Ei bine...va amintiti de acest micut si cirliontat ingeras ?
Well, do you remember of this small and curly-hair she-angel ?
Azi dimineata, dis de dimineata - pentru ca m-am trezit din cauza zgomotului si nu am mai putut adormi-, ingerasul s-a transformat intr-un tablou "protector" pentru casa :
This morning- because I was awaked early by the traffic noise and couldn't fall asleep again - she transformed in this "protecting" home wallhanging :
Apoi brusc ziua s-a lungit mai mult decit era necesar...un drum la tara dupa un miel intreg, foarte eco-bio-etc, un drum facut aiurea cu masina necunoscind traseul ( de fapt era o mica diferenta de denumire a localitatii iar eu am crezut ca fac o mare scurtatura si totodata economie de timp si combustibil...mai mare rusinea...drum inapoi...pe drum de tara pietruit...un fazan singuratic in zbor pe deasupra terenurilor agricole ( mi-am amintit de cel din tava de saptamina trecuta LOL si am decis rapid ca e prea slab sa fie al doilea in tava- ha-ha ! ) si inapoi acasa...apoi munca de chinez batrin pina am transat-spalat-impachetat-etichetat tot mielul si l-am asezat in congelator...cam asa arata pe parcursul operatiunii - in chiuveta la faza de spalat - LOL...
Then the day become suddenly longer than necessary...a trip to the country for buying a whole lamb, a very eco-bio-whatever lamb, meat for the next winter, then returning home I take a mistake road - due to a small difference in the village name - and I was thinking that I was making a biiiig saving time and fuel . ha! shame on me...back again on the same long and nasty country road...a lonely pheasan flying above the field ( I remember the one from my oven last weekend LOL and I was deciding quickly that it was to thin to be the second on the row LOL) and then back to home....working like crazy to be done on time with all that meat : cutting, washing, packing,labelling then putting it in the freezer...this is how it looks , in the sink - washing- during the process LOL :
acum sunt obosita...ba foarte obosita...ma bucur ca totusi azi am apucat sa cos putin....
I'm tired...I'm really tired...also I'm glad that today I have the opportunity to sew just a little...
Miine, "bijuteria" asta va fi noua mea prietena , cot la cot cu mine in atelier:
Tomorrow this "jewelry" will be my new friend , very close to me in my studio :
Sunt atit de entuziasmata!Am facut comanda ieri seara de la Brother Sibiu: ca intotdeauna, dna Adriana Suciu a fost prompta si serviabila: a doua zi comanda este livrata! .O placere sa faci cumparaturi de la ea...
I'm so happy! I put my order last night at Brother Sibiu, and as usually Mrs. Adriana Suciu was prompt and complacent : the order is delivered the next day. A real pleasure shopping from her....
restul ...miine. Asa cum va spuneam ....sunt obosita.
The rest of the story...tomorrow. As I told you : I'm tired.
Hi, Congrats for your new purchase! I bet that now you are the one with the best sewing tools in all northern Romania and the nicest sewing room :-)
ReplyDeleteSe pare ca ingerul protector isi face treaba de la inceput :-)
ReplyDeleteFelicitari,s-o folosesti cu spor !
S-o folosesti sanatoasa si cu rezultate de la SUPER in sus!
Imi place marginea tabloului. Pot fura si eu odata modelul? ;) Ingerasul e minunat. Si vad ca s-a si pus deja pe treaba, nu gluma!...
ReplyDeleteBravo! Sa folosesti cu drag si spor noua jucarie! Sa ne spui cum merge si sa ne arati ce face.