The spring is already here...obviously...and I'm thinking already at those cherries...Mmmm;))
Toamna trecuta am primit de la Sma ( Cluj) citeva plante minunate...primul a inflorit un iris pitic albastru...puteti crede cit de MIC este ???
Last autumn I received from Sma some wonderfull plants...this year, the first flowered among them is a small Iris...can you believe how SMALL it is ??
Imi plac multe florile salbatice....
I love-love all the savage flowers from my garden. And I've got plenty of are just the first from this spring...
Primul curcubeu din anul acesta.
The first rainbow from this year.
Ce ma bucur ca a inflorit irisul:). E si parfumat. Spor la gradinarit!