Tuesday, September 07, 2010

finished, in progress and soon to start

   Au trecut 6 luni de cind aceste Flori pentru Pasha asteptau o margine.....am tot stat pe ginduri atita timp in privinta culorii, iar cind momentul magic a venit totul a mers ca pe apa....Piping rosu si binding verde kaki. 

It's been 6 months already since these Flowers for Pasha were waiting a binding...I was in doubt all this time about the colour to use, but when the magic moment came, everything just flowed smoothly. 
Red piping and kaki-green binding.
Se vad clar micile probleme de tensionare pe care Brother-ul meu le dezvolta in special cind firul superior este YLI moni-filament ( aici de culoarea fumului) .....mda, intr-o zi voi avea o Bernina :)
On the back are visible the small tension problems that my Brother is developing especially when the superior thread is a YLI mono-filament. ( smoked here ) ...yep, someday I will have a Bernina :)
De data aceasta marginea am termocolat-o cu Steam-a-seam2...doar asa, ca divertisment la metoda manuala sau mecanica de a coase marginea.
This time the binding is set in with Steam-a-seam2 just for a small diversion to the manual or mecanic method of sewing the binding....
Apoi micul, noul si aditictiv-ul meu hobby (decupajul ) m-a impins sa ii fac cadou jumatatii mele doua tavite de sticla pe care va putea prezenta musafirilor , spre inspectie si eterna admiratiune :)) - dopurile de la sticlele de vin ce vor fi consumate cu maaare placere , ca de fiecare data ;)  
The new,small and addictive hobby of mine ( the decoupage ) pushed me to gift my DH with two glass-plates destinated for presenting to the guests the wine cork stoppers - for inspection, smelling and eternal admiration :)) - Bottles of wines that will be consumed with great satisfaction like every time ;) ....

A venit intre timp toamna cu adevarat....picioare reci, degete amortite.....sosete noi :)) in derulare.
Autumn is here, indeed....cold feet, numb toes ....new socks :)) in progress .
Pe masa din studio ma asteapta setul de materiale batik trimise de Smaranda pentru un nou proiect de grup :
"Cafea sau Ciocolata ? 
....mai am 22 de zile pina la data finala. 
On my studio table is waiting a pack of batiks sent by Smaranda for a new group project : 
"Coffee or Chocolate ? "
...I have 22 days to make it. 

                                                       Voi ce ati alege : cafeaua sau ciocolata ? :)
                                                      What do you choose : coffee or chocolate ? 


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