Thursday, May 27, 2010

group exhibition in Craiova


Casa de Cultura Traian Demetrescu, salonul Medieval
vernisaj 28 mai, ora 17 

Str.Traian Demetrescu, nr.31, CRAIOVA 200395
Telefon: 0351413369, mobil 0723919750
e-mail : ;

Sunday, May 16, 2010

beauties and almost beauties

Frumuseti si curind frumuseti 
Intii citeva frumuseti : gingasul zephyrantes 
Beauties and almost future beauties.
First let's touch the beauties : zephyranthes....such a tender flower

parfumata salcioara
perfumed Eleagnus 
foarte parfumatul salcim alb 
extremely perfumed white acacia

o glicina inflorita tirziu linga pavilion
a wisteria plant flourished late near the pavilion

si-acum citeva bunatati din gradina mea...frumuseti si ele ;)
goodies in my garden, for me beauties ,too ;)

citeva salate de la Smaranda - mi-a trimis anul trecut un soi de salata incredibila la care ii tot culeg frunzele iar ea continua sa creasca din ce in ce mai mai gustoasa :) .Merci encore, Smaranda !
some salads from Smaranda - she sent me a wonderful kind that I can crop leave by leave and still continue to grow bigger and bigger...and yummy, too :) Merci encore, Smaranda


si ce ziceti de frumusetea asta ? visul fiecarui gradinar : si flori si fructe .
and how about this one ? a real beauty : flowers and fruits together, any gardeners' dream

ah, o puteti trece la frumuseti si pe ea - Goldie :))
you can count her- Goldie - at "beauties" , too :))

si acum citeva viitoare frumuseti : socul care si anul acesta va furniza atitea flori parfumate iar tirziu in toamna multe fructe bune pentru gem sau pentru vopsitul natural 
and now some almost future beauties : the elder bush will provide this year again so many flowers and late in the autumn a lot of elderberries for jam or for natural dyeing

un foarte asteptat si foarte parfumat iris maro care anul acesta mi-a oferit o surpriza neplacuta devenind mov inchis si aproape deloc parfumat....dar totusi o frumusete...e al meu ;).
a much expected heavy perfumed brown iris that will give me an unpleasant suprise this year becoming a dark purple one and almost no smell ...but a beautie, too. It's mine, that's why. ;)

citiva lupini mov acompaniati de o urzica :)
some purple lupines accompanied by a stinging nettle :) 

si o floare pe care am primit-o de la Csilla, si inca nu-i stiu numele :(
a flower that I received from Csilla and still don't know her name :(
Saptamina trecuta, la rugamintea mea, Betty mi-a cumparat de la IKEA acest uscator de vase din lemn. Se integreaza foarte bine in pavilion.Nu-i asa ? 
Last week I received , at my request, from Betty this dryer for dishes, worked all in wood. It's from IKEA and it fit very well the grill pavilion...don't you think ? 

Iar acum, inapoi in casa unde am adus o mica parte din gradina : 
Now,let's return in home where I bring a small part of my garden like this : 

si pentru ca afara continua sa ploua si e tare rece, m-am asezat la lucru. 
Un set colorat pentru o fetita mica din lumea asta mare caruia ii plac elefantii ;)
and because outside is still raining and raining...and cold and colder, I set myself to work. 
Some coloured pieces , a set for tiny little girls who loves elephants ;)

si cum dupa fiecare piesa foarte colorata simt nevoia sa ma intorc la game mai palide, mai usoare am incercat din nou modelul de saculetz rotund pentru bijuterii. Acompaniat, asa cum fac in ultimul timp, de o micuta  bijuterie
and as after every coloured piece I need to return to softer, pale range I try another romantic jewelry pouch. 
Accompanied , as lately I used to, by a small jewelry piece.

