Sunday, December 28, 2008

La Multi Ani - Happy New Year

La Multi Ani ! tuturor...

Happy New Year for everybody !

Seara de Craciun a trecut ramas amintirile si poze...sute de poze...ah, si cadourile, evident! ;))

Christmas evening did pass away...remains behind memories and pictures...hundreds of pictures...and well, the gifts, obviously ! ;))

Noi doi, an dupa an. Doar bradul e diferit...
The two of us, same "us" year after year...only the tree is different.

Ei trei...tot an dupa an...diferita e doar bucuria revederii, din ce in ce mai mare...
The three of them...still year after year....different is just the joy of being toghether, bigger and bigger...

Ei bine, deja stiti ca 2008 a fost in totalitate un an MOV pentru mine...chiar pina in ultima zi.
Well, it's already known that 2008 was an entirely PURPLE year for me...untill the last day.
Si-acum doar citeva poze restul le gasiti aici :

and now just some nice photos, the rest of them are here :
Cadourile facute de mine au fost toti recipientii.
My stitcheries gifts were really apreciated. By all of them.

Ei bine, cam atit pina anul viitor de Craciun...
Well...untill next year Christmas...

too cold or Mr. Frosty just passed by

frig...foarte frig...cateii umbla in virful picioarelor zgribuliti...parca nici de plimbare nu au chef...
cold...very cold...even the dogs are walking in the tip of their toes...not in the mood for a walk...
Domnul Gheata trecut cam furios pe aici azi-noapte......
Mr. Frosty was kind of furious last night over here...
Unele plante ramin frumoase chiar in cele mai vitrege conditii : mahonul.
Some plants remain beautifull even in the worst conditions, here is one of the mahonia bushes. A small one.

Si un ciufulici zgribulit...
and he's having a bad hair day LOL...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

What I've done today

Ei amintiti de acest micut si cirliontat ingeras ?

Well, do you remember of this small and curly-hair she-angel ?

Azi dimineata, dis de dimineata - pentru ca m-am trezit din cauza zgomotului si nu am mai putut adormi-, ingerasul s-a transformat intr-un tablou "protector" pentru casa :

This morning- because I was awaked early by the traffic noise and couldn't fall asleep again - she transformed in this "protecting" home wallhanging :

Apoi brusc ziua s-a lungit mai mult decit era necesar...un drum la tara dupa un miel intreg, foarte eco-bio-etc, un drum facut aiurea cu masina necunoscind traseul ( de fapt era o mica diferenta de denumire a localitatii iar eu am crezut ca fac o mare scurtatura si totodata economie de timp si combustibil...mai mare rusinea...drum drum de tara pietruit...un fazan singuratic in zbor pe deasupra terenurilor agricole ( mi-am amintit de cel din tava de saptamina trecuta LOL si am decis rapid ca e prea slab sa fie al doilea in tava- ha-ha ! ) si inapoi acasa...apoi munca de chinez batrin pina am transat-spalat-impachetat-etichetat tot mielul si l-am asezat in asa arata pe parcursul operatiunii - in chiuveta la faza de spalat - LOL...

Then the day become suddenly longer than necessary...a trip to the country for buying a whole lamb, a very eco-bio-whatever lamb, meat for the next winter, then returning home I take a mistake road - due to a small difference in the village name - and I was thinking that I was making a biiiig saving time and fuel . ha! shame on me...back again on the same long and nasty country road...a lonely pheasan flying above the field ( I remember the one from my oven last weekend LOL and I was deciding quickly that it was to thin to be the second on the row LOL) and then back to home....working like crazy to be done on time with all that meat : cutting, washing, packing,labelling then putting it in the freezer...this is how it looks , in the sink - washing- during the process LOL :

acum sunt foarte bucur ca totusi azi am apucat sa cos putin....
I'm tired...I'm really tired...also I'm glad that today I have the opportunity to sew just a little...

