Sunt o persoana loiala. In dragoste, prietenie sau orice altceva. ...cum ar fi hobby-urile, de toate acestea am invatat ca o pauza de sarbatori , in care nu am facut nici macar un nod frivolite, nu imi este binevenita. Mi-am pierdut practica...Am reinceput de la zero , incercind cu greu sa stapinesc tensionarea corecta cu acest semn de carte "
Rebecca's Colossian bookmark".
I'm a faithful person. A strong one. In love, friendship or anything hobbies, for example....even so, I learnt that a holiday break with no - at least - one tatting knot, isn't welcome for me....I lost my practice....
Re-started and tried hard to manage tension - badly as you can see below- with this Rebecca's Colossian bookmark in rusted-brown thread ( cotton perle nr.8 ) .
Tensionare nesatisfacatoare, dupa cum am spus...
Lame tension as I said ...
apoi, cu incalzirea facuta, am fost mai mult decit pregatita sa incep un alt semn de carte, acelasi model doar pentru ca mi-a placut cu adevarat . Se potriveste perfect in interiorul unei carti de dimensiuni normale . Aici in stadiul de blocking si apretare :
then, warmed up, I was ready-set-and go to make another one , just because I love the pattern. It fits properly on a normal book page .
here's the blocking and stiffening process :
si un detaliu
and a detail
am mai spus ca se potriveste atit de frumos intr-o carte de dimensiuni obisnuite ?
did I say that fits beautifully inside a normal size book ?
Credeam ca sunt gata sa incep o linie de semne de carte frivolite ( haha ) asa ca , plina de incintare, am cumparat modelul "
Tatted Cross" a lui Elizabeth Zipay si.....m-am indragostit :) . Atit de micut si de delicat...M-a vrajit. Da-da...deja ma vad refacind acest model in multe-multe culori ;) curind.
I thought that I was setting a future tatted bookmarks line , ( lol) so I bought Elizabeth Zipay's "Tatted Cross " pattern and ...fell in love with it :). So tiny and delicate....I'm hooked. Yep. I can see myself making this one in lots of colors ;)...very soon.
Afara nici un semn de zapada sau de fulgi sau de ceva care sa ne reaminteasca ca suntem in mijlocul iernii...doar gri....
Natura are marele dar de a aparea atit de diferit de la o zi la alta si totusi, in esenta, sa ramina aceeasi....
Outside still no sign of snow, nor snowflakes, nor something else to remind us that's winter....just grey...
the nature has the great gift of appearing so different from a day to another and still be the same...
totul este deprimant....chiar si Goldie pare sa fie putin deprimata, nu-i asa ? uitati-va la ochii ei ...
deprimata sau nu , imi este loiala, fidela....pentru ca ma iubeste. Si eu pe ea. ;)
everything's depressing ....even Goldie seems to be a little depressed, doesn't she ? look at her eyes...
depressed or not , she's faithful to me....because of love. In both directions. ;)
Ce-mi ramine de facut ? frivolite in fata focului, pace si sa uit vremea mohorita de afara.
Am inceput un fir, o marca italiana, extrem de fina. Chiar daca eticheta spune ca este cotton perle nr. 8 , acest fir este mult mai delicat si mai subtire decit oricare alt nr. 8 cu care am mai lucrat. O frumusete de fir !
What's left to do ? some tatting in front of the fire, calm and forgot the outside weather.
I took a thread, an Italian brand cotton perle, extremely fine . Even that the label says it's a nr. 8 size , this is more delicate and thinner than any other nr. 8 that I worked with. Beautiful !
Am inceput un model simplu, nu-i stiu denumirea, dar stiu ca l-am iubit de la bun inceput.
I started a simple pattern, don't know the name of it, but I know that I love it from the beginning.
Atit de fin si de il voi iubi pina la sfirsit. Din nou....loiala....
So fine and it to the end. Again...faithful....
Nu-mi pare deloc rau ca nu am adaugat margele pe parcurs...Nu-mi plac margelele in exces in frivolite, consider ca ii aduce o defavoare. Acest colier va avea, totusi, o margea centrala, ce va fi adaugata la final. Inca auditionez stocul de margele. Trebuie sa fie una care sa mi se potriveasca foarte bine....deoarece, ei bine, deoarece acest colier va fi al meu si numai al meu :D
In ultima vreme m-a lovit o ciudata dragoste de bijuterii....da-da, pe mine, femeia care de atitia ani poarta acelasi inel, aceeasi bratara si aceeasi cercei. Mda, sunt loiala . :))
I'm not at all sorry for not adding some beads along it.....I don't like heavy beading in tatting, I consider that's in the last one's deficit...This necklace will have a focal bead added at the end...still auditioning all my beads stash. It must be one that suits me well....because, well, because it will be all mine :D .
Lately I was hit by quite a strange, the one that wears the same ring, bracelet and earrings since so many years. Yep, I'm that faithful :))
Sunteti loiali ?
la ce ?
Are you faithful ?
to what ?