Rabdare, totul se face cu rabdare....
As you can see I updated my header image...is a today one. The green-grass on the right lane has finally settled, the trees did grow some in the last year ( others where planted in the spring)...and perhaps soon will have a green fence and a gate, too . ;)
Patience, with patience everything is finally done ....
Intre timp , asa cum spuneam, toamna se furiseaza incet-incet peste tot...cu frunze ruginite, cu umbre seducatoare , dar din ce in ce mai reci...
Meanwhile, as I told you, autumn is sneaking slowly everywhere....with rusted leaves, with seductive tree shadows increasingly cool....
Cineva ma intimpina :
As in each sunny and pleasant Sunday, grilling is our treat after a hard working week.
Someone is greeting me :
si oricit o rog sa imi duca cosul nu face altceva decit ca zimbeste...
and everytime I ask her to carry along my basket she responds just with a smile...
pe cind ajung si eu in pavilion totul este deja pregatit . Love.
when I finally arrive , inside is everything ready . Love.
intotdeauna toamna ma farmeca cu umbre si culori, cu arome si sunete....
I'm always charmed by the autumn with her shadows and colours, smells and sounds....
pina cind jumatatea mea grill-uieste
untill my DH grills :
eu am parte de momente de relaxare...mda, acelasi loc preferat, acelasi catel zimbitor...
I am having some relax moments....yes, in the same favourite place, with the same smiling dog near me....
nu v-am spus eu ca intr-adevar zimbeste ? :) un catel minunat....
didn't I tell you that she is really smiling ? :) wonderful dog...
sunetele toamnei....in paharul meu ;)
the sounds of autumn... in my glass ;)
da, acesta este vinul meu favorit
yes, this is my favourite wine
si in final, aceasta este farfuria mea cu bunatati
and finally, this is my plate filled with goodies
bunatati am spus, da ?
goodies I said, right ?
apoi cineva pleaca dupa desert....insotit de altcineva :)) da, e cam departe casa....
then someone left for dessert...accompanied by someone-else :)) yes, the house is quite far away....
spre seara umbrele devin din ce in ce mai racoroase....am nevoie de paturica mea albastra ;) mi-a fost dor de ea, moale si pufoasa....
in the evening the shadows become increasingly cool....I need my fave light blue blanket ;) I missed it ...soft and fluffy....
stau pe sezlong cu nasul in flori pina apune soarele
sitting on the chair with my nose among the flowers
o mica frumusete delicata si foarte parfumata in seara
a small beauty, delicate with heavy fragrance in the late evening
O zi a trecut...urmeaza alta...Rabdare.
A day is gone...another will follow....Patience.