Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Friday, December 03, 2010
This close!...
Am fost "atit!" de aproape de ideea de a-mi inchide blogul....ma simteam presionata de faptul ca nu am postat nici un articol de ....1 luna de zile !! presionata zi de zi, ceea ce mi-a displacut la maxim....neplacere care la un moment dat a atins o culme cind mi-am spus simplu : "-gata, inchid blogul "...o tristete adinca m-a imbracat pentru citeva zile....ca si cum nu ar fi fost de ajuns stress-ul si obligatiile.....apoi am revenit asupra lui si l-am rasfoit putin....a luat nastere acum 4 ani , dupa intoarcerea dintr-o vacanta frumoasa...
I was "this close" to the ideea of closing for ever my blog. I felt myself under pressure due the fact that I didn't write a post over 1 month ! pressured day by day and this I totally disliked it. At some point, in this thoughts-war, I reached a peak when I said : "- ready, I'm closing my blog ! "....a deep sadness overwhelmed me for several days...as if stress and obligations were'nt enough....then I come back on it and browsed a little....
I started it 4 years ago, at returning from a beautiful holiday....
Am re-citit cu atita drag unele din articole...am re-vazut suflete dragi pierdute pe drumul vietii .....am ris la unele patanii.....ma regaseam in fiecare rind, ma re-descopeream incetul cu incetul....eram mai tinara, mai naiva...priveam altfel viata si lumea din jur. Si toate astea in timp de doar 4 ani....vi se intimpla si voua ?
I reread with so much love some posts...I saw dearest souls lost along the way of life...I laugh at some points....I found myself in every line, I rediscover myself slowly...much younger, more naive...looking trough different eyes at life and happenings around me. And all these in just 4 years...does it happens to you, too ?
Apoi am inceput sa imi aduc singura, in lungile discutii interioare, argumente pro-blog. Am ajuns la concluzia ca, nefiind un blog de tutoriale, nici unul de retete, nici macar de esenta religioasa, nu ma obliga nimeni si nimic sa scriu atunci cind lumea se asteapta! E blogul MEU, jurnalul meu, amintirile mele ....scriu atunci cind simt ca pot, cind simt ca imi face placere, cind sunt linistita si cind, pe deasupra tuturor, doresc sa ramina imprimata pentru mai tirziu o amintire frumoasa. Blogul MEU :) .
Then I started to convince myself, in my long and boring disscusions with myself, to give pro-blog arguments. I concluded simply that being not a tutorial blog, nor a recipe one or at least a religious one, nobody and nothing can make me write when people expects to ! It is MY blog, my diary, are my memories...I will write when I feel that I can, when I feel that pleases me, when I'm serene and above all, when I want to keep a beautiful memory printed here for future. MY blog :).
Daca va face placere sa il cititi, sunteti bineveniti, va primesc cu bratele deschise. Dar nu va asteptati sa scriu de nevoie!! scriu cind imi face placere...citeodata voi scrie mai des si mai lung, citeodata mai rar si mai scurt sau citeodata chiar vor fi pauze lungi intre articole...cert este ca ma voi intoarce mereu in el .
If you like reading it, you're welcome. I welcome you with open arms. But don't expect to write obliged ! I write when I like to...sometimes here will be often and longer lines, sometimes shorter and not so often or sometimes there will be longer breaks between posts...Certainly, I will always come back into it .
Si pentru ca doresc ca aceasta amintire sa ramina aici pentru viitor , va arat cartile postale de la prietenele mele de pe grupul de patchwork ,primite acum o luna, cu ocazia zilei mele de nastere.
Prietene pe care , la fel : le cunosc de 4 ani de zile si nu le-am intilnit NICIODATA ! Dar asta nu inseamna ca renunt la ele....nu-i asa ? :)
And just because I do want for this memory to be here for the future, I will show you the textile postcards that I received from my patchwork group friends, a month ago for my birthday.
Friends that, too, I know since 4 years and NEVER met them once. But this doesn't mean I'm giving up on them...huh ?
