Wednesday, August 25, 2010

a beautiful meeting

Simbata a fost o zi fost in Satu-Mare  la o intilnire pe tema crosetat-tricotat. 
Am ajuns pe la ora 12, acasa la Csilla ( in stinga imaginii ) unde am intilnit-o pentru prima data pe Kriszta ( in dreapta imaginii ) care este o maestra in materie de crosetat. 
Pe masa bunatati de mincat ( Csilla ne-a rasfatat cu pogace cu brinza ) si bunatati de citit - reviste de crosetat-tricotat, craft. 
Ne-am cadorisit intre noi cu mici lucrusoare hand-made si apoi minutele au inceput sa treaca foarte repede....
Saturday was a lovely day...I was gone in Satu-Mare at a crochet/knitting meeting.
I arrived at Csilla's ( in the left of picture near little girl Lilla) home around 12 o'clock where I met Kriszta for the first time ( right in the image ) . Kriszta is a master in crocheting. 
Csilla spoiled us with goodies to eat : cheese -cookies , and goodies to read : crochet-knit and craft magazines.
We treated each other with small handmade gifts and after that the minutes started to pass quickly...
Dupa citva timp apare si Hajni ( in mijloc ) , verisoara Csillei. La fel ca si Kriszta, Hajni este o mare pasionata de crosetat.
After a while arrived Hajni ( in the middle ) , a cousin of Csilla. She is also a passionate about crochet.

si am inceput sa ne prezentam citeva dintre lucrarile fiecaruia  
and we started to show and tell our works 

Am invatat totodata cum se unesc anumite piese crosetate intre ele....
Iar cum mie mi-a placut tare mult bluza ce o purta Hajni
I also learned how to join certain crocheted pieces.
And as I do like a lot Hajni's blouse

 am luat modelul ...evident conform secolului in care traim : o imagine digitala ;)
I took the pattern in a very modern way : a digital photography ;)

Lilla - fetita Csillei -  a fost personajul plin de viata al zilei, marea pictorita care nu a vrut sa lase pensula din mina nici macar pentru masa de prinz....Nem si nem ! :)) 
Csilla, fiica-ta are deja drumul asigurat in arta ! 
Lilla - Csilla's little girl - was the joy of the day, the great painter who didn't let the brush down nor for lunch time....No and no
Csilla, your daughter is already set on her artistic way !

Iar acest ghem de lina neagra caruia nu i se vad ochii este Maya, catelul familiei , o bijuterie de catel care cu toata blindetea ei a reusit sa bage in sperieti pina la lacrimi doua fetite dragalase dar obosite  ( fetitele mamicilor prea ocupate cu povesti si risete pe o terasa racoroasa intr-o gradina plina de flori ) 
And this black ball of wool of which you can't see the eyes is Maya, the family dog, a sweet and lovely soul that despite her tenderness achieved to terrify till tears two little sweet girls but tired also ( those too busy talking and laughing on a cool porch in a flower garden mamas girls ) 

Apoi Csilla a rasfatat pe toata lumea pentru masa de prinz cu bunatati la grill ....aceasta va fi si ultima poza pentru ca dupa atita poveste si mincare buna ni s-a facut cam somn....Am primit si tratament rapid impotriva somnului : inghetata si cafea-frappe  .....alte povesti, alte risete apoi spre seara am pornit fiecare spre casa ei .....
Am ajuns acasa cu bine , fericita ca am avut o zi atit de frumoasa. 
Multumesc, Csilla ! 
Then Csilla spoiled everybody with lunch  : grilled goodies. 
This will be the last picture because after so much eating and talking we become sleepy... quickly received the treatment for that : ice-cream and caffe-frappe....following some more stories, more laughters.....late in the evening we leave to our homes each of us....
I arrived at home safe and happy that I had such a wonderful day. 
Thank you , Csilla ! 
.P.S. Imi pare rau ca nu am poze si cu mine sa va arat....poate data viitoare :).
P.S. I'm sorry you can't find me too, in the pictures, I was the only photographer....perhaps next time :)


  1. Intalnire de invidiat, relatare amanuntita cu poze din belsug, totusi, lipseste ceva: nu vad nicaieri reporteritza ;-)

  2. Ce intalnire frumoasa! Acum sa vedem si ce vei lucra.

  3. O întâlnire minunata, ma bucur ca nu esti singura !

  4. Hi Teodora, I'm Pilar from Barcelona. Thank you very much for your comments in my blog. I'm happy you are a Elena's friend. e visites cit de curind! Sanatate!



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