Friday, August 22, 2008

something old , something new

Ceva vechi-ceva nou...;))
Intii ceva vechi. Quiltul meu crazy, alb-crem , care pe zi ce trece se apropie de final...cind va fi acesta? nu stiu, poate cind nu mai am margelutze sau fire albe LOL.

Something old-something new...;))
Something old first white/cream crazy quilt that day by day comes to finish...when exactly will be this ? I just don't know...perhaps when I'll remain out of beads or white threads LOL. I just can't "catch" it properly in the picture, it so shiny...perhaps it's name will be "Moonshine garden" , how is that ?

ceva nou...ce am mai lucrat in ultima lenesa am fost , ce-i sa dau vina pe caldura, ok ? LOL

toate bijuteriile textile le gasiti pe breslo in magazinul meu aici

sau pe dawanda adica aici :

And now something new ...what else I have done lately...I was quite a bit lazy...but let me put the blame on hot weather, ok ?LOL

all my textile jewelry you could find on breslo ( for Romania ) in my shop here ,

or on dawanda ( for other countries) in my shop here

Imi place la nebunie snurul I-cord, nu ma pot opri din impletirea data aceasta am combinat doua culori intr-un singur snur care poate lua forma de bratara ca mai jos :
I'm in love with the I-cord, I just can't stop myself from make it...this time I combined two colours in one cord, the result can be worn ( or wear?) as a bracelet like in the following picture:

sau de colier ca aici :
La juxtapunerea celor doua culori am atasat doua floricele minuscule .
or as a necklace as here:
where the two colours met each other I attached two tiny red flowers.

Apoi au urmat citeva bratari : una verde deschis, la care inchiderea se face cu margelutze de sticla verde...(evident, nu ? ;)) )
then some bracelets ( or armbands because they are quite wide) : one on pale green with the closure made of two glass green beads

cam asa de late :)) , 3,5cm
about 3,5 cm width
si una pe negru pentru ca se pare ca orice am face aceasta culoare ( ori aceasta iluzie optica?) este preferinta nr 1 in garderoba oricui...
and one in black , because it seems that this colour ( or this optical illusion?) is the favourite in anybody's wardrobe.

aceeasi latime , aceeasi inchidere cu margelutze de sticla de culoare neagra.
the same width , the same closure with black glass beads.
Deseara iesim la resturant cu musafiri din Suedia...poate ma intorc cu poze...evident cu poze cu natura nicidecum cu poze cu mine, nu ? :)))
Tonight we are going out at a resturant with some guest from Sweden...perhaps I'll come back with some pictures...obviously nature pictures, not with me, no ? :)))
Have a nice day, you all my readers.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

a new line

azi nu m-am simtit bine de cind m-am ridicat din pat....infricosatoare ameteli ca niciodata in viata mea...poate ca imbatrinesc....oh, da: in mod sigur imbatrinesc, dar nu asa.....pfuii!!! stare de fapt care m-a facut sa ma simt nefolositoare in casa mea : fara gatit, fara curatat, nimic-nimic decit stat in pat cind am simtit ca patul incepe sa ma "friga" am sarit in fotoliul meu drag cu croseta in mina si ....voila! doar o mica privire pe furis :
... today I wasn't feeling right since getting up of my bed...extremely scarying vertigo like no other time in my life...perhaps I'm getting older...oh, right : I'm AM getting older ...phew!!...something that makes me feel quite unusefull in my home, no cooking, no cleaning, nothing just sitting in bed and after that , whan I felt that it burns me I jumped in my armchair with my hook in hand and...voila! just a sneak peak :

sau poate aici se vede mai bine :
or perhaps this is better:

oh, naiba! aceasta este piesa pe care am facut-o azi, dind nastere , astfel, unei noi linii de bijuterii crosetate :
oh, what a heck ( ;)) ), this is the piece that I made today, giving "birth" to a new LINE of crocheted jewelry.

