Pentru ca azi am avut ocazia sa traduc pentru prietenele mele din grup unul dintre proiectele free de la "
3Creative Studios", si anume tehnica din luna Ianuarie :
Vatelina pictata, m-am gindit ca ar fi grozav sa incerc sa si pun in practica ce am citit.
"Practica inseamna experienta" ! mai multa practica-mai multa experienta...azi ramin la primul principiu la care mai adaug si "experienta se capata si din greseli" :))
Because today I've got the opportunity to translate for my quilting group friends one of the free project from the "3CreativeStudios"- and I'm refering about the January technique : Painted Batting - I thought it would be great to put in practice what I read. Practice means experience ! more practice-more experience....but today I stay close to the first part of this principle to which I add : "experience is gathered from mistakes, too !" ;))
deci : se aduna materialele necesare : vatelina, vopseluri, pensule, folie de protectie, pulverizator cu apa.
So : needed materials : batting, a few paints, brushes, nylon cover for protection, water spray.
Si pentru ca m-am entuziasmat si super-grabit sa o pun in practica, am inceput cu o greseala cu care ma voi duce pina la pe care am descoperit-o de-abia la final !!!!
Am uitat sa termo-lipesc vatelina pe o pinza de bumbac care sa ii dea schimb, eu am lipit marginile acesteia cu banda de hirtie, direct pe blatul de lucru. A mers si asa dar nu foarte grozav....
and because I was in such an excited hurry, I started with a mistake that I will carry on till end and will discover just at finish !!!
I forgot to fuse the batting to a cotton fabric to give it some firmness....instead, I taped it to the table...worked but not as charmed....
am inceput prin a pulveriza un strat subtire de apa peste cele doua bucati de vatelina....da, doua! cea mai mare este sintetica 100% - sfinta noastra vatelina din Romania, din cea mai subtire - iar bucatica mica este o vatelina de bumbac (!!!) primita ca mostra .
I started to spray a thin layer of water over the battings. Yes, there are two pieces of batting : the biggest one is 100% synthetic - our unique and "holly" batting from Romania with which we are struggling to make our best creations - and the smallest piece is a cotton (!!!) sample of wadding that I received.
apoi am scos toate vopselurile pe care le la indemina, ci pe care le aveam in stoc. :))Putine, recunosc si nicidecum marcile mentionate in proiectul mai unde asa ceva la noi ??? in fine, fiecare lucreaza cu ce are, nu ?
then I took out all my paints that I have....not all I have on hand, but ALL I HAVE. :)) Too few, I know, and none of those precious brands used in the project named-before...we do not have such beauties here ! well, everyone use what has in stash, isn't ?
si am inceput. ..joaca. Intii pe bucatica de bumbac. Care a "luat " culoarea ca prin minune....efectiv a supt-o . M-am si speriat ca imi voi consuma prea repede stocul pretios de vopseluri :)))
and I start to First of all, on the cotton piece. Which took the colour like magic.
I was a little scared that I'll run out of my precious paint stash to quickly :)))...
apoi am trecut la bucata sintetica. jupuia si se agata de pensula....un chin la inceput. Pina am prins smecheria. Pai, da, ca in orice sta o mica smecherie ;).
Then I passed onto the synthetic one. itself, or peel itself or you named it, it was a pain in my.. heart ;) untill I discover the trick. yep! in everything dwells a small trick. ;)
Pentru urmatoarea imagine : -va rog, nu ucideti "artistul" :)))) !... aveam nevoie de culoare....
For the next image : -please, don't shoot the "artist" :)))) !... I was in need of colour...
si aici smecheria : vedeti dunga subtire albastra din mijloc ? cea fara contur, forma ? ei bine aceea este o dunga de vopsea pura, nediluata....
and here's the trick : do you see that thin blue line in the middle ? the one without contour , shape ? well, that is a pure undiluted paint line....
si daca umezesti bine pensula cu apa si tragi peste linia de vopsea nediluata.....iata ! ia contur, se imbiba in vatelina , prinde viata !!
apoi nu mai e nevoie decit sa va jucati cu "vecinatatile", sa lasati culorile sa se juxtapuna , sa devina alte culori sau chiar sa le suprapuneti... doar asa pentru distractie.
and if you dip the brush in water and pass over the line again....voila ! it takes shape, it sinks in the batting, it comes alive !!then you need just to play with de neighbouring, letting the colours to blend between, to become other colours or you can ovelap them... just for fun.
Si cam asa arata dezastrul la un moment anume ....
oare ce nume sa ii dau ? "In graba mare " sau... "Unde au fugit neutronii ??" :)))
and at some point this was the great mess ....
how should I name it ? "In great hurry" or "Where does the neutrons ran? " :)))
Apoi mi-am dat seama ca in toiul distractiei cu piesa mare, am uitat cu desavirsire de bucatica mica si atit de pretioasa de vatelina din care am aplicat repejor niste perlute liliachii de vopsea puff-paint.
Then I realized that in all that fun with the big piece of batting I totally forgot about that precious square of cotton I quickly added some lilac puff-paint pearls....
care la acel moment chiar au aratat bine :)...dar nu si mai tirziu.
that looks quite good in that moment :) ....but later not.
Si pentru ca experienta nu ar fi fost completa fara o mica supriza : cind am ridicat vatelina de pe foaia de nylon am descoperit ca :
1. am uitat sa o termo-lipesc de o pinza de bumbac asa cum cerea de la bun inceput proiectul .
2. mai mult de 1/3 din vopsea statea bine mersi pe foaia de nylon traversind fara nerusinare vatelina.....
And because a new experience isn't complete without a small surprise : when I lift the batting from the nylon protection sheet I discover that :
1. I forgot, from the very begining, to termo-fuse the batting to a cotton cloth
2. more than 1/3 of paint was resting on my nylon cover, passing shameless through the batting.
Asa ca am luat o bucata de pinza alba si am aplicat-o peste vopsea cu speranta iesi ceva o bucatica de pinza -vopsita artistic- buna de folosit intr-un proiect viitor. Speranta moare ultima....
So I took a white cotton cloth and put it on those stains hoping that I'll get some usefull artistic painted piece for a small future project. Hope dies last....
dar nu ! acele vopseluri au propria lor vointa : nu vor sa se lipeasca pe pinza mea alba . ha-ha...
But no ! those paints have their own life . They do not want to stay on my white cloth . LOL.
Un servetel de hirtie si putin spirt sanitar au facut curat intr-o secunda. Totul e curat ca la inceput, pot sa o iau de la capat....dar nu azi, poate miine.
A tissue-paper and some alcohol made the board clean in a second. Everything is clean as in the beginning, I could start over again....but not today, perhaps tomorrow.
Pina miine, piesa aceasta va ramine la uscat. Pe urma vedem ce se intimpla mai departe....
Until tomorrow this piece is going to dry over night. After that we'll see what happens further more....
Sper ca v-am deschis apetitul pentru joaca cu pensula ;).
I hope that I opened your appetite for brush paint-playing. ;).