Si acum pentru ca surpriza deja a fost primita si nu mai este un secret, pot sa va arat ce am lucrat in ultima saptamina.
Un quilt ,din inima, pentru prietena noastra Mariana care a suferit o mare pierdere. Fiecare prietena a Marianei , membre ale Asociatiei Romane de Patchwork - ARP - a facut o inimioara crazy, iar eu am asamblat si finalizat lucrarea. Au pus bucatica din inima lor urmatoarele , in ordinea de pe quilt : Rapeanu Dodi, Dora Deme, Daniela Gugurel, Smaranda Bourgery, Elena Chipara, eu, Adina Popescu ( initiatoarea proiectului), Ela Ghioc, Betty Popescu, Smaranda Popescu si Julieta Mirea.Din cauza serviciilor proaste ale Postei Romane nu au mai ajuns la mine inimioarele Mariei Bornikoel si a Carminei Plosceanu, dar evident ca "bat" si ele alaturi de celelalte din quilt.
Topul :
And now, because the surprise is already received by the recipient and it's no longer a secret, I can show you on what I've been working in the last week. A heart, and from heart, quilt for our friend Mariana who suffered a great lost in her life. Every friend of Mariana, members of Romanian Association of Patchwork - ARP - done a crazy heart and I asembled and finish the whole quilt.
The followings put a tiny part of their hearts in this quilt, in the order from it :
Rapeanu Dodi, Dora Deme, Daniela Gugurel, Smaranda Bourgery, Elena Chipara, eu, Adina Popescu ( the head of the project ), Ela Ghioc, Betty Popescu, Smaranda Popescu si Julieta Mirea. Because of the mistakes in services of the Romanian Post I never received the hearts from Maria Bornikoel and Carmina Plosceanu, but they are still "beating" along the others...
The top of the quilt:
Detaliu...trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost mirata, primind inimioarele pe rind, prin posta, de cit simt artistic si finete exista in mica lucrare a fiecaruia...detalii pe care doar in fata quiltului le poti evalua si "simti" cu adevarat.
Detail ...I must recognise that I was each time surprised, receiving one by one the hearts by mail, of how much artistic and fine work stays in each small piece of the hearts....details that only in front of the quilt you can evaluate and "feel" ...
Bordura.- partial :
Part of the border :
The back of the quilt.
Am asteptat, noi toate, reactia a venit repede, calda, cu lacrimi si cu recunostinta.
Telul nostru a fost atins ;))...
We, all, waited Mariana's reaction...which came quickly, with warm words, tears and gratefull.
Our target was fully touched.:))
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How stupid someone could be ??
Cit de prost poate sa fie omul citeodata ?? spun eu! poftim ce s-a-ntimplat: pe cind imi mergea si mie bine totul,poate prea bine ca sa fie adevarat, si cind cu mult curaj am hotarit sa schimb bindingul la quiltul crazy cu o bentita argintie, ma pomenesc ca am taiat ca netoata din fundita respectiva, cu citeva zile inainte, fara sa-mi dau seama de dezastrul ce va urma...asa ca acu' stau in pentru mult timp, doar ma cunoasteti...ceva tot fac eu...;))
How stupid can someone be ?? VERY, I told you! here is what happened : when everything seems to be to perfect to be true, when with all my courage I decided to change the binding at my crazy quilt with a silver ribbon, I found myself in a very stupid moment when I realized that, severeal days before I cut from THIS ribbon instead of other, without knowing the following disaster... so , now, I'm sitting up in the nowhere...but not for long, you know me ;))
Si pozele urmatoare sunt pentru draga de Rontunjoara :))))
In pregatire : pulpa de miel cu o mina de legume...
And the following pictures are for dear ROUNDISH ( or shall I say PLUMPY? ) :))))
In preparation : lamb leg with a handfull of vegetables...
Acoperita si trimisa la caldurica la cuptor pentru vreo ora.
Covered and sent to fittness (LOL) in the oven for about an hour...
si apoi faza alegere.
and then the final stage...your choice.
How stupid can someone be ?? VERY, I told you! here is what happened : when everything seems to be to perfect to be true, when with all my courage I decided to change the binding at my crazy quilt with a silver ribbon, I found myself in a very stupid moment when I realized that, severeal days before I cut from THIS ribbon instead of other, without knowing the following disaster... so , now, I'm sitting up in the nowhere...but not for long, you know me ;))
Si pozele urmatoare sunt pentru draga de Rontunjoara :))))
In pregatire : pulpa de miel cu o mina de legume...