Miine, "bijuteria" asta va fi noua mea prietena , cot la cot cu mine in atelier:
Tomorrow this "jewelry" will be my new friend , very close to me in my studio :

Sunt atit de entuziasmata!Am facut comanda ieri seara de la Brother Sibiu: ca intotdeauna, dna Adriana Suciu a fost prompta si serviabila: a doua zi comanda este livrata! .O placere sa faci cumparaturi de la ea...
I'm so happy! I put my order last night at Brother Sibiu, and as usually Mrs. Adriana Suciu was prompt and complacent : the order is delivered the next day. A real pleasure shopping from her....
restul ...miine. Asa cum va spuneam ....sunt obosita.
The rest of the story...tomorrow. As I told you : I'm tired.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas night quilt

Ta-daaaa...Quiltul "Seara de Craciun" ;))

Ta-daaa...the Christmas night quilt ;))

va mai amintiti spatele lui ?

do you remember the back of it ?

ei bine , mici probleme la pot fi corectate in viitorul apropiat.Pina atunci sta bine mersi pe peretele livingului meu, fiind astfel prima decoratie care imi aminteste cit de aproape este Craciunul...

well, minor problems at the bindings...problems that will be corrected soon. Still then, it hangs on the living wall being the first decoration that brings Christmas in our home.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

I'm bored...

"Plictiseala mare, mon cher ! "
Ce sa faca o femeie inchisa in casa ?? sa faca ordine, sa puna in dea ordine LOL.

I'm bored....still cold -bug sick ...what to do inside all this time ? make order, put in order or...give some orders LOL.

Deci inceput prin a face ordonate toate mouline-urile si atele de brodat, pe cartoane, dupa culori...apoi am trecut la fundite si alte pe urma au mai ramas de pus in ordine doar snururile... in poza in ordinea descrisa...inca necesita putin design...

Soooo...I started by puting in order...first, all the stitching threads-embroidery threads, on cardboard plates, by colour...then I pass on the ribbons and all the rest of them from the same family...then all that remain were the the picture as described...still needing some improvement design ...

Apoi am trecut la am gatit si am bucatarit...pina m-am plictisit...hei! hobby-ul asta ingrasa ! ;))

Then I step forward to cooking...and cooking...till bore...hey! this hobby can really make me fat! ;))

friptura de fazan in vas roman... cu putina brinza Gruyere ( Albertaaaaa...s-a terminat aduci putin ?? putin adica cam un TIR ...LOL )

pheasan steak in ceramic pot ...with some Gruyere cheese ( Albertaaaa...the Gruyere it's over.....will you bring us some more? more like about truck. LOL )

putin mai de aproape :)))

a little bit closer :)))

apoi o tura mica de gem de gutui

then a small patch of "coings puree"

niste piine... dupa reteta "piine neframintata"

some bread...a "no-knead-bread" recipe

din nou niste mincare...pai cum, se poate creea fara ceva bun "la baza" ? din nou, felul meu preferat cu fructe de mare: ciopino...un fel de ciopino imbunatatit...

again some come, can someone create without a good "base"? LOL again my favorite sea-food plate : ciopino...well a kind of improved ciopino...

ca tot vorbeam de creatie...era si cazul sa apara ceva, nu ? niste ingerasi de ipsos, albi si usori...destul de mari cit sa-i prinzi caus in palme si sa te gindesti, recunoscator, la cel real de deasupra ta...din spatele tau linga tine...

as I was talking about creating...something new must appear, no ?

some plaster angels, light and white...big enough to make you take one in hand and think gratefully of the real one above you...behind you...near you....

si-apoi m-am facut comoda in fotoliul meu pufos, calduros si maro ;)) , mi-am tras aproape de mine cutiile necesare si cu trusa de broderie primita de la Smaranda acum citiva ani si micul meu gherghef ( ohh...cum mi-ar place unul identic ALB!! ) am pornit la lucru... broderie.

then I made myself comfortable in my beloved puffy, warm and above all brown armchair ( LOL), put aside some boxes that I needed and with the sewing-case that I received some years ago from Smaranda and my little embroidery hoop ( how I would like an identical one but WHITE!) I started to work...stitching .

si alte broderii care vor fi incluse in proiectele viitoare, sau in cadourile viitoare...cine stie ?
and some more stitching that will belong to some future works, or future gifts...who knows ?

Ei bine, dupa cum se vede se apropie Craciunul !!! de-abia acum incepe sa infloreasca...
well, as you can see Christmas is near !! the flower is just at the begginings...
Si acum , ca un zimbet de incheiere , vroiam sa va arat ca si la noi in sat ( pardon, oras ! ) s-au montat lumintele stradale de craciun .LOL. Oups, va rog sa urmariti sageata rosie, restul cablurilor sunt acolo de ani buni in simpla si binecunoscuta maniera romaneasca...:))))
And now, just for a smile, I would like to show you the Christmas lights in our village ( or should I say city) ( oups, you should follow the red arrow, please...the rest of the cable is just sitting there in the simple and well-known romanian manner. LOL


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