Vremea e tot rece si ploioasa...in ultima luna au fost in total 2 zile complete cu soare....in rest e tot asa :
The weather is still awful....in the last month we have just 2 complete sunny days....rest of the time is just like this :
rece si vint....
cold and windy....
zilnic fac cite o plimbare prin gradina ...sufar alaturi de plantele incarcate de atita apa, grele , triste...si descopar ca , in ciuda frumusetii carcasei lor, nu pot sa-i sufar! da. melcii. Sunt cu miile in gradina, in iarba, peste tot....Mi-au mincat salatele, mazarea, capsunii, frunzele de ardei si culmea acum s-au dat si la busuioc...
I take a daily walk through the garden...I suffer for my plants that are full of water, heavy and sad...and I discover that despite the beauty of their housing I just can't stand them! the snails! we've got thousands on garden beds, on grass, everywhere!!!! they eat my salads, peas, strawberries, peppers leves and like this is not enough, they are eating now the basil leaves....
In the house the first forest mushrooms are being prepared for freezer...who knows what else will bring this year? so much rain and cold weather still in June...
La ultimul drum in orasul vecin am cumparat un set de clesti pentru bijuterii, citeva dantelute de bumbac si benzi de saten....Toate devin din ce in ce mai scumpe....
At my last trip in the neighbour city I bought a set of plyers for making jewelries, some cotton laces and saten strips. All are being more and more expensive....
Inca sper ca vremea sa revina la normal , sa se incalzeasca si sa ne putem bucura macar de dudele de anul acesta....ciresele s-au dus fara sa reusim sa stringem macar o farfurie , merele sufera, capsunii sunt acri....ramin dudele...
I still hope that the weather come back to normal, to warm up and be able to take advantage at least of the mulberries...the cherries are gone ( we haven't enough even for filling a bowl ), the apples are suffering from cold and rain, the strawberries are sour and chopped by snails....all that rest are the mulberries...
Ceva trebuie sa se schimbe...
Something have to change...
Si eu sper ca va fi soare, si cald e tare rau asa :(( Si la noi sunt probleme cu melcile :(
ReplyDeleteDantelutele si benzile de saten sunt tare frumoase, sunt curioasa ce o sa impodobeasca :)
Si aici ploua continuu :( Se zice ca de sambata vine vara, vara torida, extrem de calda, s-a innebunit vremea asta total...
ReplyDeleteSi la noi sunt muti melci, si mai ales din acelea fara case, le urasc, nu le pot iubi...