Sunday, June 26, 2011

crocheting-knitting again

De citeva zile m-am lasat vrajita din nou de crosetat... si am cerut ajutorul Elenei pentru un... circel :D
O incercare rapida, cu o lina ce aveam la indemina, si iata rezultatul  :
Last days I let myself charmed again by crochet....and I asked for help at Elena for.. a curlicue :D.  A fast try with a wool that I have on hand, and this is the result :

Apoi , evident ca am vrut sa mai incerc si alte floricele si frunzulite ...cind iau croseta in mina sunt de neoprit. Mi-am re-amintit de vremurile trecute cind crosetam o multime de brose si coliere....
Then, obviously I wanted to try more flowers and leaves....when I took the crochet hook in hand I'm instoppable. I remembered the past times when I crocheted a lot of brooches and necklaces.....


Si nu se putea sa nu se formeze , din incercari , si o brosa, nu-i asa ? :))
And a brooch just came out from all the tryings :

Apoi mi-a venit pofta sa tricotez....cumparasem cu citeva luni bune inainte, din magazin de la Csilla , niste lina superba neagra, marca Barka - Diplomat cu compozitie 80% merino +20 % par de camila care nu-si gasea nicicum vreun iata ce s-a intimplat peste noapte:
Then I wanted badly to knit....I buyed several months ago from Csilla's shop some wonderful black wool Barka brand, model Diplomat - 80% merino+20 % camel hair - that didn't find it's way look what happened over night :

O bluzita simpla, raglan , inceputa pe ac circular nr.4, pe 120 ochiuri .....Bluza care va avea un accesoriu crosetat pe unul din umeri....cred ca va fi o ramurica de circei si frunzulite....sau poate va fi o brosa uni, complexa, detasabila....inca nu sunt foarte decisa... mai am destul timp sa fac planuri pina ajung la finalul bluzei :))....
Tot aseara , cautind o metoda eleganta , invizibila, de trecere la al doilea scul de lina , am dat peste acest video foarte bun pentru schimbarea culorii sau a firului. Merita, credeti-ma !deja am pus in practica ideea si nu pot sa spun decit ca sunt incintata. Pe fata lucrarii nu se vede absolut nimic, totul e ascuns elegant pe spate...
A simple raglan blouse, casted on 4mm circular needle with 120 stitches. The blouse will have some crocheted accesories on one shoulder, perhaps a cluster of curlicues and leaves, or perhaps will have just a big complex flower brooch...I'm not sure yet, I have plenty of time till finish.
Still last night, searching for an elegant, invizible method for changing wool - starting the second ball of wool - I found this extremely useful video :
Change to another color or yarn from Garnstudio Drops design on Vimeo.

Si din gradina am scos primul usturoi "verde ".... o enormitate ! ce bine ar fi sa fie toti asa 
And from the garden I pull out the first green garlic.... a monster ! if only all would be the same size ....

usturoi care a ajuns fericit intr-o farfurie cu paste Aglio, Olio e....prosciutto. Bineinteles si pepperoncino din plin :D
garlic that ended happily in a plate of Aglio, Olio e...prosciutto :) of course with plenty of pepperoncino :D

Pe data viitoare....
Till next time...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

oups! something was missing

Oups! ceva a lipsit....
in articolul de ieri am uitat sa fac si traducerea in limba romana.....deci dragii mei , acum il puteti citi linistiti  :)
stiam eu ca ceva lipseste ;)....

Oups! something was missing....
in yesterday post I forgot to translate in my dear friends , now you can read it peacefully :)
I knew that something was missing ;)....

Monday, June 20, 2011

allover update

Updatare din interior:
- din bucatarie : aceste cirese

Update from inside :
- from the kitchen : these cherries
s-au transformat intr-o delicatesa pentru zilele reci de iarna 
became these delicacies for the winter: 

iar aceste cirese negre
 and these black cherries 

(ce dezastru !! ) 
  ( what a mess !! ) 

au devenit Cherry Compote ( sunt o mare fana a retetelor Veronicai ) 
 became Cherry Compote ( I'm a big fan of Veronique's recipes ) 

sau o vedere mai buna ;) cerealele de dimineata sau pe o felie prajita de piine de casa ca o gustare dulce seara
 or a better view ;) Yummy ....on breakfast cereals or on a toasted slice of homemade bread in the evening as a sweet snack

Update din studio-ul meu : 
Snip-snip ;). Imi incerc mina pentru prima data in tehnica rag-quilt
Update from my studio :
 Snip-snip ;) : I'm trying my hand for the first time in rag-quilt technique

si sunt mai mult decit incintata de foarfeca cu arc chiar o ador pentru ajutorul dat !
 and I'm more than pleased with the Fiskars snipper scissors...I LOVE THEM !

