Saturday, May 03, 2008

new doll mini-quilts

Azi nu a fost o zi ploioasa ca ieri( lol) dar am avut asa un chef de ma gindeam ca as putea fi o mamica buna pentru ingerasul de la Nathalie ( wow! ingerasul inca nu are un nume!! ma intreb de ce? doar sunt genul de persoana care pune nume la tot) deci revin : sa fiu o mama mai buna si sa-i croiesc ceva pe masura ei... deci :

Today wasn't at all a rainy day like yesterday ( lol) but I do have such a sewing appetite...and I was thinking that I could be a better mom for the angel that Nathalie sent to me last year ( wow! the angel didn't have a name yet...wonder why ? I'm the kind of person that put a name on everything...) so : rewiew: I could be a better mom and make her something to fit her .So , "voila" :

Am asezat un pix alaturi de ele , ca sa realizati cit de mici sunt ....
Si din primul s-a nascut al doilea, mai colorat, putin mai mare dar cu efect : am facut free-motion in spatiile neuter

I put a pen near them just to realize how small they are...
The first was just a sparkle for the second, more colourfull,a little bit bigger but with greater effect : made some free-motion inside the tiny traingles.

Si asa arata munca mea de ieri si de azi...ha! am spus :"munca" ! ba deloc...totala delectare !le-am cusut cu zimbetul pe buze si cu gindul la urmatoarele care neaparat vor trebui sa contina dantelute si briz-biz-uri ;))

And so does look my work from yesterday and today....ha! I said "work"! Not at all...was a real enjoyment! I sewed them smiling all the time, thinking at those next to come that must have laces and other embellishments ;)) girlish, ayn't??


  1. Ce păturică drăguţă,mai mică nici nu putea să fie!

  2. Ingeras la fel am primit si eu..pix la fel am si eu..ce mai lipseste?? Offf. Foarte dragute sunt. Si Geta a facut quilturi pentru papusi.
    Sunteti grozave ce de idei aveti.

  3. c'est superbe, tu es une très bonne mère .... ;-)



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