O mica joaca ca aceasta
A little game like this one
poate duce aici :
could get into this :
si apoi la drum...
and then all of them must leave...
Sa va faceti datoria bine, ingerasi pazitori !
Do your duties well, guardian angels !
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
purple pillow
O alta pernita ! mov!! anul acesta a fost in intregime MOV pentru mine ;))
Pentru un decor luxos...materiale folosite : saten negru, matase, saten mov inchis, fibre felt, margeluze, fire decorative franjurate.
Dimensiuni : 40cm x 40 cm.
Another pillow ! purple ! this year was entirely a PURPLE one for me ;)) even in my garden I have all sorts of purple here and there...destiny speaks ?
A pillow for a luxury decor... fabrics used : black sateen, silk, dark purple sateen, felt fibers, beads, fancy trims. Punched and free-motion embroidered on surface.
Dimensions : 15,7" x 15,7".
Spatele, de data aceasta a fost prelucrat si el cu fire fantezie si fire felt.
The back of it, this time worked with fancy threads and felt fibers.Before was too sad plain...
Inchisa la baza cu fermoar si in final : semnatura mea! hmmm... un fel de...pentru ca masinuta mea super-fantastica nu are in memorie literele mici :(
Bottom zippered and finally with my signature ! hmmm...a sort of...because my super-fantastic sewing machine doesn't have the small letters in its memory...so I work with what I have. :(
Ei, bine...STIU ca va place....si STIU ca o asteptati pe urmatoarea...doar ca voi intirzia putin. Am o alta lucrare in asteptare...dar vine si urmatoarea pernita, fiti siguri ! :)))
Well I KNOW that you like this , too...and I KNOW that you're already waiting for the next one...but I'm gone be a little late this time. I have another work in hold and I must complete it.
But it will come, the next pillow, be sure of it! :)))
Pentru un decor luxos...materiale folosite : saten negru, matase, saten mov inchis, fibre felt, margeluze, fire decorative franjurate.
Dimensiuni : 40cm x 40 cm.
Another pillow ! purple ! this year was entirely a PURPLE one for me ;)) even in my garden I have all sorts of purple here and there...destiny speaks ?
A pillow for a luxury decor... fabrics used : black sateen, silk, dark purple sateen, felt fibers, beads, fancy trims. Punched and free-motion embroidered on surface.
Dimensions : 15,7" x 15,7".
Spatele, de data aceasta a fost prelucrat si el cu fire fantezie si fire felt.
The back of it, this time worked with fancy threads and felt fibers.Before was too sad plain...
Inchisa la baza cu fermoar si in final : semnatura mea! hmmm... un fel de...pentru ca masinuta mea super-fantastica nu are in memorie literele mici :(
Bottom zippered and finally with my signature ! hmmm...a sort of...because my super-fantastic sewing machine doesn't have the small letters in its memory...so I work with what I have. :(
Ei, bine...STIU ca va place....si STIU ca o asteptati pe urmatoarea...doar ca voi intirzia putin. Am o alta lucrare in asteptare...dar vine si urmatoarea pernita, fiti siguri ! :)))
Well I KNOW that you like this , too...and I KNOW that you're already waiting for the next one...but I'm gone be a little late this time. I have another work in hold and I must complete it.
But it will come, the next pillow, be sure of it! :)))
Thursday, May 15, 2008
second pillow + another table runner
Am facut cea de-a doua pernita in stil Nejman...Galaxy.
Saten negru, fir decorativ pentru embelishment, matase pentru corpul stelelor , ate metalice.
Se inchide cu fermoar la baza, umplutura de polyfil in corp separat de pernita din tnt alb ( tnt = textile netzesute).
I made the second pillow in Nejman technique...named : "Galaxy".
Black sateen, fancy thread for embellishment, silk for stars, metallic thread. Bottom zippered, filling with polyfil in separate tnt ( non-wowen textile) white pillow
Un mic detaliu pentru "planete" :
small detail for the "stars":
Si din rindul de HST-uri la care am renuntat in proiectul anterior, s-a format un alt table runner . Din pacate poza nu arata sobrietatea lui reala. .
From the row of HST that I gave up in the previous project, I made another table runner. Unfortunately, the picture doesn't show the real colours sobriety.
detaliu spate :
back detail :
Deja am in minte schita pentru o alta pernita ;))...este atit de atractiva aceasta tehnica incit si noaptea visez doar asta :)) pernite-pernite-pernite...