Imi place ca fiecare bijuterie bonus sa o lucrez asa incit sa se asorteze cu piesa din material textil linga care va fi oferita ca bonus . Azi am facut aceasta bratara : 
 I love to work every tiny piece to fit with the fabric I made this : 

jucindu-ma din greu cu rezervele mele pentru bijuterii 
playing hard from my stash :

doar ca sa rezulte un bonus fin si asortat cu aceast saculetz : 
to be a small bonus along this one : 

Afara inca e tot rece asa ca nu-mi ramine decit sa sper ca voi gasi un film bun pentru seara de duminica...
Outside is still cold and raining, hopefully I'll find a good film to watch...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

surpriza dezvaluita

Mai tineti minte privirea pe furis de aici ??
Do you remember that sneak peep from here

ei bine de fapt surpriza arata asa : 
well, my surprise look like this : 

Azi dimineata, am luat-o pe Csilla prin surprindere totala. Ea adora surprizele :)) cum ne-a ajutat, pe mine si pe peticele in realizarea unei alte surprize de grup, am simtit ca e momentul sa o "fericesc" cu putin portocaliu, una din culorile ei preferate. Sper ca cerceii sa ii stea bine. 

I really did take Csilla by surprise this morning. She loves surprises :)))
A few days ago she put a hand on a group surprise for someone else and this is my way to make her happy ( and surprised, too !) sending a little orange - her favourite colour. 
I do hope that the earring I worked for her fit well. 

Intre timp, pentru ca tot nu pot sta degeaba, am refacut acel model de saculetz romantic dreptunghiular cu materiale ce le-am luat nu demult.

Meanwhile , because I can't stand still, I re-made that romantic pouch in last fabrics that I shopped. 
Already present in my tiny  breslo shop.

Acum am in minte alte idei, dar timpul liber este putin cam "scurt" in aceasta perioada.
Now, I have other ideeas, but....time is lacking this perioud. 
Pastrati un ochi pe aici, in curind vin cu alte poze...poze peste poze :)))
Keep an alert eye here, soon I'll be back with more photos...more and more photos :)))

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ce placere sa cumpar materiale de patchwork direct din tara mea.
Pina nu demult, toate cumparaturile mele erau  insotite de taxe de livrare imense :(... coletele veneau din SUA, UK, Suedia, Austria,  deci ca urmare, o mare parte din banuti se duceau pe taxele postale. Si desigur coletele veneau recomandate cu semnatura de primire pentru ca ...traim in Romania. ;)
Ce sa fac cind hobby-ul e foarte aproape de suflet si am nevoie de materie prima ? :))

What a pleasure to buy fabrics straight from my country. Until a few months ago, all my shopping were accompanied by huge delivery taxes. The packages came from USA, UK, Sweden, Austria, so a part of my money were spent on delivery taxes. Of course , the packages were delivered with signed for delivery option , just because... we live in Romania ;).
What can I do with a too much loved hobby and need for raw material? :))

Deci , acestea sunt materialele cumparate din Kreativ Shop ,si va rog sa ma credeti ca nu le fac publicitate decit pentru simplul fapt ca sunt minunate !! si inca ceva : pentru ca taxa postala costa cel mult 8-10 lei !! - adica cam 2-2,5 euro ;))))

So : these are the fabrics that I bought from KreativShop  and please do believe me that I'm showing them for nothing else that the fact they are simply wonderful. !! and something more : because the delivery tax is as 8-10 lei , meaning 2-2,5 Euro !!) :)))

de la stinga la dreapta : 3 puplinuri japoneze, 2 materiale bumbac unguresti , 2 materiale din germania si 2  materiale patchwork americane ( din brandul SouthSeaImport)

from left to right : 3 Japanese puplin, 2 Hungarian cotton , 2 German cottons and 2 American patchwork fabrics ( like SouthSeaImport brand)

Cred ca se vede cu ochiul liber cit de mult imi plac trandafirii....:))

I think is obviously clear how much I love roses...:))

Si pentru ca din asa materiale minunate trebuie sa iasa intotdeauna ceva practic si pe cit posibil frumos, am inceput de aici : 

and because from these wonderful fabrics must result something practical and beautiful, too  , I started from here : 

si am ajuns aici : 
and I ended here : 

iar azi am fost in asa mare graba incit nu va pot arata decit finalul :))
and today I was such in a hurry that I can show you only the end  :))

Este o adevarata bucurie sa finalizezi piese fine, frumoase din materiale minunate. Nu-i asa ?
Nu uitati sa vizitati Kreativ Shop pentru a va re-improspata stocul de materiale. 
Merita !!

