Wednesday, March 09, 2011

the story of a charm quilt

Totul a inceput de aici : 
Everything started from here 

si de la o mina de hexagoane cusute ca vad cum e. Adictie totala .
and from a handfull of test sewed hexagons just to check the "feeling" . Total addiction. 

Apoi a trebuit sa aleg tema lucrarii. 
Toata lumea stie cit de mult imi doresc o casuta mica,intr-un loc linistit, plina de lucrusoare albe si albastre .
 Nu mi-a trebuit mult pina ce am intrebat-o pe Mia daca imi da voie sa folosesc imaginea casutei si a gradinii ei in lucrarea mea.Am primit un raspuns emotionant si plin de bunavointa. 
Mia este un suflet de aur. Vizitati blogul ei si va asigur ca veti fi fermecati de viata ei linistita precum am fost eu. Pentru totdeauna. 
Multumesc, Mia. 
 Then I have to choose a theme for my work. 
Everybody knows already my dream for a small home in a quiet place, filled with white and blue things like Mia have. I didn't wait to much and asked her if I could use her home and garden image in my work. I received a touching and pleasant answer.
 Mia is a warm heart. Visit her blog and you'll be charmed of her peaceful life as I am . Forever. 
Thank you, Mia

Programul Quilt assistant ( este free il puteti downloada )  m-a ajutat sa obtin macheta imaginii .
 Am ales latura hexagonului de 1,8 cm si am obtinut 27 rinduri x 37 rinduri = 999 piese .  
The Quilt Assistant software ( it is free, you can download it ) helped me to get the model-image of my work.
I choose to work with a 1.8cm side of the hexagon and I get 27 rows x 37 lines = 999 pieces .

apoi a inceput strinsul materialelor....Cea mai lunga faza ca timp. Pentru ca sa respect tehnica unui charm quilt veritabil, in aceasta lucrare nu exista doua bucatele de material identice .
Intre timp coseam fiecare bucatica primita.  
Then began gathering the squares .The longest perioud of time was this .For respecting an original charm quilt technique there are no two fabric scraps alike in this quilt.
 Meanwhile I was sewing everything that I had on hand. 

am taiat cite un patratzel din fiecare bucata de material pe care o aveam in rezervele mele si in final m-am vazut nevoita sa apelez la colegele mele din Grup
Mi-a fost jena sa lansez un apel international pentru strinsul peticelor ...
Spre final am reusit de am strins toate bucatelele necesare de verde ...da, de verde-iarba, caci aceasta este culoarea dominanta. 
Numarul hexagoanelor cusute se inmulteste pe zi ce trece...
Then I cut a square from every single piece of fabric that I had on my stash. Finally I see myself obliged to ask for scraps from my Group colleagues. 
I was too embarassed to ask for scraps internationally....
Through the end I did manage to get all those needed green squares. Yes, green is the major colour in the quilt. The sewed hexies are getting more and more....

patratzele primite, hexagoane cusute....
received scraps, sewed hexagons...

In primul an ( caci da, au trecut 2 ani pina lucrarea sa fie gata ) coseam hexagoane in fiecare clipa de ragaz : in gradina, in pavilion, seara in fotoliu...
In the first year ( yes, there were 2 years of work ) I sewed hexies in every moment of relax : in the garden, in the pavillion, in the evening sitting in my armchair....

A fost o perioada cind nu am mai primit nici un patratzel de material asa incit lucrarea mea statea bine mersi , incompleta, pe tot acest timp ma ocupam de alte proiecte.
There was a gap in time when no scraps were received so my work was just lying on the wall board....meanwhile fooling around with other projects.

Apoi am ajuns la cusutul rindurilor intre ele....fiecare patratzel a fost nevoie sa fie cusut de celalalt doar pe fir drept. Nu in bias pentru ca se deformeaza lucrarea.
Then I get to sew the rows between each other. Each hexagon must be sewed by the previous one on straight line, not on bias, to not get a crooked work at finish. 

Si nu a iesit deloc strimb, nu-i asa ?  :D
And at finish it didn't seem to be wrong at all, isn't it ? :D

Apoi cu mare emotie am incercat sa aleg fundalul : albastru deschis sau crem ?
Then with great emotions I choose the background : blue or cream  ? 

Am fost foarte atrasa de albastru deschis ( pentru ca il ador ) dar a trebuit sa recunosc ca pe crem este mai potrivit pentru expunere intr-un living. 
Apoi cu maaare emotie am trecut la aplicarea lucrarii pe materialul de fundal.
Multumesc , Smaranda, pentru toate sfaturile si tot suportul pe care mi l-ai oferit, pas cu pas, pe durata acestei lucrari !
I was attracted to blue ( because I love it ) but I must admit that on cream is more appropriate for hanging in a living ;)
Then , with great emotions I applique it on the background. 
Thank you , Smaranda, for all your advices and all your support that you gave me, step by step, during this work !

Quiltingul si bindingul au curs una-doua deoarece eram oarecum contratimp : doream sa ofer cadou acest quilt sotului meu care implinea 50 ani. 
Si uite ca aici, dupa 2 ani de la primele impunsaturi de ac, in data de 23 februarie 2011, intr-un restaurant din Geneva ( CH) , sotul meu il primeste cadou. 
Mi se pare ca e mai mult decit incintat ;)
The quilting and the binding were flowing asap because I was kind of late : I intended to offer the quilt as a gift for my husband's 50 years anniversary . 
And here, after two years from starting it, in 23 february 2011, in a fancy restaurant in Geneve ( CH), he received it . 
Seems more than pleased, to me. ;)

iar eu sunt mai mult decit incintata cind vad quiltul expus pe perete in living, si cind la fiecare pas cind trec pe linga el, imi aminteste : 
"aceasta este viata pe care vreau sa o traiesc : o casuta mica, o gradina superba, mii de flori. In liniste."  
And I, I am more then pleased seeing it hanging on the living room wall, remembering me, at each step nearby, that
 "this is the life I want to live :a small house, a superb garden, thousands of flowers.Peacefully."  

Multumesc, Mia !
Multumesc voua, tuturor celor ce m-ati ajutat sa finalizez lucrarea !
Multumesc , dragoste ! stiu ca visul meu il vom trai liniste. 
Thank you, Mia
Thank all of you that helped me to get here with my work !
Thank you, my love ! I know that this dream of mine we'll live it together....peacefully. 

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