Saturday, April 12, 2008

gardening or...?

Doua noi trebuiau puse la treaba, nu ?

..two new super- gardening tools...I should put them to work, no? first of all they needed some handles ;))

Am inceput ca de obicei cu ridichile...Mmmm...doua soiuri.

I started as usually with the radishes...two sorts. Yep.

ridichile le-am amestecat cu saminta de salata creata , pentru ca iese mai usor salata. Ridichile ies primele, viguroase, astfel ele deja sfarama pamintul pentru mladitele fine de salata...fac asta in fiecare an , si chiar daca pare un sfat pentru prosti, merita sa fie luat in considerare ca fiind unul bun si eficient.

I mixed the seeds of radishes with those of salad because, as they are sprouting first, are helping the tiny plants of salad to work out of dirt.I'm doing the same mix every year, and even if it seems to be an advice for dummies it must be considered as a good and eficient one.

Apoi, poate pentru ca imi era deja foame de la munca in aerul curat si ciripit de pasarele, am "ascuns" in pamint citeva seminte de bostan rosu si de bostan untos Waltham.

And, perhaps because I was already hungry from working in the fresh air with bird songs, I "hide" in dirt some red pumpkin seeds and some Waltham Butternut so soft and sweet and ymmy ( ;))) ) pumpkin. Well, I had more to go...

Doua feluri de castraveti

Two kind of cucumbers ( so crunchy in those cheese salads with all kind of home-made dressings ;)) )

Some spinach

And also mixed toghether some tomatoes and carrots seeds ( because carrots LOVE tomatoes...just a love-affair between them ;)) )

And as you can see I have just a half of my vegetable garden in work. It waits for my hurting back bending again for some more digging work..

I love to dig with this tool ( digging fork ) ! it's doing a super-extra-easy-well accomplished job ;))...I think it was invented JUST for me! ( because I hate to dig)

So , tomorrow is another ( working) day...


  1. Wow !Straturi ,straturi si sfaturi!Ai muncit ceva, nu gluma!Ela

  2. Mama mia Teodora!!! ce harnicuta esti!!! Felicitari! Sa stii ca voi incerca si eu amestecul de ridichi si salata. Merge in cultura a doua?
    Spor la treaba! Te pup, Sma

  3. pacat ca n-am citit articolul tau mai repede , mi-ar fi fost de folos. Anul acesta a trebuit sa ma ocup eu de gradina si nu prea am experienta.MULTUMESC TEODORA ! sa mai vi cu sfaturi utile.-ENA



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