Thursday, May 28, 2009

nothing's perfect but all are beautifull

Toate florile sunt frumoase...niciuna nu e perfecta dar toate sunt frumoase...
All the flowers are beautifull....none is perfect but all are beautifull...



Chiar si in gradina, totul are o forma tranzitorie....inspre fruct !
Even in the garden everything is just transforming....into fruits !

Si am geamuri noi ! un fel de a schimbat paravanele anti-vint cu unele noi, trendy si fereastra. Falsa dar lasa lumina in interior si arata mult mai "home sweet home". Bine ca sunt scutita de a pune perdele . LOL.

And I do have new windows....a kind of speaking. We change the wind protection and now we have some new ones with windows. Fake windows. They let the light pass trough and look more "home sweet home"...even if is just a barbeque place... Well, I'm gratefull for not having to put some curtains on them . LOL. 

Chiar si de afara totul arata mult mai atragator....
Even from outside it looks more attractive...

Si inca o brosa...o brosa pe zi, ha-ha!
And another brooch... a brooch a day. LOL.


  1. uau, ce mari sunt toate plantele! cu ce le tratezi? care-i doza de iubire? la noi sunt mult mai mici... si tot nu ploua.. nici nu-mi mai amintesc cand a plouat ultima data!

  2. Totul arata foarte verde , foarte bine! Iar brosele vad ca rasar si ele ca ciupercile dupa ploaie!Ha,Ha! Felititari Teodora!



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