina voi taia alte patrate din rezerva de materiale-, va trece un timp si ..."ochii care nu se vad se uita"! stiti voi cum e....:(

And I was forced to change that tissue-paper box with another from Ferrero chocolates...they were much too crumpled inside!
Then, I learned along sewing, that is extremely usefull to put the pieces grouped on the colour/ I can check quite quickly and accurate if the fabric is repeating or not. To have a real charm quilt it is neccesary that each piece is unique in the quilt.
Now I'm just a little bit worried because untill I will cut all those remaining squares , some time will pass and you know : there is no love from distance....

Afara ploua aproape 4 zile aceeasi situatie...ah, cita tristete....trebuie sa ma apuc de taiat alte patratzele...altfel...voi asculta ploaia in toata tristetea ei...

Outside is raining like continuous ...for the last 4 days the same weather...ah, so sad....I must put myself at cutting some squares...unless....I'll listen the rain and became blue....more blue...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

a sick girl needs new toys

Visind la jucarii noi : 
Sick girl dreaming of new toys....

Mda...sunt de o pe linga gripa asta nesuferita m-a mai apucat o manie : a hexagoanelor.
Totul a inceput de la Lili, apoi a aparut cu un blog nou si citeva lucrari noi Ortansa iar la final Ela a decretat : facem schimb de patrate pentru realizarea unui Charm Quilt. Deci : ce mai incoace si-ncolo, m-a lovit si pe mine dragostea de hexagoane. :)))
Mi-am pregatit pagini printate de diferite dimensiuni...evident ca am inceput cu 2, am ajuns la 1,8cm. ha!

Yep...I'm with flue for some time -like a week....and beside this nasty flue I've got another bug : hexagone love. :)
Everything started from Lili, then appear with some new works and a new blog Ortansa and in final Ela made a statement : we must swap squares for making Charm Quilts.  So, I've been hit by the hexagone love :)))
I've prepared a lot of printed grid hexagones papers with various dimensions...obviously I started from 2,5cm and ended with 1,8cm !  Ha !
Aseara, in pat, am taiat aproape 400 bucati din cele de 2,5 cm, pentru ca azi dimineata sa-mi dau seama ca de fapt imi plac mult mai mult cele de 1,8 cm. Ce sa fac, dragostea e dragoste, nu ? ;) am printat alte pagini....LOL. Si uite cam asa arata, doar citeva cusute gata : 

Last night in bed I cut almost 400 of 2,5 cm but this morning I realized that I like much better the 1,8 cm size. What can I make, love is love, ain't it ?;)  gone print some others...LOL. And here they are, just a few ready sewn :

Ei bine, am realizat ca am o cutie "interesanta" , foarte la indemina pentru munca cu ele... integral reciclata!
traiasca marca Zewa!! pai, ceva trebuia sa fac cu cutiile goale de la batistutzele folosite in ultima saptamina, nu ? ;) 

Well, I realized that I have quite an interesting box for handy working and storing them...recicled! Live long the Zewa !! well, something I've got to do with those empty tissue boxes used in the last week, no ? ;)

Mi-ar place sa am una asa de organizata ca si Smaranda
I would like to have one like this, quite organized and clean , like Smaranda  has:

Si ca tot mentionam jucarii noi, azi cosind hexagon dupa hexagon mi-am dat seama cit de folositor mi-ar fi un asemenea taietor de ata : varianta inel sau varianta pandantiv. Cred ca voi trece pandantivul pe lista de se face pe zi ce trece tot mai lunga.LOL.

And speaking of new toys...while I was sewing today, hex after hex, I realized how usefull would be for me one of these two thread cutter : the ring or the pendant. I think that I will put the pendant on my whish list....list that I see growing longer and longer day by day...LOL.


Dar pina una-alta, cos , visez si imi configurez viitorul meu charm-quilt...Smaranda asteapta cam de mult sa ma apuc de el :)). 
But untill then, I sew and dream and configure my future Charm Quilt. Smaranda is waiting for some time that I start my own Charm Quilt.:))

cherries, sweet cherries !

Ciresul nostru ...plin de fructe mari, dulci-zemoase, negre-visinii...Un pom ca din poveste...
Our cherry tree...full of big, sweet , burgundy-black cherries....A tree from a tale...

Cineva s-a ascuns in puteti vedea ??
Somebody's hidding in the cherry tree...can you see him ? 

