From scraps saved from other works, was born, slowly, a pile of HST. The final life of them was extermely easy : was following a table runner. The first try :
dupa indelungi ponderizari a ajuns in forma asta...nope! prea in stil bisericos.
After a long pondering became this....nope! to church style...not for me!
Apoi a devenit patrat si am ajuns la alta faza : ce margine se potriveste? asta ? prea!
Then became a square and I get to another fase : what binding should I put ? this one ? hmmm...not quite!
Am adaugat alt rind de blocuri, trecerea de la luminos la intunecat era, in opinia mea, prea brusca ( ca pretul la benzina ! ha-ha! )
I added another row of triangles, the passing from light to dark was, in my opinion, too suddenly ( like the oil price! LOL)
oups! in fine...era nevoie si de combustibil adecvat : peste cu scoici, mix de salata iceberg cu toate cele si dovlecei grill-uiti.
oups! well...was needded and some real fuel : fish with oysters, iceberg salad mixed and grilled courgettes.
Ca urmare, am definitivat forma si marginea fetei de masa . Dimensiuni : 65cm /65cm .Adica asa :
Well, after such a treat, I finished the form and the binding of the table runner. Dimensions : 25.5 inch square. I mean like this :
detaliu spate:
back detail :
alt detaliu spate.
another detail
Am crezut ca voi face papusi pentru tot restul vietii mele, dar asa cum a spus Katy : "patchwork-ul este o dragoste lunga cit viata.. ". Si a are perfecta dreptate !
I was thinking that I will make dolls for the rest of my life, but as Katy says : patchwork is a long-life love...well, she was right!
Aaaa,se pare ca ne-am sincronizat!E foarte frumos,imi plac culorile!
ReplyDeleteWaaawwwwwwwwwww, ce îndragostita esti de patchwork!
ReplyDeleteDar se merita, faci minunatii!
Imi place tare mult. Imi pare un joc de umbre si lumini. Bravo-bravo!
ReplyDeleteWow!Very well, beautiful job!Have a great time ;)))
ReplyDeleteFoarte frumos! La inceput pare putin prea trist dar privind spre interior te "luminezi".Te simti ca la trezirea de dimineata!Vezi soarele pe fereasta si-ti spui ca va fi o zi minunata!
Foarte frumoasa, putin cam sobra intr-adevar, dar subtila...