Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a looong day

Azi a fost o zi lunga...lunga si plina de invataminte...despre mine si despre "prietenele" din uite ca, in timp de citeva ore de cusut plina de concentratie , am terminat un alt... portfard. Bucatica centrala, cea in carouri , am primit-o in cadrul unui schimb facut intre peticele, mai anii trecuti. Cine o recunoaste, oare ?? Daniela ??mi-a placut atit de mult incit am pornit de la ea, si am tot adaugat in jurul ei alte si alte bucatele de material, dar nici un pic de albastru pentru ca nu prea am albastru in rezerve...apoi am trecut la quiltuit si m-am mai putut opri.ha-ha!
La final mi-am dat seama ca va iesi o piesa mult prea pretentioasa pentru un simplu portfard!! I-am atasat un fermoar asortat si i-am pus aceeasi captuseala de tnt. Iar dimensiunile finale nici nu sunt chiar atit de mari : 27cm x 17cm ( inaltime) x 8cm ( baza). Se poate ascunde aproape orice in el, nu e obligatorie destinatia de portfard.;))

Today was a long day...a long and somehow a sad day in which I learned a lot about myself, about "friends", about how real life can give some slaps....and after a few hours of intense sewing I finished another piece. Shall I name it also a make-up bag ??
The central patch, the plaid one, I received it two years ago in a fabric swatch made between my group friends. Who recognise it ? Maybe Daniela ?? I liked it so much that i started from there, adding more and more pieces around ...but nothing blue...because I don't have much blue in my stash ( bad thing! must make something on this way!;)) ....then I pass on to the quilting and I just can't stop. LOL.
At the end I realized that it will be too "fancy" for a simple make-up bag. I put on an assorted zipper - green- and the white tnt lining. It's not so big: 27cm x 17 cm ( height) x 8cm ( bottom) . You can hide almost anything in it, it's not necessarily to be a make-up bag, you know. ;))

Pe viitor trebuie sa cos niste modele mult mai simple, mai accesibile, mai rapide. Nu e justificat ( in pret) timpul si munca depusa pina la finalizare. Ramine de vazut...Aveti niste sugestii stralucite??
For the future I must sew some simple models, more accesible, more quickly.
It's not justified ( in price) the time and work made untill finish. Still on the search.... Do you have some brilliant ideeas in this direction ?

a new bunch of ...things

Noi portfarduri , din materiale de bumbac - cu sau fara bentite, snururi decorative-, matlasate, cu fermoar si captuseala ( majoritatea cu tnt alb ) .
Sunt expuse aici :
New make-up bags, made in cotton fabrics, with or without embellishments, all have zippers and lining ( most of them white tnt).

In curind alte noutati...
Soon ...some news.

Friday, February 06, 2009

this time some makeup... minibags

4 mini-porfarduri pe ziua de azi...2 maro si 2 verzi .

4 mini makeup bags for today. 2 brown and 2 green.

Din catifea, verde cu auriu, si maro cu ariu, cu fermoar, fundul cartonat. Interior necaptusit de culoare neagra. Snur negru la un capat al fermoarului.
Dimensiuni : 16,5cm x 9cm.
Suficient de incapator pentru toate micile secrete feminine. ;))

Made of velvet, green or brown with gold accents, with zipper, cardboarded bottom. Inside black. A black cord at one side.
Dimensions : 16,5cm x 9 cm.
Big enough to hide all those small feminine secrets.

le gasiti aici :

Thursday, February 05, 2009

another one

Inca margelutze si paiete si fire si fibre restul le stiti voi. ;))
ahh...acest mov care creeaza dependenta...

Another one....purple...with beads and confetti and threads and felted fibers....and the rest you know. ;))
ahh..this addictive purple...

Dar, deja am decis ca -pentru acest an- culoarea mea favorita va fi MARO-ul. Cu toata paleta de nuante : ruginiu, ciocolata, pamintiu, cafea-neagra, coaja de copac...evident ca suprematia o detine , bineinteles, ciocolata cu lapte. Nuanta, nu produsul ! bineee...poate fi chiar si produsul ;))...
Poate ca astfel voi uita cu desavirsire de toate aceste "mov-uri" .
Trebuie sa ma gindesc la niste combinatii de culori cum ar fi : maro-roz pal, sau maro-albastru deschis, sau maro-....cine imi mai da niste idei "colorate" ?? si va rog , puteti exclude mov-ul din sugestii ;))

I love purple but I already decide that my favorite colour - on this year - will be BROWN. With all the palette : rust, chocolate, mud, black-coffee, earth, bark...but above all of them is of course : milk chocolate . The colour not the product! ;))
This must make me forget about all this purples...
I must think at some colour combinations like brown and pale pink, or brown and pale blue, or brown and ....? who gives me some more ideeas, please ?? and yes, you can exclude purple out of the sugestions, please! ;)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

last small creations

O bratara, punch-uita, embellish-ata cu fibre si fire, si montata pe fetru. Are interiorul plasticizat deci isi mentine forma semi-rotunda...pentru orice eventualitate am asigurat-o cu un nasturel metalic si o bucla de elastic rotund, burgund.
Se numeste "Crazy Spring"... pentru ca mi-e dor de o primavara plina de culori si arome....mi-e dor de flori si de ciripit de pasarele...mi-e dor de pamintul reavan cu atita potential pentru gradinarit.

A bracelet, punched and embellished with fibers and threads and set on felt. Inside has a plastic piece that help for keeping its round-ish any case I set a button with an burgundy elastic loop.
Name ? Crazy Spring. ...because I miss a colourfull and smelling spring...I miss flowers and singing birds...I miss the fresh earth with such a great potential for gardening.

inchisa, pe mina mea ;)

On my hand, closed ;))

si pentru ca era tare singurica i-am facut un medalion.Mare. Interior cartonat. Pe acelasi snur de elastic burgund. Deci poti trage cit vrei de el ;))
( poze fata-spate ).

And because it was sooo lonely I made a companion : a pendant. Big. Cardboard piece inside. On the same burgund round-ish elastic. This means that you can strech it as much as you like. ;))
( face and back pictures)
Am citeva idei care tot zboara in jurul capului meu...trebuie sa le pun in practica. Trebuie. Asa ca stati cu un ochi aici sau pe breslo.
I have a few ideeas that are still flying around my head. I must put them on practice. It's a must.


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