I already have sketched in my mind the next pillow ;))...this technique is so attractive that even in my dreams I 'm sewing pillows-pillows-pillows...
I asked yesterday my DH what if I would wake up in the night, put down the security alarm and go sewing in my studio...Answer : "what if ?". So,...don't be suprised if you'll se a new post here someday at very early hours...it means it happened ;))
Saten negru, fir decorativ pentru embelishment, matase pentru corpul stelelor , ate metalice.
Se inchide cu fermoar la baza, umplutura de polyfil in corp separat de pernita din tnt alb ( tnt = textile netzesute).
I made the second pillow in Nejman technique...named : "Galaxy".
Black sateen, fancy thread for embellishment, silk for stars, metallic thread. Bottom zippered, filling with polyfil in separate tnt ( non-wowen textile) white pillow
Un mic detaliu pentru "planete" :
small detail for the "stars":
Si din rindul de HST-uri la care am renuntat in proiectul anterior, s-a format un alt table runner . Din pacate poza nu arata sobrietatea lui reala. .
From the row of HST that I gave up in the previous project, I made another table runner. Unfortunately, the picture doesn't show the real colours sobriety.
detaliu spate :
back detail :
Deja am in minte schita pentru o alta pernita ;))...este atit de atractiva aceasta tehnica incit si noaptea visez doar asta :)) pernite-pernite-pernite...
I already have sketched in my mind the next pillow ;))...this technique is so attractive that even in my dreams I 'm sewing pillows-pillows-pillows...
I asked yesterday my DH what if I would wake up in the night, put down the security alarm and go sewing in my studio...Answer : "what if ?". So,...don't be suprised if you'll se a new post here someday at very early hours...it means it happened ;))
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
pillow in Chris Nejman technique
Chris Nejman este motivul pentru care am cumparat un embellisher. M-a innebunit cu video-urile lui , cu pernitele lui fabuloase...cu tehnica noua de lucru.
Sanda mi-a imprumutat cartea lui "Pillows - designer sewing techniques" din care am invatat teoretic multe...practic? si mai multe!
Puteti vedea mai jos prima incercare , felting cu diferite materiale : unele se comporta bine altele deloc! Pentru a ascunde marginea franjurata de la cele care nu s-au comportat bine am folosit tehnica "stained-glass" din patchwork, dar de data aceasta cu fire negre. Interesant, asa-i ?
Chris Nejman is the reason for that I bought en embellisher. He make me sleepless with his videos, his fabulous pillows...with his new technique.
Sanda did borrow me Nejman's book "Pillows - designer sewing techniques" from which I did learn a lot theoretically....and a lot more practically.
Here you can see my first try, punching with different fabrics : some did work well , some at all. For hiding the frayed end of those that did not cooperate, I used the "stained -glass" technique from patchwork, but this time I use black fiber ( wool ) . Quite interesting, isn't ?
Apoi s-a nascut o pernita. Pernita MEA. Am urmat pas cu pas sfaturile din cartea lui, dar doar pina intr-un anumit punct. Apoi am luat-o dupa cum imi spunea imaginatia...Materiale : saten negru+ auriu, matase mov, organza mov si roz, tulle mov, fibre felt mov si ciclam, margelutze mov . Fire decorative. Se inchide cu fermoar la baza. Dimensiuni : 40 cm x 40 cm.
Then a pillow was born. MY pillow. Following step by step of Nejman book but just untill a fase, then I let my imagination speak....loudly ! LOL. Fabrics used: black and gold sateen, purple silk, pink and purple organza, purple tulle, felting fibers and small beads. Decorative threads. It closes with a black zipper on the bottom. Dimensions : 15,7 " square.
detaliu floare : matase-oraganza-tull...etc.
Detail of the flower : silk-organza-tulle,etc.
Floarea din tulle iese in relief...evident un 3D modern.
The flower is 3D...obviously a modern tendency for every garments/products nowadays.
Ei, bine ? va place ?
well, do you like it ?
Sanda mi-a imprumutat cartea lui "Pillows - designer sewing techniques" din care am invatat teoretic multe...practic? si mai multe!