And the following pictures are for dear ROUNDISH ( or shall I say PLUMPY? ) :))))
In preparation : lamb leg with a handfull of vegetables...
Acoperita si trimisa la caldurica la cuptor pentru vreo ora.
Covered and sent to fittness (LOL) in the oven for about an hour...
si apoi faza alegere.
and then the final stage...your choice.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'm a lazy I ?? ;))
Sunt o lenesa...o mare lenesa...din cauza vremii ! ;)) ploua si e trist....asa ca nu merge ca sa fiu in ton cu picurii de ploaie si totusi cu gindul la o toamna frumoasa, m-am apucat din vreme de tricotat.Simplu...;))
I'm a lazy...a big lazyyyy...due tot the weather, of course! ;)) it's raining, it's cold and sad...anything isn't going right so to be "accorded" to the rain drops and still thinking at a beautifull, warm and smelly autumn I started early a small knitting. Like that, simple...;))
Oh, cel mai frumos lucru din zilele acestea a fost sosirea comenzii din SUA de la Sharon Schamber. Am comandat un SUPREME SLIDER, un QUILT HALO si am primit cadou un model de quilting creat de Sharon.
Ooh, and the prettiest thing of these days was receiving the parcel from Sharon Schamber ( USA).I ordered a SUPREME SLIDER, a QUILT HALO and I received as gift a pattern, Sharons' creation.
Aici am si pus in practica halo-ul pt quilting si in dreapta se vede putin din tablita slider. Niste minunatii, pe cuvint ! merita investita! sunt super incintata ca de data aceasta am cheltuit banii cu cap si cu rost. Si cu rezultate evidente ;)).
Tablita Slider este o minunatie, nu greseste deloc Sharon cind spune ca pe ea un quilt aluneca ca o rata pe apa LOL. Este un mai simt durerea in umeri, nu mai simt muschii minilor tensionati si nu trebuie sa fac pauze atit de dese...
iar Halo-ul ?? oooh...un "gadget" pe care il pot trece pe lista FOLOSITOR CU ADEVARAT. Este de fapt un cerc de metal greu, invelit intr-o suprafata cauciucata care se "lipeste" efectiv de suprafata quiltului, astfel acesta devine atit de usor de manevrat incit cu 2 degete fac stippling cintind...
Si va rog sa ma credeti le-am cumparat pe bani , nu le fac reclama dintr-un motiv ascuns!!
Here, as you can see, I already put at work the quilting halo and in the right side it can be seen a small part of the supreme slider. They are really treasures, believe me! I'm so proud that this time I spend some money in something really usefull. And with obvious results.
The slider is a dream, Sharon is right about saying that, on it the quilt is sliding like a duck on the water.LOL. With it I don't feel the pain in the shoulders, I don't have my arm muscles tensioned and I don't need to make so much pauses.
And what about the halo ??'s a "gadget" that I can label pretty fair with REALLY USEFULL. It is actually a heavy metall ring, coated with a rubbery surface that "cling" to the quilt I can make stippling with two fingers singing...
And please believe me I did payed for them, I don't advertise for some hided reason!
Hibiscusul rosu a facut ultima floare pe anul acesta.
The red hibiscus has the last flower on this year.
I'm a lazy...a big lazyyyy...due tot the weather, of course! ;)) it's raining, it's cold and sad...anything isn't going right so to be "accorded" to the rain drops and still thinking at a beautifull, warm and smelly autumn I started early a small knitting. Like that, simple...;))
Oh, cel mai frumos lucru din zilele acestea a fost sosirea comenzii din SUA de la Sharon Schamber. Am comandat un SUPREME SLIDER, un QUILT HALO si am primit cadou un model de quilting creat de Sharon.
Ooh, and the prettiest thing of these days was receiving the parcel from Sharon Schamber ( USA).I ordered a SUPREME SLIDER, a QUILT HALO and I received as gift a pattern, Sharons' creation.
Aici am si pus in practica halo-ul pt quilting si in dreapta se vede putin din tablita slider. Niste minunatii, pe cuvint ! merita investita! sunt super incintata ca de data aceasta am cheltuit banii cu cap si cu rost. Si cu rezultate evidente ;)).