It's such a joy to make nice, beautiful things from wonderful fabrics. Don't you think ? 
So , don't forget to visit Kreativ Shop for refreshing your stash. I already have a wish-list as long as winter :))
Really worth !

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

a sneak peep

o privire pe furis la ce am lucrat eu ieri ...Imi place din ce in ce mai mult sa lucrez bijuterii...lipseste totusi o a treia mica piesa dar aceasta ar fi fost prea concludenta ;).

a sneak peep over my yesterday work...I love working the picture is missing a third  piece but this one could be too concludent. ;) 

continuare in curing :))
to be continued soon :))

Sunday, May 09, 2010

meet my boots, again

Sa va prezint cizmele mele. Din nou. Sau.... o plimbare prin gradina.

Meet my boots, again. Or a walk through the garden...

dupa cum vedeti primavara s-a instalat in totalitate aici  (chiar daca vremea este foarte schimbatoare in ultimele zile, totusi e primavara deplina ) 

as you can see spring is fully settled in here . Even that the weather is extremely changing in the last days we are in a definite spring

deci la drum...
so let's go on

sub cires este un aer de totala tristete boala....ceva foarte rau a atacat ciresul si se pare ca am pierdut intreaga recolta. Toate buchetele de flori ofilite si de cirese verzi in formare arata asa : 

under the cherry tree is a totally sadness...and illness...something really bad hit the tree this year and it seems that we lost quite entirely future crop. All the bouquets of passed flowers and green cherries in formation looks like this : 

intregul pom sufera
and I mean all the tree is suffering 

in viata pierzi si cistigi...trebuie sa stii sa faci fata ambelor situatii...
glicina infloreste ca nebuna parca tocmai ca sa stearga din tristetea ciresului...

in life, one can gain or can loose....must be able to handle both of the situations....
wisteria is flowering like crazy, trying hard to cover the cherry-sadness

mai departe prin gradina 
along to the garden

si o privire spre inapoi de unde am venit 
and a look back from where I came

Iar acum privirea tot inainte : Da, acesta este locul meu . Are aproximativ de toate mai putin o casa...cine stie ce poate aduce viitorul ?

And now, looking straight ahead : yes, this is my place . It has almost everything I need less then a home...who knows what future can bring?

si aici incepe mica mea gradina de legume. Flori ? doar citeva pe linga pavilion

and here start my small raised-bed vegetable ? just a few along the garden pavilion

citiva irisi albi, parfumati si in curind, foarte curind vor inflori irisii maro-burgund foarte parfumati

some white and indigo irises and soon,very soon, an intense perfumed burgundy-brown one will flourish


citeva tufe de mahon si un trandafir japonez plin de bondari, bineinteles :)
some mahogany and flowering shrubs full of bumble-bees, of course :) 

nu am degete verzi pentru flori, doar cele perene traiesc linistite in compania schimb preferatele mele sunt straturile cu legume . Mai putin aratoase acum la inceput de primavara...dar foarte gustoase!

I haven't green fingers for flowers in my garden, just the perennial plants thrive in my company. I rather preffer vegetable patches. Less pretty now in the beggining...but so yummy !

anul acesta am mincat pentru prima data sparanghel din mica mea gradina ...ce crocant, ce gustos !
this year I ate for the first time asparagus from my little garden. Crispy and yummy ! 

clipele de odihna arata asa ;)
the relaxing moments looks like this ;)

iar clipele de munca intensa arata asa :
and hard working moments  looks like this :

Oh, aproape ca am uitat : am un catel proaspat de nou. Nu , nu nou!  proaspat ! ;)
asa arata inainte : 

oh, I almost forgot : I 've got a freshly new dog. No, not a new dog. A fresh dog. ;)
before : 

si asa arata dupa un tuns sever cu foarfeca. Da, trebuie sa recunosc : am nevoie disperata de un trimmer pt tuns catelul :)))
and after a severe scissor cut. Yes, I must admit : I desperately need a dog hair-trimmer :)))


Ea este fericita...s-a racorit. Iar eu sunt fericita , deasemenea. 
She's so happy...chilled out. I'm happy, too. 

O primavara frumoasa !
A nice spring !



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