Puteti vedea mai jos prima incercare , felting cu diferite materiale : unele se comporta bine altele deloc! Pentru a ascunde marginea franjurata de la cele care nu s-au comportat bine am folosit tehnica "stained-glass" din patchwork, dar de data aceasta cu fire negre. Interesant, asa-i ?
Chris Nejman is the reason for that I bought en embellisher. He make me sleepless with his videos, his fabulous pillows...with his new technique.
Sanda did borrow me Nejman's book "Pillows - designer sewing techniques" from which I did learn a lot theoretically....and a lot more practically.
Here you can see my first try, punching with different fabrics : some did work well , some at all. For hiding the frayed end of those that did not cooperate, I used the "stained -glass" technique from patchwork, but this time I use black fiber ( wool ) . Quite interesting, isn't ?
Apoi s-a nascut o pernita. Pernita MEA. Am urmat pas cu pas sfaturile din cartea lui, dar doar pina intr-un anumit punct. Apoi am luat-o dupa cum imi spunea imaginatia...Materiale : saten negru+ auriu, matase mov, organza mov si roz, tulle mov, fibre felt mov si ciclam, margelutze mov . Fire decorative. Se inchide cu fermoar la baza. Dimensiuni : 40 cm x 40 cm.
Then a pillow was born. MY pillow. Following step by step of Nejman book but just untill a fase, then I let my imagination speak....loudly ! LOL. Fabrics used: black and gold sateen, purple silk, pink and purple organza, purple tulle, felting fibers and small beads. Decorative threads. It closes with a black zipper on the bottom. Dimensions : 15,7 " square.
detaliu floare : matase-oraganza-tull...etc.
Detail of the flower : silk-organza-tulle,etc.
Floarea din tulle iese in relief...evident un 3D modern.
The flower is 3D...obviously a modern tendency for every garments/products nowadays.
Ei, bine ? va place ?
well, do you like it ?
Sunday, May 11, 2008
a square table runner
Din resturi ramase de la alte lucrari, s-a nascut incet-incet o gramada de HST-uri. Era simplu : urma o fata de masa. Prima proba:
From scraps saved from other works, was born, slowly, a pile of HST. The final life of them was extermely easy : was following a table runner. The first try :
dupa indelungi ponderizari a ajuns in forma asta...nope! prea in stil bisericos.
After a long pondering became this....nope! to church style...not for me!
Apoi a devenit patrat si am ajuns la alta faza : ce margine se potriveste? asta ? hmmm...nu prea!
Then became a square and I get to another fase : what binding should I put ? this one ? hmmm...not quite!
Am adaugat alt rind de blocuri, trecerea de la luminos la intunecat era, in opinia mea, prea brusca ( ca pretul la benzina ! ha-ha! )
I added another row of triangles, the passing from light to dark was, in my opinion, too suddenly ( like the oil price! LOL)
oups! in fine...era nevoie si de combustibil adecvat : peste cu scoici, mix de salata iceberg cu toate cele si dovlecei grill-uiti.
oups! well...was needded and some real fuel : fish with oysters, iceberg salad mixed and grilled courgettes.
Ca urmare, am definitivat forma si marginea fetei de masa . Dimensiuni : 65cm /65cm .Adica asa :
Well, after such a treat, I finished the form and the binding of the table runner. Dimensions : 25.5 inch square. I mean like this :
detaliu spate:
back detail :
alt detaliu spate.
another detail
Am crezut ca voi face papusi pentru tot restul vietii mele, dar asa cum a spus Katy : "patchwork-ul este o dragoste lunga cit viata.. ". Si a are perfecta dreptate !
I was thinking that I will make dolls for the rest of my life, but as Katy says : patchwork is a long-life love...well, she was right!
From scraps saved from other works, was born, slowly, a pile of HST. The final life of them was extermely easy : was following a table runner. The first try :
dupa indelungi ponderizari a ajuns in forma asta...nope! prea in stil bisericos.
After a long pondering became this....nope! to church style...not for me!
Apoi a devenit patrat si am ajuns la alta faza : ce margine se potriveste? asta ? hmmm...nu prea!
Then became a square and I get to another fase : what binding should I put ? this one ? hmmm...not quite!