Tablita Slider este o minunatie, nu greseste deloc Sharon cind spune ca pe ea un quilt aluneca ca o rata pe apa LOL. Este un mai simt durerea in umeri, nu mai simt muschii minilor tensionati si nu trebuie sa fac pauze atit de dese...
iar Halo-ul ?? oooh...un "gadget" pe care il pot trece pe lista FOLOSITOR CU ADEVARAT. Este de fapt un cerc de metal greu, invelit intr-o suprafata cauciucata care se "lipeste" efectiv de suprafata quiltului, astfel acesta devine atit de usor de manevrat incit cu 2 degete fac stippling cintind...
Si va rog sa ma credeti le-am cumparat pe bani , nu le fac reclama dintr-un motiv ascuns!!
Here, as you can see, I already put at work the quilting halo and in the right side it can be seen a small part of the supreme slider. They are really treasures, believe me! I'm so proud that this time I spend some money in something really usefull. And with obvious results.
The slider is a dream, Sharon is right about saying that, on it the quilt is sliding like a duck on the water.LOL. With it I don't feel the pain in the shoulders, I don't have my arm muscles tensioned and I don't need to make so much pauses.
And what about the halo ??'s a "gadget" that I can label pretty fair with REALLY USEFULL. It is actually a heavy metall ring, coated with a rubbery surface that "cling" to the quilt I can make stippling with two fingers singing...
And please believe me I did payed for them, I don't advertise for some hided reason!
Hibiscusul rosu a facut ultima floare pe anul acesta.
The red hibiscus has the last flower on this year.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
home-made...magiun :))
Totul a inceput de aici, de la prunele din pom...
everything started from here, from the tree plums...
cam atitea am cules pina la in final....
these were picked for finally
apoi am trecut la scos simburele si am le-am aruncat, bineinteles, pe cele cu " carne bio" ha-ha!
then I take out the stones and of course, put away those "bio meaty" ( with worms LOL)
Imi place sa pastrez totul simplu, cit mai rustic, asa ca : voila! sistemul meu de fierbere. la foc de lemne . Realizat din 3 pereti din caramida , cadrul din lemn si bineinteles...cratita de inox. Aceasta cratita este atit de mare incit are locul ei de repaus stabilit pe raftul din garaj, este enorma si nu incape in bucataria mea mica...Aceasta este prima poza de cind am pornit va dura timp de 5-6 ore pe timpul zilei de azi.
I like to keep everything pretty simple and rustical, so : voila! my boiling system. With natural wood fire. Made of 3 brick walls, wood frame and of course the inox big pot. This pot is so big that it has its own rest place on the garage shelf ( it's too big for my small kitchen) This is the photo when the plums are set in the pot, at the beggining of the boiling....that will last for aproximative 5-6 hours during the day...a lot of hand-spinning ...
Cam asa arata dupa citeva ore de fiert....pentru ca nu am folosit DELOC zahar, fierberea dureaza mult mai mult dar merita!! se pastreaza gustul natural al prunelor.
This is how it looks after several hours of boiling...because I did not use ANY sugar, the boiling process takes a lot of time...but it worth it !the result is more natural, preserving the real taste of plums.
Si cam pe la final, deja obositi de atita invirtit in cratita, si de povestit si de citit ( ceva trebuie sa faci timp de atitea ore, nu ?) magiunul incepe sa miroase in toata curtea...Mmmmm...
And around final, when tired for such long hand spinning, and talking and reading ( well, we have to do something during all these long hours, no ?) the "magiun" start to smell all over the yard....Mmmm...
Bineinteles ca am avut si privit ! ha-ha...
Of course we have some help watching over ! LOL...
In garda la..."hotul!"
In their proper job looking after: " thief!"
Noaptea tirziu, cu magiunul pus in borcane....o parte din ele.
Late in the night, with the "magiun" put in jars...a part of it.
si cealalta parte...
and the rest of it.
Dupa ce se raceste bine si prinde pojghita la suprafata, adica cam pe a doua zi, se inchid borcanele cu capace. Acum poate sa vina si iarna..."dulce" avem destul ;)) chiar si pentru prieteni.
After is getting cold and dry on the surface, I mean about next morning, the jars have to be closed.Now the winter can come, we have enough "sweet" even for friends.
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