Aici inca este inca in faza de "blocking" ( oare cum s-o fi traducind in romana ??) plin de ace... pina miine se usuca...
Totusi inca mai trebuie sa aleg o margea potrivita pentru inchidere ...poate o margea inca ma mai gindesc sa includ piesa intr-un set : cu o bratara sau cu o bratara si cercei ?? jumatatea mea mi-a spus ca el nu "vede" niste cercei in setul acesta...dar eu vad! si inca cum ii vad!! atirnatori sau doar simpli, lungi , sub forma de fir, sau pur si simplu doar niste "perle"...grele alegeri!....dor o solutie : trebuie sa ii crosetez sub toate formele si abia apoi sa ?
in fine....ce zi !!
Here is still in blocking fase, untill tomorrow is right done...I still have to choose a appropriate bead for the closure..perhaps a Swarovski one...and still thinking to transform it in a set : with a bracelet or with a bracelet and some earings? DH says that he can't "see" some earings in the set...but, oh,how I can! some danggling ones, or some long threaded, or simply some "pearls"...difficult options to choose...just one result : must make all sorts of and then ?
Well....what a day !

Friday, August 08, 2008

what have I done lately

Ei bine, a venit si rindul fibrei primita de la Daniela care , surprinzator, a luat forma tot de ingeras. Neaparat trebuie sa comand niste felt in culori pastelate pentru ca am in minte o alta idee care nu-mi da pace ;)
Well, the time for using the fiber received from Daniela has come and surprisingly it turns out again as angels ;)). I must keep looking for some pastel fibers because I have another great ideea in mind that keeps bothering me ;)

Apoi a venit rindul unui nou model de colier - de fapt doar medalionul este "nou" . Tot din bumbac pentru ca eu consider bijuteriile de genul acesta ca fiind potrivite sezonului incins ...ele ramin racoroase la git, sunt usoare si ...atractive.Ah, da : si pot fi spalate cu apa calduta si sapun ori de cite ori se doreste.

Then another new necklace was born - in fact only the pandantive is a "new"model.
Also, made entirely in cotton because I consider that this kind of jewelry is appropiate for the hot perioud of the year...they remain cool on the neck, lightweight and...attractive. And, oh yes : they can be washed anytime and "manytime"( LOL) you want.

In vacanta din Spania, am vazut pe mina cuiva un inel din margele care m-a atras instantaneu ( mi se intimpla foarte rar sa fiu atrasa de bijuteriile purtate de cineva tocmai pentru ca imi doresc intotdeauna unicate ). Am zimbit, am intrebat, am admirat si ...ideea a ramas in cap. Modelul ramine inca in lucru pentru ca imi doresc o "piatra" mai mare, mai voluminoasa. Inca nu am reusit sa-i dau forma finala :
In this last holiday in Spain, I see on somebody's hand a ring that kept my attention ( it happens not often to me to be attracted by someone'e else jewelry, just because I like to have unique pieces for me). So, I smiled, I asked, I admired and....the ideea remain in my head.
here it is, not in his final form because I want to create a bigger "stone" , but still I can't give it the right final form...keep working on it.

Crosetat in intregime cu fir elastic, pe care il pot numi "fir- problema":(... dar se potriveste pe oricare deget, dupa cum mi-e pofta :)))
Crocheted entirely in elastic thread , kind a troublemaker...but fit on every finger, as I please :)))...

Apropo : imi place maro-ul. Din nou. ;)
By the way : I LOVE brown. Again. ;)

Si pentru ca azi a fost o zi mai speciala decit multe altele,zi in care am primit o declaratie de dragoste frumoasa , am raspuns in "stilul" meu :
" Doar tu ai cheia spre inima mea!"
And because today was a special day, different form many others , day in which I received a beautiful declaration, I did answer in my "style" translated in :
" Only you have the key to my heart" .

Si ...azi am facut si citeva cumparaturi. Fire colorate , ca bomboanele de vesele, pentru viitoarele bijuterii textile si citeva perle pentru viitoarele inele elastice. I made some small shoppings. Coloured threads, happy as candies, for future textile jewelries and some perls for future elastic rings.

Si ca proba pentru firele noi , un nou colier cu medalion mare si greu din sticla.
Obviously that I must check the new thread that I bought, and so, another necklace was ready. With a big and heavy glass pandantive. Must make one on brown for me :)))


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