Dar acum ? :) 
And now ?  :)

E o munca grea si riscanta sa culegi cirese dintr-un pom atit de inalt...dar el se simte in copilarie, tzopaie de pe o creanga pe alta...iar mie imi sta inima-n loc la fiecare tzopaiala de-a lui. Uite cit de fericit poate fi : 
It's a hard and risky work to pick cherries from such a tall tree....but he'a all in his childhood, he's jumping happy from a branch to another...and I feel that my heart is stopping at each of his jumps...look how happy he can be : 

Si uite ce munca ma asteapta pe mine, apoi....ciresele se pun la congelator. Nu pregatim gemuri si dulceturi pentru iarna, preferam sa punem fructele la congelator. Apoi, iarna, cind vine pofta de ceva "dulce", e atit de usor sa le scot din congelator si sa le pun in prajitura, sau sa le fac sos fierbinte pe inghetata...e mult mai natural..

And look how much work is waiting for me ...I put the cherries in the freezer. I dont't make gems for the winter, I prefer to put the fruits straight in the freezer. And then , in the winter, when I crave for something sweet and natural, too, is it so easy to take a portion out and put them into a cake or make a hot sirup over the ice-cream...more natural feeding in our lives...

Si brosa de azi :  ;)
And today's brooch : ;)

nothing's perfect but all are beautifull

Toate florile sunt frumoase...niciuna nu e perfecta dar toate sunt frumoase...
All the flowers are beautifull....none is perfect but all are beautifull...



Chiar si in gradina, totul are o forma tranzitorie....inspre fruct !
Even in the garden everything is just transforming....into fruits !

Si am geamuri noi ! un fel de a schimbat paravanele anti-vint cu unele noi, trendy si fereastra. Falsa dar lasa lumina in interior si arata mult mai "home sweet home". Bine ca sunt scutita de a pune perdele . LOL.

And I do have new windows....a kind of speaking. We change the wind protection and now we have some new ones with windows. Fake windows. They let the light pass trough and look more "home sweet home"...even if is just a barbeque place... Well, I'm gratefull for not having to put some curtains on them . LOL. 

Chiar si de afara totul arata mult mai atragator....
Even from outside it looks more attractive...

Si inca o brosa...o brosa pe zi, ha-ha!
And another brooch... a brooch a day. LOL.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

the best sister in the world

Acum citeva saptamini am primit un mail interesant : Elizabeth imi cerea citeva bucatele de material pe care urma sa le includa intr-un quilt surpriza pentru sora ei , in final insarcinata dupa indelungi incercari. Bebelusul are sa vina pe lume in noiembrie...timp destul pentru ca ea, Elizabeth, sa stringa din toata lumea bucatele de material trimise cu drag pentru un bebelus ce este pe drum.
Surpriza a fost maxima cind, dupa trimiterea celor cerute, am primit un plic de multumire. In interior citeva bucatele de material, citeva rinduri de multumire si ce m-a miscat cel mai mult este aceasta veche binecuvintare indiana :
" Fie ca vinturile calde ale Raiului sa sufle usor peste casa ta.
Fie ca Marele Spirit sa-i binecuvinteze pe toti cei ce intra in ea.
Fie ca mocasinii tai sa lase urme vesele in multe zapezi,
si fie ca intotdeauna curcubeul sa te atinga pe umar. "
A fost un moment extrem de miscator pentru mine....o binecuvintare atit de simpla si de frumoasa ce mi-a umplut sufletul de soare si dragoste....
Multumesc , Elizabeth!
La rindul meu si eu va doresc , voua tuturor, ca intotdeauna un curcubeu sa va atinga pe umar!

Several weeks ago I received an interesting e-mail : Elizabeth was asking for a few scraps of fabric that she will put in a surprise quilt for her finally pregnant sister. The baby will be born somewhere in november...enough time for Elizabeth to gather from all the world those scraps sent with love for an upcomig baby.
The surprise, after I sent the requested pieces, was receiving a thank-you envelope. Pieces of fabric, a thank-you letter and most and the most touching of all was this old indian blessing :
"May the Warm Winds of Heaven blow softly upon your house.
May the great Spirit bless all who enter here.
May your Mocasssins make happy tracks in many snows,
and may the Rainbow always touch your shoulder".
Was an extremely emotional moment for me....such a simple and beautifull blessing filled my soul with sun and love...
Thank YOU, Elizabeth!

I whish you all too, that the Rainbow should always touch your shoulder !

