Tuesday, September 06, 2011

a corner of my home

Ma bate gindul sa va arat , din timp in timp, cite un colt din casa mea....un colt drag....
Incep cu acesta care este de fapt un colt, atipic, din ..bucataria mea total atipica ..ha-ha !
I'm thinking to show you, from time to time, a corner of my home ...a dear corner to me....
I'm starting with this one which in fact is an atypical corner in my...totally atypical kitchen . LOL.

de fapt, in intregime coltul respectiv arata asa ...poate intr-o zi am sa va arat si coltul diametral opus ;)
actually, the whole corner looks like this....maybe some day I'll show you the opposite one....

Petrec un timp minunat intre noile mele prietene de pe forumul Hobby handmade . Ma simt bine in familia aceasta mica, calda si iubitoare. Ca dovada am primit luna trecuta o diploma pentru o lucrare patchwork....
I'm spending a great time between my new friends on Hobby Handmade forum. I feel good in this small , warm and loving family. As a proof I can show you the diploma I received last month for a patchwork piece. 

Va invit sa va alaturati noua, gasiti butonul activ in bara din dreapta a blogului meu....in mod sigur veti fi cucerite de paleta larga de hobby-uri si de atmosfera prieteneasca plina de activitate...haideti, va asteptam ! suntem bucuroase de noi prietene, de noi idei....
I invite you to join us, you can find the active button in the right side of my blog...I'm sure you'll be charmed by the large palette of hobbies and of the warm, friendly atmosphere....Come on, we'll wait for you! we are always happy to meet new friends with new ideeas....
Si pentru ca tot pe acest forum am invatat sa lucrez frivolite ( sau tatting ) am sa va arat doua "noutati" ;)
O pereche de cercei ( lucrati cu naveta ) cu aroma de smeura coapta si atingeri de catifea...Simplitate prin excelenta ,sau invers.. cum va place ! ;) diametrul 4cm . Ii gasiti si in magazinul meu  ;)
And because on this forum I learned to make frivolite lace ( or tatting ) I'll show you two new pieces ;)
A pair of earings ( shuttle worked ) that carry a ripened raspberry aroma and velvet touch....Simplicity by excellence or in reverse.. as you like ! ;).  4cm diameter . 

si a doua "noutate " ( neterminata inca )  : o piesa la care lucrez pentru concursul "Tatting" din luna septembrie de pe forum , piesa care trebuie sa fie finalizata si prezentata pina in data de 24.
Pot sa va spun doar ca NU este o bijuterie si NU este un mileu :D  Va las, fara nici un alt indiciu, in asteptarea finalului....:)
And the second new piece ( unfinished yet ) : a piece that I work for the Tatting contest on the forum, piece that must be finished and presented until 24 of September.
All I can say now is that it isn't a jewelry nor a doily. I let you without any other clue, waiting for the final ....;)

Afara ploua si s-a racorit putin....o vreme tocmai buna de lucrat mai departe....Spor in tot ce faceti !
Outside is raining and chilled down....a pretty good weather to work on further.....Have luck in everything you do !


  1. Felicitari pentru lucarile de frivolite si pentru diploma, o meriti :)!

  2. coltul tau de bucatarie e shic ;)fiecare element interesant (ramele, bolul cu dopuri, quiltul, minifrigiderul cu vinuri) imi place...mai arata...

    iar cercelusii finuti, culoarea... superba .. succes

    cit despre piesa albastra... ce poate fi? un sal? sau o aplicatie pe un quilt? n-am idee!!! asteptam..;)

  3. Felicitari ,meriti din plin aceasta diploma.Creatiile tale sant oglinda unui suflet minunat.
    De cate ori intru aici sant fermecata de sensibilitatea si frumusetea lucrurilor ce le vad.Tattingul iese din mainile tale ,cu naturalete si pricepere,sunt convinsa ca o sa ne uimesti cu piese deosebite ..Servetelul cel albastru este delicat.
    O imbratisare si spor la toate!

  4. Your wallhanging/quilt of the coffee cup is FANTASTIC! INCREDIBLE! BEAUTIFUL! I guess you can tell I like it! Did you make it yourself? I love the colors, the creativity. I like how the side and bottom are patched with different fabrics, but you've put the emphasis on the large open piece by your quilting techinque. If this is yours, I hope you won First Prize for it! Excellent!!



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