"Blondutza" mea este mult mai bine...cred si eu , dupa o saptamina de rasfat! au fost momente grele, triste si enervante citeodata dar uite ca au trecut. Cel putin sper ca "umbra intunecata" a plecat...departe...
My dearest "blondie" is getting well...I belive so, after a week full of spoiling her! there were hard and sad moments, annoying sometimes but look how they passed away. At least I HOPE that THAT "dark shadow" has gone away...far away...
Si azi se simte sexi...deh, o blonda imbracata in negru LOL.
And today she feels herself sexy all dressed up in black LOL.
Sunt momente cind catadicseste sa se ridice din hol, ( in urma operatiei inca doarme in casa, in holul principal ) si sa vina pina la fotoliul meu...isi pune botul pe mina asteptind mingiiere...pot sa ma abtin in fata boticului asta mic, umed si trist??
There are moments during the days when she is getting up from her place in the lobby ( she is still sleeping with us, after the operation, in the main lobby ) and she came right to my armchair waiting for some love...Can I behold myself when I see this pretty wet little sad nose ??
Imi amintesc acum, vazind pozele facute la disperare in zilele de dupa operatie- cind inca nu stiam daca va supravietui- , cit de greu e sa intelegi un suflet care sufera de durere si nu poate spune nimic...ii vezi doar ochii...si intelegi tot...nu e nevoie de nici un cuvint in plus...
I remember now, seeing those photos I take desperatly the days after the operation -when I didn't know that she will survive-, how HARD is to understand a soul that suffers in pain and can not say ANYTHING...you just see the eyes ...and completely understand all...it's not neccessary a word more...
Ca sa ii fie mai usor si ei, si noua am preferat sa ii facem perfuziile si tratamentul medicamentos acasa! A avut un cateter in labuta asa ca perfuziile au fost usor de administrat, dar pentru injectii ii ramin adinc recunoscatoare lui Mircea . I le-a facut cu curaj, cu toate ca nu a mai facut o injectie in viata lui...brrrr, mie mi se face rau cind vad acele...:((
Si ca sa-i placa, a avut un cearceaf rosu pentru tratament...e vorba de o fetita sa nu uitati! ;))
To make her easier the perioud of treatment, we prefered to make her perfusions at home! She had a catheter in her left front leg so the perfusions were easy to make, but for the injections I still remain gratefull to Mircea. He made them with courage, even that he didn't make another one in his whole life....brrrr,I get sick in front of those needles...:((
And to make all more enjoyable she was spoiled with a red sheet for the treatment...it's a girl, don't forget ! ;))
Ca sa nu isi linga operatia a fost nevoie sa o "imbrac"... Este putin stresata din cauza asta dar parca tot mai bine asa decit cu un guler din plastic in jurul capului...
To avoid letting her lickking the operation I was forced to "dress" her up. She is a little bit stressed about it but it's better this then that plastic collar around her head...
De-acum face plimbare obligatorie prin gradina, sa o bata soarele si sa se improspateze. Si pe cuvint ca a devenit rasfatata!! cind o chem afara , se uita luuung la mine si da din coada...tacticoasa ...parca spune : "-nope, mai tirziu... "
From now on she must take a long walk through the garden , to get some fresh air and sun.
I think she really , I mean REALLY, become spoiled !! when I ask her to come out at a walk , she looks at me with looong eyes and just flick her tail..like saying : " - nope...later..."
MULTUMESC tuturor celor ce mi-au scris, intrebindu-ma de Goldie. Gindurile voastre bune au ajutat enorm. Multumesc!
And THANK YOU all that you write to me, asking about Goldie. Yours good thoughts did make a lot. A big THANK YOU!
Ma bucur ca este bine si ca te-ai mai inveselit.
ReplyDeleteCe frumoasa este si ce privire blânda are!
ReplyDeleteE bine ca ai facut poze, o sa le ai "pour toujours"!
Ma bucur ca a trecut cu bine peste aceasta incercare! Este tare dragalasa!
Off, ce-as mangaia-o pe capsorul acela balai, cu privirea trista!
ReplyDeleteImi pare tare bine ca incepe sa-si revina. Sa va bucurati si voi de ea si ea de voi!
Ma bucur ca e bine! ce frumoasa e! Deci asa o sa arate si Ava a mea cand va fi mare :)
ReplyDeleteMa bucur pentru frumoasa aurie si pentru stapanii ei ,care, imi imaginez cat au suferit.
ReplyDeleteCe vesti bune ne-ai dat, Teodora, tare mult ma bucur ca frumoasa ta "fetitza" si-a revenit !
Ce catel rasfatat! Cred si eu, uite cat este de frumusica!Bine ca ce a fost greu a trecut! Elena
ReplyDeleteScumpa ! Ma bucur ca s-a facut bine ! Ce de emotii !
ReplyDeleteDraga de ea!Bine ca a trecut ce a fost mai greu!
ReplyDeleteEst qu'il va mieux ?