Monday, January 22, 2007

pernitza Patratzele

Pentru ca inca nu sunt hotarita ce model de quilting sa fac pe top am "dres" repede o pernita pe care mi-am incercat "talentele"
Cert este ca pentru Patratzele se potriveste mai bine un model mai geometric si nu "feather". deh...


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Excelent quiltuitul de pe pernita.
    L-ai facut cu darning foot, nu ?
    Ar fi aratat foarte bine si pe quiltul mare.Si ce culori superbe!
    Abia astept sa-l vad gata.

  2. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Hello, if you speak english could you please tell me what a "pernitza" is? That is our family name and I do not know the meaning, please post it here if you could, thank you!

  3. "Pernitza" translated from romanian in english means SMALL PILLOW. ( small head pillow).
    Well, it's quite cute, isn't it ? I mean your family name;))... from where are you that you have this name?

  4. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Wow, thank you so much!! My father's family came from Germany. I wonder why they had a Romanian name? I know the name was Pernitza back into the 1600's.



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