Today I received the envelope from Janine - France...un unexpected surprise was inside!! beside the 2 ATCs - which are marvelouse, so delicate and great worked, I was gifted with pieces of nice fabrics, beads, laces..." For my future work" says Janine... Thank you so much, Janine, you are a sweet !
ATC-urile ...sunt magnifice! cea din stinga apartine seriei "Rosu si Negru" iar cea din dreapta seriei "Cuivre" . Imi plac amindoua...cita finete a lucrarii! hmmm...trebuie "copiate" atit tehnica cit si maiestria :))) Complimentele mele , Janine!
Tthe ATCs ...they are magnificent! the left one is belonging to the "Red and Black" series and the right one is from "Cuivre" series . I love both of them...such a delicate work ! must be "copied" both the technique and the craftmanship . ;))) .
My compliments, Janine!
Azi s-a deschis o alta floare a trandafirului japonez crem... una cite una...zi dupa zi...
Today opened another flower of the cream by after day...
din alt unghi...ah, da: am tras si perdeaua! nu credeti ca nu am !! :))
from another angle...and yes, I take the curtain, too!...don't think I don't have one! :))
Ohh yes! It is a beautiful surprise :))))
ReplyDeleteTe-am nominalizat sa scri 7 lucruri la intamplare pe blogul tau, iar dupa aceea sa alegi alte 7 bloguri care sa faca acelasi lucru. Si eu am fost nominalizata de Sarah, vezi ultimul meu post. Ce zici, te prinzi in joc?
ReplyDeleteMultumesc mult pentru carti, reviste, ace si materiale!!azi le-am primit si revistele deja le-am devorat :), mai am cartile
te pup, Dora