Today I received the envelope from Janine - France...un unexpected surprise was inside!! beside the 2 ATCs - which are marvelouse, so delicate and great worked, I was gifted with pieces of nice fabrics, beads, laces..." For my future work" says Janine... Thank you so much, Janine, you are a sweet !
ATC-urile ...sunt magnifice! cea din stinga apartine seriei "Rosu si Negru" iar cea din dreapta seriei "Cuivre" . Imi plac amindoua...cita finete a lucrarii! hmmm...trebuie "copiate" atit tehnica cit si maiestria :))) Complimentele mele , Janine!
Tthe ATCs ...they are magnificent! the left one is belonging to the "Red and Black" series and the right one is from "Cuivre" series . I love both of them...such a delicate work ! must be "copied" both the technique and the craftmanship . ;))) .
My compliments, Janine!
Azi s-a deschis o alta floare a trandafirului japonez crem... una cite una...zi dupa zi...
Today opened another flower of the cream by after day...
din alt unghi...ah, da: am tras si perdeaua! nu credeti ca nu am !! :))
from another angle...and yes, I take the curtain, too!...don't think I don't have one! :))