Monday, February 15, 2010

longing for spring

Dor de primavara....dor de flori diafane, fin parfumate ...asa cum numai primavara poate sa existe...culori calde, si acestea : 
Longing for spring....longing for ethereal only in spring I can find....warm colours, vivid colours....energizing those : 

si ...surpriza !am facut prima palarie reversibila. ;)
and, suprise !! I made my very-first reversible hat . ;)

Marginea borului am imbracat-o in banda bias -  de bumbac de aceasta data ;) la fel si snurul  rasucit dublu, incheiat printr-o simpla fundita. Ca sa se potriveasca pe ambele fete ale palariei.
Banda bias am montat-o destul de usor cu acest piciorus special :
The edge of the brim is enclosed in a cotton bias tape. Same is the cord, twice twisted and ended with a simple bow. Just to fit for the both faces of the hat. 
The bias tape I sew on with this special foot : 

trebuie sa recunosc ca pretul lui ridicat se justifica in intregime ( mai ales ca eu nu am prins reducerile imense de acum :
 Nu e nevoie de insailat, nu prins cu bolduri, nu dureri de cap. Introduci banda bias in lagarul ei special, stringi cu surubelul din dreapta pina ce ai ajuns la latimea benzii , introduci sub ac si ...atit. Adica, da : mai trebuie sa apesi pe pedala masinii de cusut :)))). Cu foarte putina atentie, totul merge ca pe roate.
I must recognise that its high price is entirely justified ( especially that I didn't get these huge sales like now : ) .
 Don't need to baste anything, don't need to use pins, don't have any headache. :) Just put the tape inside the slot, set the proper width of it by squeezing the screw, fold it under the foot and this is it! All of it ! oh, yes : and push the pedal to sew :))) Just small atention is required and everything is just like walking on water. 

Deci : primavara, vino, esti atit de asteptata !! :)
So : spring, comme on, you're so waited !! :)


  1. Ce culori frumoase, calde, super! :)

  2. Foarte foarte frumos! Bravo.

  3. Toata lumea asteapta primavara. Imi place mult palaria ta, dar nu stiu daca as avea curaj sa-l port, adica sa port palarie asa in genaral, cu toate ca stiu ca imi sta bine cu ele.

  4. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Felicitari Teodora, sunt tare reusite palariile tale, nici nu stiam de aceasta noua pasiune.



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