Ceva vechi-ceva nou...;))
Intii ceva vechi. Quiltul meu crazy, alb-crem , care pe zi ce trece se apropie de final...cind va fi acesta? nu stiu, poate cind nu mai am margelutze sau fire albe LOL.
Something old-something new...;))
Something old first ...my white/cream crazy quilt that day by day comes to finish...when exactly will be this ? I just don't know...perhaps when I'll remain out of beads or white threads LOL. I just can't "catch" it properly in the picture, it so shiny...perhaps it's name will be "Moonshine garden" , how is that ?
ceva nou...ce am mai lucrat in ultima vreme...cam lenesa am fost , ce-i drept...am sa dau vina pe caldura, ok ? LOL
And now something new ...what else I have done lately...I was quite a bit lazy...but let me put the blame on hot weather, ok ?LOL
I'm in love with the I-cord, I just can't stop myself from make it...this time I combined two colours in one cord, the result can be worn ( or wear?) as a bracelet like in the following picture:
sau de colier ca aici :
La juxtapunerea celor doua culori am atasat doua floricele minuscule .
or as a necklace as here:
where the two colours met each other I attached two tiny red flowers.
Apoi au urmat citeva bratari : una verde deschis, la care inchiderea se face cu margelutze de sticla verde...(evident, nu ? ;)) )
then some bracelets ( or armbands because they are quite wide) : one on pale green with the closure made of two glass green beads
cam asa de late :)) , 3,5cm
si una pe negru pentru ca se pare ca orice am face aceasta culoare ( ori aceasta iluzie optica?) este preferinta nr 1 in garderoba oricui...
and one in black , because it seems that this colour ( or this optical illusion?) is the favourite in anybody's wardrobe.
aceeasi latime , aceeasi inchidere cu margelutze de sticla de culoare neagra.
Deseara iesim la resturant cu musafiri din Suedia...poate ma intorc cu poze...evident cu poze cu natura nicidecum cu poze cu mine, nu ? :)))
Tonight we are going out at a resturant with some guest from Sweden...perhaps I'll come back with some pictures...obviously nature pictures, not with me, no ? :)))
Have a nice day, you all my readers.
Sa comentez si quiltul tau crazy -este absolut incredibil! Este ca o pulbere de luna si de stele - stiu ca aceasta sintagma nu e originala dar la gingasia lui se potriveste cel mai mult. Si spui ca nu-i gata, pai atunci va fi mai mult decat perfect.
ReplyDeleteSi eu am ramas in admiratie! E ca zapada proaspata. Imi place , imi place, imi place!!!
ReplyDeleteSuperbe lucrusoare!...iar quiltul crazy este deosebit de rafinat si frumos!!
ReplyDeleteTotul e minunat, quiltul alb diafan , bijuteriile elegante! Esti o zâna buna!
Ochisorii lui Goldie sunt atat de sensibili si atat de frumosi , ce mi as dori sa o mangai si eu...sa stau langa ea...iar mainile tale sunt aurite ..