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

colours of the day

Ei bine...putin mov. Fara nici o intentie prealabila, anul acesta ne bucuram de o explozie de verde-mov ! interesanta ... lupin, irisi, glicina, salvie...toate sunt mov. Restul e verde. ;)

Well, a little bit of purple. Whithout any preconceived intention, this year we enjoy of an purple-green explosion....interesting...lupins, irises, glycine, salvia...all are purple. The rest is green. ;)

Si pentru ca alta tura de fasole cauta ajutor pentru catarat, i-am incropit rapid o solutie la indemina...pura reciclare! ha-ha! un vechi cearceaf - din vremurile cind imi placeau cearceafurile colorate, in ziua de azi accept doar alb. Ha! - deci : un vechi cearceaf, sfisiat in fisii inguste si agatate pe o rama ...capatul de jos prins cu spun eu mai incolo daca sustine cu brio greutatea tufelor de fasole ! ;) precum vedeti continuam sa pastram apa in mici containere...ploaie, unde esti ploaie ??? avem atita nevoie de o ploaie adevarata !!

And because another garden bed with some pole beans needed a quick and cheap solution for "sustainability" I made a very "recicled" one from an old bed sheet, ripped in narrow stripes and pinned at the bottom with some tacks and knotted up on a wood frame. I will tell you later if it supports with success all the weight of the beans. ;) As you can see, we continuu to keep water in small tanks...rain, where are you ?we need so much a good and heavy rain!!

Si acum putin rosu...ascunse printre frunze, primele capsune, se inrosesc de zor... sa vorbesti cu gura plina de capsuni...poti ? ca in copilarie....

And now a little red : hidden among leaves , the first strawberries are ripening quickly, one after another....speeking with a mouth full of sweet aroma...can you? as in childhood....

Si pentru ca nu poate trece o zi fara sa-mi incurc niste ata printre degete, am facut o noua brosa...rosie ca o capsuna...dar mult mai eleganta...poate ca un mac....12 cm diametru, baza de fetru negru, ac de brosa 2cm.
O noua tehnica, in straturi....din cauza aceasta nu pot pastra deloc ordinea in atelier ;)

And because I can't pass a day whithout playing with some thread amond my fingers, I made a new as a strawberry....but much more elegant...or perhaps it seems like poppies....12 cm diametre, black felt as base, 2cm brooch pin.A new technique, layered...because of that I can't keep order in my studio ;)

O zi atit de colorata....

Such a coloured day...

Monday, May 11, 2009

stories from the garden corner

Luna mai....deja ? timpul a trecut in si avionul din poza de mai jos...zilnic, deasupra noastra zboara avioane sportive, planoare si avioane "normale"...adica un fel de boeing-uri mai mici ;) si asta pentru ca aeroportul este foarte aproape.

The month of May...already ?? the time did flied away as the plane in the by day, on the sky above us are flying sport planes, aeroplanes and "normal " planes...something more like "small boeings"...and this happens because the airport is very close...

Gradina a luat avint , totul este extraordinar de verde si de este la toate ca suferim de seceta cam de 2 luni de zile...flori, parfum, cintec de pasarele... ce lume minunata !

The garden did take a big jump .Everything is so green and succulent...the nature is at it's max...even that we suffer for severe draught in the last 2, perfumes, singing birds...what a beautifull world !

Gradina de legume incepe sa prinda "forme" gust crocant : ridichi, ceapa verde, ruccolla, usturoi proaspat...deocamdata curind e gata si mazarea " mange-tout" , si capsunii. Apoi fasolea, cartofii, fine, toate cele "poftite" si ascunse-n pamint luna trecuta...Multumesc cirtitzelor pentru ajutorul enorm pe care mi l-au dat : pamint pentru fi trebuit sa fie in final 8 straturi, dar am ramas cu pare ca totusi naftalina nu le e pe plac. A fost singura metoda "naturala" de a le alunga.... va amintiti ? de aici a inceput totul...

The vegetable garden start to take contour...and flavours....and crispy tastes : radishes, green onion, ruccolla, fresh garlic...for now. Soon enough will be ready to pick the "mange-tout" peas and the strawberries. Then the pole bean, the potatoes, the corn...well, all those "whished for" and burried in the soil last month.
I must say a deeply "thank you!" to all the moles in my garden for their great help : clean soil for my garden beds...there should be at last 8 raised beds but we have only 7. It seems that they don't like at all naftalene. This was the only "natural" solution to "shoo" them you remember ? from here started all :

Si acum e asa :

and now is this : finele fiecarei zile.... each days' end...


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