Am adaugat alt rind de blocuri, trecerea de la luminos la intunecat era, in opinia mea, prea brusca ( ca pretul la benzina ! ha-ha! )
I added another row of triangles, the passing from light to dark was, in my opinion, too suddenly ( like the oil price! LOL)
oups! in fine...era nevoie si de combustibil adecvat : peste cu scoici, mix de salata iceberg cu toate cele si dovlecei grill-uiti.
oups! well...was needded and some real fuel : fish with oysters, iceberg salad mixed and grilled courgettes.
Ca urmare, am definitivat forma si marginea fetei de masa . Dimensiuni : 65cm /65cm .Adica asa :
Well, after such a treat, I finished the form and the binding of the table runner. Dimensions : 25.5 inch square. I mean like this :
detaliu spate:
back detail :
alt detaliu spate.
another detail
Am crezut ca voi face papusi pentru tot restul vietii mele, dar asa cum a spus Katy : "patchwork-ul este o dragoste lunga cit viata.. ". Si a are perfecta dreptate !
I was thinking that I will make dolls for the rest of my life, but as Katy says : patchwork is a long-life love...well, she was right!
Monday, May 05, 2008
a golden angel
Sunday, May 04, 2008
My first Tilda doll : Nordy
Azi, orele 22,30 s-a nascut Nordy. Prima mea papusa Tilda....zimbareata si smechera, striga in gura mare,precum Pinocchio, prin atelierul meu, pina a inteles ce inseamna "ssst"... ;)))Adica asa :
Today at 22.30 PM was born Nordy. My very first Tilda doll......smiley and restfull was shouting loud all over my studio , like Pinocchio at his time, untill she understand what "ssst!" means ;)) Like so :
Sa-i fie viata lunga si plina de soare....da' pina una - alta mergem la culcare ca toate fetitele cuminti ;))
Whish for she to have a long and sunny life...but now we must go to bed like every little-good girl ;))
Today at 22.30 PM was born Nordy. My very first Tilda doll......smiley and restfull was shouting loud all over my studio , like Pinocchio at his time, untill she understand what "ssst!" means ;)) Like so :
Sa-i fie viata lunga si plina de soare....da' pina una - alta mergem la culcare ca toate fetitele cuminti ;))
Whish for she to have a long and sunny life...but now we must go to bed like every little-good girl ;))
Saturday, May 03, 2008
mini quilts again
Oh, da, dupa cum vedeti m-a lovit puternic ideea de quilturi pt papusi ! este ca si ciocolata : niciodata nu-i indeajuns. LOL
Un alt quilt pentru papusa s-a nascut acum citeva minute...oare, cind sa ma opresc ?
Acelasi material cu margarete si extra niste dantela...ei bine, m-am cam plicitisit de margaretele acestea asa ca deja gindul meu zboara spre niste quilturi roz...si rosii...oh, niste mini-quilturi, ati prins ideea, asa-i ?;))
Este cineva interesat de ele ?
mini-quiltul are 11,5 cm x 15,25 cm...pernita...in fine, muult mai mica ;)))
Oh, yes, as you can see, it hit me hard ! this is like chocolate....just can't get enough of it .LOL .
Another mini doll quilt was born a few minutes ago...when should I stop ?
The same daisies and some extra lace....well, I'm quite tired of these daisies so I already dream of some pinkish or redish stuff...sorry, mini stuff, you get the idea, uh ?;))
Somebody interested about ?
4,5" x 6" the mini quilt...the pillow?....well pretty smaller :)))
Un alt quilt pentru papusa s-a nascut acum citeva minute...oare, cind sa ma opresc ?
Acelasi material cu margarete si extra niste dantela...ei bine, m-am cam plicitisit de margaretele acestea asa ca deja gindul meu zboara spre niste quilturi roz...si rosii...oh, niste mini-quilturi, ati prins ideea, asa-i ?;))
Este cineva interesat de ele ?
mini-quiltul are 11,5 cm x 15,25 cm...pernita...in fine, muult mai mica ;)))
Oh, yes, as you can see, it hit me hard ! this is like chocolate....just can't get enough of it .LOL .
Another mini doll quilt was born a few minutes ago...when should I stop ?
The same daisies and some extra lace....well, I'm quite tired of these daisies so I already dream of some pinkish or redish stuff...sorry, mini stuff, you get the idea, uh ?;))
Somebody interested about ?