I was "this close" to the ideea of closing for ever my blog. I felt myself under pressure due the fact that I didn't write a post over 1 month ! pressured day by day and this I totally disliked it. At some point, in this thoughts-war, I reached a peak when I said : "- ready, I'm closing my blog ! "....a deep sadness overwhelmed me for several days...as if stress and obligations were'nt enough....then I come back on it and browsed a little....
I started it 4 years ago, at returning from a beautiful holiday....
Am re-citit cu atita drag unele din articole...am re-vazut suflete dragi pierdute pe drumul vietii .....am ris la unele patanii.....ma regaseam in fiecare rind, ma re-descopeream incetul cu incetul....eram mai tinara, mai naiva...priveam altfel viata si lumea din jur. Si toate astea in timp de doar 4 ani....vi se intimpla si voua ?
I reread with so much love some posts...I saw dearest souls lost along the way of life...I laugh at some points....I found myself in every line, I rediscover myself slowly...much younger, more naive...looking trough different eyes at life and happenings around me. And all these in just 4 years...does it happens to you, too ?
Apoi am inceput sa imi aduc singura, in lungile discutii interioare, argumente pro-blog. Am ajuns la concluzia ca, nefiind un blog de tutoriale, nici unul de retete, nici macar de esenta religioasa, nu ma obliga nimeni si nimic sa scriu atunci cind lumea se asteapta! E blogul MEU, jurnalul meu, amintirile mele ....scriu atunci cind simt ca pot, cind simt ca imi face placere, cind sunt linistita si cind, pe deasupra tuturor, doresc sa ramina imprimata pentru mai tirziu o amintire frumoasa. Blogul MEU :) .
Then I started to convince myself, in my long and boring disscusions with myself, to give pro-blog arguments. I concluded simply that being not a tutorial blog, nor a recipe one or at least a religious one, nobody and nothing can make me write when people expects to ! It is MY blog, my diary, are my memories...I will write when I feel that I can, when I feel that pleases me, when I'm serene and above all, when I want to keep a beautiful memory printed here for future. MY blog :).
Daca va face placere sa il cititi, sunteti bineveniti, va primesc cu bratele deschise. Dar nu va asteptati sa scriu de nevoie!! scriu cind imi face placere...citeodata voi scrie mai des si mai lung, citeodata mai rar si mai scurt sau citeodata chiar vor fi pauze lungi intre articole...cert este ca ma voi intoarce mereu in el .
If you like reading it, you're welcome. I welcome you with open arms. But don't expect to write obliged ! I write when I like to...sometimes here will be often and longer lines, sometimes shorter and not so often or sometimes there will be longer breaks between posts...Certainly, I will always come back into it .
Si pentru ca doresc ca aceasta amintire sa ramina aici pentru viitor , va arat cartile postale de la prietenele mele de pe grupul de patchwork ,primite acum o luna, cu ocazia zilei mele de nastere.
Prietene pe care , la fel : le cunosc de 4 ani de zile si nu le-am intilnit NICIODATA ! Dar asta nu inseamna ca renunt la ele....nu-i asa ? :)
And just because I do want for this memory to be here for the future, I will show you the textile postcards that I received from my patchwork group friends, a month ago for my birthday.
Friends that, too, I know since 4 years and NEVER met them once. But this doesn't mean I'm giving up on them...huh ?
odata cu una dintre carticele am primit o cutiuta mixed-media superba ( merci Elena )
together with one of those I received from Elena a beautiful mixed-media small box ( Thank you , Elena)
Iarna este aici, aproape, dupa colt....se simte in aer, se simte in casa...imi place :D
Winter is here, closer, around the corner...I feel it in the air, I smell/taste it inside the house...I like it :)
Iarna aduce totodata un aer festiv in pernitele mele de ace , recycled :
winter also brings a festive touch in my recycled pincushions :
Voua va place iarna ? :)
Do you love winter ? :)
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