Saturday, November 22, 2008

Votati pt lucrarea mea / Vote for my work

Votati pentru lucrarea mea SILVER ROSES din al doilea tabel : Large projects.

Cum ? Simplu :click pe butonul urmator si apoi click in dreptul numelui lucrarii Silver Roses.

Multumesc ! ;))
Vote for me at the Falling Leaves Quilt Show Photo Contest

Vote for my work ! Vote the Silver Roses in Large Projects table:

Vote for me at the Falling Leaves Quilt Show Photo Contest

Thank you !!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas tale / Poveste de Craciun

Cineva m-a intrebat de ce nu mai cos nimic in ultima vreme....Ba da, cos! doar ca o fac intr-un oarecare "secret" pentru expozitia din decembrie .
Someone ask me why I didn't sew anything lately....but I do! I just sew in a kind of "secret" for the december exposition we have in Bucharest.

Si ca sa ma credeti pe cuvint, uite o particica mica din quilt....doar o particica de pe o parte, adica de pe SPATE. ha-ha !
And to believe me, here is a small part of the quilt... a BACK small part. fine : hai sa va arat in intregime...spatele!... fatza o veti vedea doar cind e gata marginea ;)) pai cum, daca vi-l arat de pe acum atunci unde e surpriza ?? :))
Hmm...well, let me show you all of it...all of the back, of course! LOL. The top ( front) you'll see only when is finished with the binding ;)) If I'll show it by now then where is the surprise ?? :)))

Pentru cunoscatori nu e nimic nou de deconspirat...pentru restul, ramine secret! ;)) Curiosi ? atunci va invit la expozitie sa descoperiti lumea mea de poveste ...poveste de Craciun.
For "connaisseur" it's nothing new to reveal...for the rest, it remain a secret ! ;)) Still curious ? then I invite you to the exposition to discover my Christmas tale...

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Surprises for someone dear

Surprize pt cineva drag... la plural ;))

Surprises for someone dear... at plural ;))

Kati mi-a indicat un blog fantastic, al lui Colette...chiar daca nu inteleg deloc limba maghiara imi este suficient sa vad pozele. Are idei superbe Collette! ma intreb daca ar putea cineva sa-i traduca un "multumesc frumos pt idee" in limba ei natala... taaare mi-ar place sa pot traduce blogul ei in engleza sau macar in romana... Deci din ideile Collettei s-au nascut aceste cosulete pentru cosmetice sau bomboane sau orice altceva.
Fiecare cosulet a avut anexata cite o inimioara facuta de mine, din ipsos de modelaj.

Kati send me a fabulous blog link, to Collette...even I do not understand a word in hungarian it is enough for me seeing hers photos. She make such wonderfull things. I wonder if someone could translate her a " thank you for your great ideeas" in her language...I would love so much to can translate her blog in english or even romanian...
From Collette's ideeas were born these pretty fabric baskets for cosmetics or candy or anything else.
Each fabric basket had attached a small plaster heart hand-made by me.

Interior :

Inside :

Abia astept sa le fac pe urmatoarele ! ;))

I can hardly wait to make some more ! ;))

Si in aceeasi tema am facut si o cutie de depozitare...tot din material, captusita cu musama pt o functionalitate cit mai larga ;)) . Tutorialul l-am luat de AICI !! Multumesc Amanda !

And working in the same "field" I made a fabric box...inside lining of oil-cloth for a large range of functionality ;)) The tutorial I take from HERE ! Thanks Amanda !

a walk in the garden

Plimbare prin gradina...toamna... Goldie si-a bagat nasucul intr-o tufa inflorita

A walk in the autumn....Goldie did put her nose into a flowered bush

ceea ce mi-a atras atentia asupra lor...cit de diafane sunt...

and this make me see how fragile they are...

iar culorile ce le imbraca gradina sunt incredibile...aici otzetarul ( Rhus Typhina) parca ia foc

the colours that my garden wear this year are is Rhus Typhina that seems in fire

Nu stiu cum se face dar la noi in gradina s-a deschis, fara nici un anunt in prealabil , o gradinita de cirtite!! LOL...fac un dezastru si nu stiu cum sa scap de ele....uitati si voi ce s-a ales din gazon ! da-da, toate movilele acelea sunt "fabricate manual" de cirtite...uuf!

I just discover that in our garden was born a brand-new "Mole-kindergarten" LOL...they are making such a mess and I just don't know how to get rid of them...look how is now the turf ! oh, yes! all those small hills are "hand-made" by the moles...yeak!

Si la intoarcere spre casa cineva mi-a tras cu ochiul spunindu-mi : ne vedem anul viitor !"

Returning to home, somebody call me winking her eye , saying : "see you next year!"

O urma de avion pe cerul senin, un mar trist, pe jumatate desfrunzit si un catel cuminte.

A plane on an evening blue sky, a sad apple-tree- half naked, and a pretty good Goldie dog ;))

Si in casa am inceput din nou la lucru : decoratiuni pt Craciun din ipsos. Albe, aurii si argintii...
Dimensiuni aproximative : ingerasi 7cm inaltime, inimioare 6cm x 6cm... agatatori aurii , argintii si verde inchis . Decoratiunile pot fi agatate in brad, sau pe cadouri sau pur si simplu ca ornament in casa de Sarbatori. Cei albi aduc mult a shabby-chic... iubesc stilul acesta...mi-as decora toata casa asa...

Speaking of "hand-made" : lately I'm working on some plaster Christmas decorations. White, golden and silver. Angels, with aprox. 7cm height, hearts around 6cm x 6 cm. The white angels look pretty much shabby-chic....I love this style...I would decorate my entire home like this...

Pentru comenzi , scrieti-mi pe mail... 4 lei - albi, 5 lei - aurii/argintii.


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