4,5" x 6" the mini quilt...the pillow?....well pretty smaller :)))
new doll mini-quilts
Azi nu a fost o zi ploioasa ca ieri( lol) dar am avut asa un chef de cusut...si ma gindeam ca as putea fi o mamica buna pentru ingerasul de la Nathalie ( wow! ingerasul inca nu are un nume!! ma intreb de ce? doar sunt genul de persoana care pune nume la tot) deci revin : sa fiu o mama mai buna si sa-i croiesc ceva pe masura ei... deci :
Today wasn't at all a rainy day like yesterday ( lol) but I do have such a sewing appetite...and I was thinking that I could be a better mom for the angel that Nathalie sent to me last year ( wow! the angel didn't have a name yet...wonder why ? I'm the kind of person that put a name on everything...) so : rewiew: I could be a better mom and make her something to fit her .So , "voila" :
Am asezat un pix alaturi de ele , ca sa realizati cit de mici sunt ....
Si din primul s-a nascut al doilea, mai colorat, putin mai mare dar cu efect : am facut free-motion in spatiile neuter
I put a pen near them just to realize how small they are...
The first was just a sparkle for the second, more colourfull,a little bit bigger but with greater effect : made some free-motion inside the tiny traingles.
Si asa arata munca mea de ieri si de azi...ha! am spus :"munca" ! ba deloc...totala delectare !le-am cusut cu zimbetul pe buze si cu gindul la urmatoarele care neaparat vor trebui sa contina dantelute si briz-biz-uri ;))
And so does look my work from yesterday and today....ha! I said "work"! Not at all...was a real enjoyment! I sewed them smiling all the time, thinking at those next to come that must have laces and other embellishments ;)) girlish, ayn't??
Today wasn't at all a rainy day like yesterday ( lol) but I do have such a sewing appetite...and I was thinking that I could be a better mom for the angel that Nathalie sent to me last year ( wow! the angel didn't have a name yet...wonder why ? I'm the kind of person that put a name on everything...) so : rewiew: I could be a better mom and make her something to fit her .So , "voila" :
Am asezat un pix alaturi de ele , ca sa realizati cit de mici sunt ....
Si din primul s-a nascut al doilea, mai colorat, putin mai mare dar cu efect : am facut free-motion in spatiile neuter
I put a pen near them just to realize how small they are...
The first was just a sparkle for the second, more colourfull,a little bit bigger but with greater effect : made some free-motion inside the tiny traingles.
Si asa arata munca mea de ieri si de azi...ha! am spus :"munca" ! ba deloc...totala delectare !le-am cusut cu zimbetul pe buze si cu gindul la urmatoarele care neaparat vor trebui sa contina dantelute si briz-biz-uri ;))
And so does look my work from yesterday and today....ha! I said "work"! Not at all...was a real enjoyment! I sewed them smiling all the time, thinking at those next to come that must have laces and other embellishments ;)) girlish, ayn't??
Friday, May 02, 2008
doll blanket and pillow
Azi a fost o zi ploioasa...si rece...asa s-a nascut, din resturi de demult, plapumioara si pernita pentru papusa. Pentru ca nu am in casa nici o papusa corespunzatoare meseriei de manechin in pozele mele, am folosit micuta papusica ingeras primita de la Nathalie :
pernita are 8cm x 16 cm iar quiltuletzul are 24 cm x 24 cm.
Today was a rainy day...and cold....this is how is born, from old times scraps, the doll blanket and pillow.
Because I don't have in house a proper doll for this picture, I used the mini-angel-doll that I received from Nathalie :
the small pillow has 3" x 6" and the small quilt has 9,5" x 9,5".
Oups! s-a dezvelit...o fi prea cald sub quilt ?;))
Oups! it could be too hot under the mini-quilt ? ;))
Macar atit intr-o zi fara soare...
At least this in a rainy day...
pernita are 8cm x 16 cm iar quiltuletzul are 24 cm x 24 cm.
Today was a rainy day...and cold....this is how is born, from old times scraps, the doll blanket and pillow.
Because I don't have in house a proper doll for this picture, I used the mini-angel-doll that I received from Nathalie :
the small pillow has 3" x 6" and the small quilt has 9,5" x 9,5".
Oups! s-a dezvelit...o fi prea cald sub quilt ?;))
Oups! it could be too hot under the mini-quilt ? ;))
Macar atit intr-o zi fara soare...
At least this in a rainy day...
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