Un quilt ,din inima, pentru prietena noastra Mariana care a suferit o mare pierdere. Fiecare prietena a Marianei , membre ale Asociatiei Romane de Patchwork - ARP - a facut o inimioara crazy, iar eu am asamblat si finalizat lucrarea. Au pus bucatica din inima lor urmatoarele , in ordinea de pe quilt : Rapeanu Dodi, Dora Deme, Daniela Gugurel, Smaranda Bourgery, Elena Chipara, eu, Adina Popescu ( initiatoarea proiectului), Ela Ghioc, Betty Popescu, Smaranda Popescu si Julieta Mirea.Din cauza serviciilor proaste ale Postei Romane nu au mai ajuns la mine inimioarele Mariei Bornikoel si a Carminei Plosceanu, dar evident ca "bat" si ele alaturi de celelalte din quilt.
Topul :
And now, because the surprise is already received by the recipient and it's no longer a secret, I can show you on what I've been working in the last week. A heart, and from heart, quilt for our friend Mariana who suffered a great lost in her life. Every friend of Mariana, members of Romanian Association of Patchwork - ARP - done a crazy heart and I asembled and finish the whole quilt.
The followings put a tiny part of their hearts in this quilt, in the order from it :
Rapeanu Dodi, Dora Deme, Daniela Gugurel, Smaranda Bourgery, Elena Chipara, eu, Adina Popescu ( the head of the project ), Ela Ghioc, Betty Popescu, Smaranda Popescu si Julieta Mirea. Because of the mistakes in services of the Romanian Post I never received the hearts from Maria Bornikoel and Carmina Plosceanu, but they are still "beating" along the others...
The top of the quilt:
Detaliu...trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost mirata, primind inimioarele pe rind, prin posta, de cit simt artistic si finete exista in mica lucrare a fiecaruia...detalii pe care doar in fata quiltului le poti evalua si "simti" cu adevarat.
Detail ...I must recognise that I was each time surprised, receiving one by one the hearts by mail, of how much artistic and fine work stays in each small piece of the hearts....details that only in front of the quilt you can evaluate and "feel" ...
Bordura.- partial :
Part of the border :
The back of the quilt.
Am asteptat, noi toate, reactia Marianei...care a venit repede, calda, cu lacrimi si cu recunostinta.
Telul nostru a fost atins ;))...
We, all, waited Mariana's reaction...which came quickly, with warm words, tears and gratefull.
Our target was fully touched.:))