Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Vara...cald...foarte cald...plimbare de dimineata cu cateii...sau mai bine zis : plimbarea cateilor de intotdeauna am chef de plimbari care se finalizeaza cu mincarimi de piele si dureri de cap toata ziua din cauza alergiei... oricum, urmeaza citeva poze "racoroase" :) hot...a walk in the morning with the dogs...or better saying : the dog walking from the morning...I'm not always in the mood for a walk that ends with itchy skin and head-aches all the day because of the allergyia. Anyway here you have some "refreshing" photos :)
Poor Goldie with all that hair ( or shall I say" fur-coat"? LOL) ...summer is a hard time for her ...I'm thinking myself: what happens if I cut her hair down? I mean at all...obviously it will grow again but, will she be ok? anyone knows an answer ?? PLS!

Flori catifelate ...clematita mov ! si astea tot mov! ha-ha! cresc toate, bine-mersi, in coroana otzetarului...

Velvet flowers...purple clematis. Even these are purple this year! ha-ha! they are all growing up, pretty well, among a rhus thypina leaves.

Poza de "cuplu" ... cred ca au avut mici divergente de ..opinie ;)) deoarece , de obicei, ea sta pe spatele lui , plina de dragoste...ha-ha!oare cine va face primul pas? ea? sau el?
Couple" picture ...I think they have some different opinions on something ...because usually she is on top of him, very loving. LOL. well I have to wait to see who's making the first making-up step? o rudbeckia care nu vrea nicicum sa se lase fotografiata! vezi ce tare stringe din petale? "no-no! no photos, please!"...o las in pace...pina miine ;))!

And a very shy rudbeckia that didn't let me take a picture of her! do you see how hard is squeezing the petals? saying: "no-no! no picture please!! I will let her alone...untill tomorrow morning;))

Intre timp am terminat "Curbe de primavara" care s-au concretizat intr-o fata de masa dreptunghiulara. Chiar daca sta pe peretele de proba, locul ei este pe masa... si este chiar primavaratica cu toate materialele acelea vopsite manual...

Meanwhile, I finished the "Spring curves" that take the form of a table-runner. Even that you see it on the wall-board, the place for it it's on a table...and is quite nice and very "spring " with all those hand-dyed fabrics in it.

In the hottest perioud of the day I usually sit in my favorite armchair, in studio, and go on with the embroidery on the silver-white of it: tomorrow. Now I became suddenly..lazy ;)) don't forget about my dog hair question, pls...

Pink project

Aceasta este bucatica mea "scrumble" cu care am contribuit la Proiectul Roz initiat de catre Prudence Mapstone.

This is my little pink scrumble contribution to the Pink Project hosted by Mrs. Prudence Mapstone.

Este un gest asa de simplu si de la indemina, asa incit va invit si pe voi sa va alaturati proiectului ! detalii gasiti aici :

It's such a simple and handy gesture that I invite you to join to the project making a small piece for it. Details you can find here :

este deja pe drum de o saptamina...Australia este totusi departe....

Is it on the road for almost a week....still, Australia is far away...

Trebuie sa recunosc ca si aceasta noua "lume" a free-form-ului ( ca si cea a patchwork-ului) mi-a fost prezentata de Smaranda...m-a cucerit una-doua asa incit in aceeasi zi in care am citit si ras-citit pe net despre free-form am si realizat ceva. Oricum ma tot impiedicam de ghemele astea toata ziua;))...Poate ca, in timp, se va transforma intr-o palarie simpatica...Intotdeauna ( si vreau sa spun: INTOTDEAUNA) visez la palarii...
I must recognise that, also, this new free-form"world" ( as the patchwork) was introduce to me by gain me so fast that in the same day that I read and learned from the net about the free-form I also realized something. Anyway, those wools were keep standing in my feet all day long;))...
Perhaps it will become in time a pretty hat...I always ( and I mean: ALWAYS) dream of hats.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

jardin de mi alma

Trandafiri rozalii, deschisi spre cerul albastru...pace si dragoste!

