Saturday, January 31, 2009


Azi am cusut...altceva. Din acelasi material...moale, pufos. Catifea alb-crem. Bentite si fire aurii.
S-a materializat intr-un portfard (sau necessair). Moale, poate fi inghesuit cu usurinta in geanta de mina sau in bagaj.
19cm x 7 cm x 8cm ( inaltime).
poze fata-spate:

Today I sewed another...thing. From the same soft, white-cream velvet.Golden ribbons and threads. The result is a necessair ( or make-up bag).Soft so it can be stuffed in the handbag or suitcase. 19cm x 7 cm x 8 cm ( height)
Front-back pictures:

Interiorul este moale, necaptusit, fundul cartonat si tapetat cu catifea alba.

No lining in the inside, it is soft, with a hard cardboard dressed in white velvet bottom.

Trebuie sa ma nascocesc ceva.... sa treaca timpul...altfel ramin cu ochii in ecran toata ziua si nu fac decit sa oftez...

I must guess what to make- something else quickly pass the time...otherwise I remain starring on my laptop all day and feeling
hmmm,blue ? let me think a little...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today I've done these

Azi am facut aceste 3 perne, din catifea. Alb-crem...Le-am infrumusetat cu bentita aurie in cele doua laterale si am evidentiat conturul florii- calei - cu fir auriu-metalizat Coats.
Pentru ca ii promisesem mai demult unei persoane dragi un set de fapt ii promisesem 4 bucati dar nu m-am incadrat in material. Multumesc, Geta, pentru catifea ! previziunile tale cum ca se vor transforma in pernite s-au adeverit. ;))

Today I've done these 3 velvet sofa-pillows. White-cream...I embellished them with golden trim on the two sides and I outstand the flower contour with gold metallic yarn from Coats.
And all these because I made a promise to a dearest person, sometime ago, to make her a set of sofa-pillows...actually I promised her 4 pieces but the fabric wasn't enough for so much. Thank you again, Geta, for the velvet!...your prevision that it will become some pillows was true. :))

Ca sa imi iasa totusi 3 bucati le-am croit spatele tot din catifea, de data aceasta uni, alba.
Still, to have at finish 3 whole pieces, I made -for all of them- a white velvet back.

Si au fermoar pentru ca sa poata fi spalate la nevoie. Insert-ul este din tnt umplut cu vatelina speciala pt perne.
And also, they have a side zipper for an eventual need of washing the cover. The insert is made of tnt filled with special pillow-fiber.

Recunosc ca mi-a prins bine aceasta tura de forta de cusut - le-am facut contracronometru, azi - asa am uitat pentru citva timp de durerea acuta din suflet...
Oare ce sa fac miine ca sa uit din nou ??

I recognise that this sewing "shot" - I said "shot" because today I was working on counted time - help me a lot to forget that accute pain in the soul...
What should I done tomorrow to forget again ?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Farewell, Rocky ...

Adio...catel cuminte...

Farewell...good boy...

tu care ne-ai adus atita fericire in viata

you bring such happiness in our lives

Pentru noi ai fost si vei ramine suprem

For us you was and will always remain "the king"

si de-acolo de unde esti acum ascuns

and from there where you are hidden now

trimite-ne o raza de stim ca iti e bine. Adio, Rocky...

send us a know you are ok. Farewell, Rocky ....

Saturday, January 24, 2009

2 textile cards - 2 carti postale

Doua carti postale pentru expozitia de birou a Sandei , carticele care tocmai ce au plecat spre destinatie.

"Frunza de gorun" si "Seceta". Ianuarie 2009.

Frunza de gorun are la baza un desen liber cu creioane cerate si quiltuire libera iar Seceta este un colaj textil ascuns sub organza alba , idem quiltuire libera.

Two textile cards for Sanda's office exhibit, they are already on the road.

"Quercus leave" and "Drought". January 2009.

The "Q.L." is a free-hand drawing with wax crayons and then free-motion embroidered and the "D." is a textile-collage hidden under white organza and also free-motion embroidered.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

visez la primavara - dreaming of spring

Azi am intrat intr-o librarie si dupa o jumatate de ora am iesit cu zimbetul pe fata si cu aceste carti in brate...precum se vede deja visez la primavara si ma cam maninca degetele ;))...

Today I entered in a library and after half of hour I get out smiling with these two beauties in my you can see I'm already dreaming about spring, my fingers are itching...

Ambele carti sunt din editura Teora si sunt bogat ilustrate...320 pagini si 350 pagini...merita fiecare banutz, cu toate ca parerea mea este ca sunt mai scumpe decit cartile de specialitate din alte tari...citeva imagini ating coarde sensibile...imagini ca si acestea :

Both books are from Teora publisher and have rich ilustrations...first one has 320 pages and the other one has worths every penny, even that in my opinion they are most expensive then other speciality books from foreign country or foreign publishers.
Some pictures are just hitting that soft inside spot...some like these :

Si ca sa-i raspund lui Moni, iata ce contine de fapt "cutia mov" din pozele de la Craciun :
And to answer Moni, here is the containing of the "purple box" from the Christmas pictures:

adica parfumul meu favorit si o mica lotiune de corp din aceasi gama... de fapt parfumul meu cu adevarat FAVORIT este cel clasic, albastru de la Bvulgari, pe care l-am folosit constant in ultimii 10 ani. Dar acesta prezinta o problema tehnica la sticla : se scurge pe linga gitul de plastic de la capac ( nu e etansa sticla) . Pina acum am 3 genti foarte frumos mirositoare ( a se citi : la greu parfumate) din cauza ca parfumul s-a scurs incetisor-incetisor ...chiar ma gindeam ca intr-o zi am sa le scriu , cu rugamintea de a verifica si schimba ambalajul de la acest de alta dar mi-e cam dor de acea aroma...
I mean : my favorit perfume and a small body lotion in the same brand...well, in fact my REALLY favorite perfume, used for the last some-10 years, is the classic blue one from Bvlgari.But they have a real problem with THAT bottle: it leaks often. And , untill now I have 3 bags extremely perfumed ( the bottles leaked slowly inside of the bags , along the plastic neck from the cap...well...perhaps I will write them someday, asking to check and change the bottle at the classic...I still love that fragrance on my skin...and I'm somehow missing it...

Si acum va las sa trageti cu ochiul putin de tot si la ultimele doua lucrari patchwork. Ambele vor pleca spre Franta, in viitorul apropiat, pentru concursul Ocru, organizat de Histoires de Boites a Couture si cel de-al doilea pentru expozitia Smaranda Bourgery- Beauce Arts Textile. Detalii AICI.

And now I let you have a small sneak-peek at my last two patch works, they are both very soon leaving to France, to participate at the Ocre challenge held by Histoires de Boites a Couture and at the Smaranda Bourgery-Beauce Arts textile exposition. More details HERE.

Cam atit pentru miine e o alta zi, nu ? LOL.
That's it for today....tomorrow is another day, ain't it ?LOL.


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