I'm a lazy...a big lazyyyy...due tot the weather, of course! ;)) it's raining, it's cold and sad...anything isn't going right so to be "accorded" to the rain drops and still thinking at a beautifull, warm and smelly autumn I started early a small knitting. Like that, simple...;))
Oh, cel mai frumos lucru din zilele acestea a fost sosirea comenzii din SUA de la Sharon Schamber. Am comandat un SUPREME SLIDER, un QUILT HALO si am primit cadou un model de quilting creat de Sharon.
Ooh, and the prettiest thing of these days was receiving the parcel from Sharon Schamber ( USA).I ordered a SUPREME SLIDER, a QUILT HALO and I received as gift a pattern, Sharons' creation.
Aici am si pus in practica halo-ul pt quilting si in dreapta se vede putin din tablita slider. Niste minunatii, pe cuvint ! merita investita! sunt super incintata ca de data aceasta am cheltuit banii cu cap si cu rost. Si cu rezultate evidente ;)).
Tablita Slider este o minunatie, nu greseste deloc Sharon cind spune ca pe ea un quilt aluneca ca o rata pe apa LOL. Este un vis...nu mai simt durerea in umeri, nu mai simt muschii minilor tensionati si nu trebuie sa fac pauze atit de dese...
iar Halo-ul ?? oooh...un "gadget" pe care il pot trece pe lista FOLOSITOR CU ADEVARAT. Este de fapt un cerc de metal greu, invelit intr-o suprafata cauciucata care se "lipeste" efectiv de suprafata quiltului, astfel acesta devine atit de usor de manevrat incit cu 2 degete fac stippling cintind...
Si va rog sa ma credeti le-am cumparat pe bani , nu le fac reclama dintr-un motiv ascuns!!
Here, as you can see, I already put at work the quilting halo and in the right side it can be seen a small part of the supreme slider. They are really treasures, believe me! I'm so proud that this time I spend some money in something really usefull. And with obvious results.
The slider is a dream, Sharon is right about saying that, on it the quilt is sliding like a duck on the water.LOL. With it I don't feel the pain in the shoulders, I don't have my arm muscles tensioned and I don't need to make so much pauses.
And what about the halo ?? oohhh..it's a "gadget" that I can label pretty fair with REALLY USEFULL. It is actually a heavy metall ring, coated with a rubbery surface that "cling" to the quilt surface...so I can make stippling with two fingers singing...
And please believe me I did payed for them, I don't advertise for some hided reason!
Hibiscusul rosu a facut ultima floare pe anul acesta.
The red hibiscus has the last flower on this year.
Ma bucur ca ai facut achizitii bune !
ReplyDeleteFoarte interesante noile tale achizitii. Sa le stapanesti sanatoasa si sa le folosesti cu multa placere.