Pink roses , fully opened on a blue sky ...peace and love !

aceasta este " el jardin de mi alma"...

this is " el jardin de mi alma"...

Intre timp o pernita cu bulinute a fost oferita cadou ( azi i-am facut si perechea)

Meantime a polka-dott pillow was gifted ( she also has by now a pair )

am avut un un week-end cu grill si prieteni :
and a week-end with grills and friends :

hmm...and also some good red-wine ;))

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

in the morning

O dimineata parfumata...timp frumos..pasarele care cinta...inca in pijama sar in cizmele de gradina si pornesc in hoinareala...

A parfumed and sunny morning...singing birds...still in my PJ's I'm on my boots and go for a slow garden walk...

trandafirii cataratori deja se deschid plin de voie buna....
climbing roses are starting to open, one by one, full of joy...

trandafirii parfumati la care le culeg si usc zi de zi petalele

these are extreme-perfumed , I pick and dry, day by day, all the petals thinking of some future projects...

un alt o fetita pe linga pijamaua mamei :)) sa nu ma intrebati cum am facut poza : cu capul in jos ;)) Goldie nu se lasa pozata din fata pentru nimic in lume....oare nu-i place de nasul ei ?
another "rose" a girl near mama's PJ's...:)) don't ask me how I take that photo: upside-down because Goldie doesn't let me to make her a front photo..perhaps she doesn't like her nose...rose-nose...( yet in this picture it appear as black )

apoi o alta tufa de trandafiri, grea de atitea flori...scuzati buruienile, de astea nu scapi decit iarna ;))

then another white rose bush, heavy under the flowers...sorry for the weeds, I can get rid of them only in winter :))

Drumul a continuat pe sub cires ( vedeti cite cirese mari, coapte, zemoaaaase sunt pe ramuri?) evident cu un mic adaos de fructe la micul dejun
My walk take me under the cherry-tree ( can you see how many, big, riped and tasty cherries are on the branches??;))) obviously I take a small fruit adittion to my breakfast

si pe linga gard incet-incet, sa verific tufa de maci...
and slowly, by the fence, to check the poppies...

care deja se scutura

already gone...

o singura floare
just a single flower
in toata frumusetea ei
in all her beauty

apoi roata, pe linga pavilion unde lupin-ul face pereche buna cu o urzica cit mine de mare...este atit de sanatoasa si de frumoasa incit oricit o fi ea de buruiana nu o scot si pace! atita timp cit nu ma urzic, pentru mine este...planta medicinala . ha-ha!
then came round, by the pergola, where the lupin make a good pair with a... stinging nettle, tall as I is so healthy and beautifull that as much as a weed it is, I can't pull it out! as long as I didn't sting on it, for me it's just a ...medicinal herb . LOL.

si motivul plimbarii mele de dimineata : prima floare de Gloria Dei, fina, alba, parfumata.

And the real reason for my early walk : the very first flower of Gloria Dei, white, graceful, perfumed.

Hmmm... aici nu pot da explicatii ...banuiesc ca se intelege ca e dragoste mare la mijloc, nu ?
Hmm.. well, here I can't give any explanation...I guess it's understandable: big love between them...;))
inapoi spre casa , m-am oprit in gradina de legume( ascunsa dupa aluni) si am cules menta creata...deja sta la uscat...
back to home, I stopped in the vegetable garden ( hidden behind the hazels) and pick all the curly mint for tea.
si plimbarea de dimineata s-a sfirsit munca. Pentru restul zilei...
And the morning walk did finish with For the rest of the day.

Si iata  un quilt crazy personal...acesta este al meu,alb-argintiu- in faza de inceput. Mai ramine sa il infrumusetez si apoi sa il dura ceva timp...

And now, a one-colour crazy quilt...this is mine,white-silver, at an early stage. Still have to embellish and after that to top will take some time to finish it....


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