Studio-ul meu acum arata asa...Am fost nevoita sa aduc in prim-planul de lucru vechea masina de cusut Pfaff, un adevarat cal de forta . Sunt pe veci si iremediabil indragostita de ea....:D
Ador masinile de cusut vechi, doua modele noi, moderne si doua modele vechi, antice. Intr-o zi am sa va spun povestea fiecaruia....Deh, amintiri....
My studio looks like this now. Have to bring back in the "war" front lines my workhorse antique Pfaff of which I'm deeply and irremediably in love...:D 
I love old metallic sewing-machines....I have 2 oldies and 2 modern ones, someday I will tell you the story of each. Duh, memories....

Update din gradina.
Aici este mult...mult verde, multe fructe, multa munca si multe de povestit...
Mult verde : 
Update from the garden .
Here is more...more green , more fruits, more to work, more to tell...
more green :

Rosiile din mini-solarii o duc bine. Urmez, ca in fiecare an, metoda "fara frunze la baza" pentru o mai buna productie....stiu ca arata cam chele dar asteptati si o sa vedeti  mai tirziu rezultatele ;)
The mini-solarium inside tomatoes are still ok . I am just following my "no bottom leaves" method for better production... kind of bald but...just wait and see later. ;)

Unele din ele deja poarta fruct...chiar un miracol la ora aceasta dupa ce au trecut prin marele inghet care mi-a atins si sufletul meu....diferite soiuri, unele pentru sosuri altele pentru mincat...unele mari altele mici...unele rotunde altele tuguiate....
Some tomatoes are already bearing fruits ....kind of miracle after that big frost the frozen even my heart....different kinds , some for sauces or some for eating....big or small , round or pointed....

Totusi exista o diferenta enorma intre plantele de rosii. In imaginea din stinga sunt rosiile crescute de mine din seminte ( care au rezistat inghetului ascunse sub sticlele de plastic ) iar in imaginea din dreapta sunt rosiile cumparate rasaduri din piata. Ce ziceti, se vede diferenta ?
Am sapat doua santuri printre ele pentru o udare mai buna. Mai convenient pentru mine, mai sanatos pentru ele .
Still there is a major difference between the plants . In the left are my own raised from seeds plants and in the right are the market-bought seedlings . What do you think ?
I just dig some ditches among them for watering....more convenient for me, more healthier for them.

Afara, cele din "aleea cu rosii " sunt toate rasaduri cumparate din piata. Mici si incete. Lenese. Sper ca vor supravietui dupa toata grindina din ultimele zile....grrr....
Outside on the tomatoe alee are all market-bought seedlings. Small and slow. Hopefully they will survive after all that last days hail .Grrr....


Mai multe fructe :
acum citiva ani am plantat un dud....gindindu-ma la fructele lui viitoare....
More fruits :
I planted a few years ago a mulberry tree....thinking of its future fruits....

Ei bine, a sosit momentul asteptat ! :D
Well...that time arrived ! :D

Si aceasta este mina mea foarte patata de dude ma pot abtine de la fiecare zi, in gradina linga dud,  devin din nou copil ....:))
And that's my mulberry stained hand :D I just can't keep myself away from it....each day inthe garden near the mulberry I just become a kid again....:))

dude si cirese negre....un deliciu !
mulberries and black cherries ....what a delight !

o privire peste gradina ( in primul strat se vede usturoiul culcat ) 
a look over the garden ( in the first sight is the combed down garlic )

si citeva coacaze negre ( ati observat ca toate fructele mentionate de data aceasta sunt...negre ?  ) 
 and some blackberries ( did you notice that all mentioned fruits are.. black ? )

Cartofii din cele 3 lazi o duc bine mersi....tin pumnii strinsi pentru ca nesuferitii de popindai sa nu gaseasca calea catre ei. Pentru ca deja visez la un castron mare de cartofi prajiti home-made. Da, mincare junk de casa :))
The barrel potatoes are doing just fine ...keep my fingers crossed for those pocket gophers to not find the way to them ! I'm dreaming of a big bowl of home-made fried-potatoes....home-made junk food :)) Yeah!

Citeva frumuseti care cresc si cresc....sincer, nu stiu ce e acesta , a rasarit pur si simplu din compostul ce l-am pus in strat....banuiesc ca e un pepene rosu.....vom avea destui din astia :D
Some beauty that grow and grow....really I don't know what it is, just raised from the compost that I put on the garden beds...guessing it's a water melon....we've got plenty of them now :D


Si o floare atit de marginile o fusta de dantela....Puteti ghici ce e ? 
And such a delicate flower....with frills a lace skirt.Can you gess what's it  ? 

este o floare de dovlecel catarator lung....asteptati sa apara fructul....atit de hazliu !
 it's a climbing elongated zucchini flower...waiting for the fruits to appear ....hilarious !

si din nou, ca intotdeauna, la finele zilei spun : " - la revedere, gradina, ne vedem miine !"
 and again, as always , at the end of day I say : " - bye-bye garden, see you tomorrow !"

dar pe drum ...uite ! visinele mai au putin si sunt coapte ....
 but look ! the sour cherries are ripening in a week or so ....

si gutuile urmeaza ... 
and the quinces are following....

nu am spus cumva mai la inceput : si multa munca ? :))
didn't I said : and some more work to do ....? :))


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