Monday, June 18, 2007

ATC from France

Azi am primit plicul de la Janine ( Franta)...o surpriza neasteptata ma astepta in interiorul lui! pe linga cele 2 ATC-uri , care sunt niste minunatii atit de fine si de delicate, lucrate superb, m-a cadorisit cu bucati de materiale, margelute si dantele. " "Pentru viitoarele mele lucrari" spune Janine. Multumesc mult de tot , Janine, esti o draguta !
Today I received the envelope from Janine - France...un unexpected surprise was inside!! beside the 2 ATCs - which are marvelouse, so delicate and great worked, I was gifted with pieces of nice fabrics, beads, laces..." For my future work" says Janine... Thank you so much, Janine, you are a sweet !

ATC-urile ...sunt magnifice! cea din stinga apartine seriei "Rosu si Negru" iar cea din dreapta seriei "Cuivre" . Imi plac amindoua...cita finete a lucrarii! hmmm...trebuie "copiate" atit tehnica cit si maiestria :))) Complimentele mele , Janine!
Tthe ATCs ...they are magnificent! the left one is belonging to the "Red and Black" series and the right one is from "Cuivre" series . I love both of them...such a delicate work ! must be "copied" both the technique and the craftmanship . ;))) .

My compliments, Janine!
Azi s-a deschis o alta floare a trandafirului japonez crem... una cite una...zi dupa zi...
Today opened another flower of the cream by after day...

din alt unghi...ah, da: am tras si perdeaua! nu credeti ca nu am !! :))
from another angle...and yes, I take the curtain, too!...don't think I don't have one! :))

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Caveman techniques of Ricky Timms

Azi am urmarit pe HGTV tehnica lui Ricky Tims - "Caveman rotary cutting" si cum era o duminica prea calduroasa pentru a face orice altceva, am pus-o in practica. Sunt doar top-urile, miine urmeaza sa le quiltuiesc si probabil sa le "embelishez"... oricum, ACESTEA sunt primele mele CURBE taiate si cusute de cind fac patchwork. Sper sa-mi imbunatatesc tehnica... adica sa tranzitez de la pestera la ...secolul 21! ;))
Today I watched on HGTV the Ricky Timms technique " Caveman rotary cutting" and as it was an too awfully hot afternoon to do anything else...I put it in practice. Here you see just the tops, tomorrow these will be quilted and perhaps embelished... Anyway THESE are my very first CURVES cut and pieced since I do patchwork. I really hope to improve my technique...I mean to transit from cave level to 21 century ;))

some gardening

Pentru ca seceta e mare am intins o plasa peste toata gradina, in speranta ca plantele vor avea parte de putina umbra... intrarea in gradina :
Because we suffer of an excessive drought I spread an huge net over the garden hoping that this way the plants will enjoy some shadow...the entrance in the garden:

Vedere din interior
Interior wiew
Un hotz mic se uita la mine din poarta sa vada daca sunt atenta la el
A small thief is watching me from the gate ;)) to see if I'm looking at him

si apoi ataca laditza cu capsuni :))

And after that he attack the strawberry boxes :))
Flori de cartofi ...frantuzesti , de la Smaranda
French potatoe flowers, from Smaranda
Ca o floarea soarelui dar micuta-micuta, o floare de rosie -seminte din Austria.
As a sun-flower but tiny-tiny, a tomato flower - Austrian seeds. Sper sa ploua sanatos in curind...altfel munca de pina acum va fi in zadar...
I hope for a soon healthy rain...otherwise all the work untill now will be in vain....

Pillow for Patrazel

Pentru ca Patrazel nu avea o pernita asortata i-am croit una pe masura ;)). Exercitiu de " incalzire" pentru quiltuire ;))
Because Patrazel didn't have an assorted pillow beside it I made one quickly as an warming exercise for quilting...;))

Sunday, June 10, 2007

baggy-baggy , little bag...

Azi am fost invitati la un alt grill...vreme frumoasa, gradina frumoasa ( in formare) , seceta mare...

Si i-am dus cadou stapinei aceasta geanta patch...

Today we were invited at another BBQ ...nice weather, nice garden ( at begining), big drought...

I gave to the hostess this little patch bag as a present .
Locul de luat masa : pavilionul.

The BBQ place.
Parte din gradina, pe acei pereti de lemn se catara deja clematite variate, de toate culorile...ce minune va fi peste un an-doi...

Part of the garden...on those trellises are already climbing various clematis - many colours...what a delight will be in a year or so...

Cum v-am spus: seceta mare...piscina e aproape goala...

As I told you : big drought...the pool is nearly empty
Rocarie in formare...

Rock garden ...growing...
In final am avut parte de un wek-end minunat...sper ca si pentru voi a fost la fel...
Finally I enjoyed a wonderfull week-end....I hope yours was the same...

o seara cu placinte...

seara a inceput minunat...intr-un peisaj incintator, cu cintece de pasari si multe-multe flori
the evening started a beautiful landscape, with birds songs...and plenty of flowers

Cum spuneam :flori

as I told you: flowers
si iarasi flori

and again flowers
Hei, zimbiti , va rog...

Hey, say "cheese" !...

ah, da! si eu in peisaj... hmm...partial ;))

well, and me in picture...hmmm...part of me ;))
grozavele placinte cu urda si verdeturi

those terrific pies with sweet cheese and greenies
si cind se lasa racoarea serii se pare ca chiar si cu o fata de masa quiltuita iti vine sa te invelesti... seems that when the night is down even with an quilted table runner it so comfy to cover up...

Cadoul... placut, "purtat" si pus la loc de cinste.;))

The present was well received, "worned" and finally put on display on the living table...;))

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hunter Star table runner

Stiti ce se intimpla cind uiti de o zi de nastere importanta ? si cind aceasta e chiar a doua zi ?? ei bine....te apuci de lucru! ;)). Am inceput ieri seara, dupa instructiunile extrem de concise oferite de Geta pe site-ul ei -la blocul lunii aprilie : Hunter Star - si dupa ce am lucrat ca nebuna timp de 10 ore, azi am finalizat aceasta fata de masa...
Do you know what happens when you completely forgot an important birthday? and when this is just next day? start to work!;)) I begin las evening, following the concise explanations of Geta on her site - at April block : Hunter Star - and after 10 hours like crazy I finished this table runner.

Dimensiuni : 26" x 49" ( 67 cm x 126 cm).
Dimensions : 26" x 49" ( 67 cm x 126 cm ).

Sper sa fie incintata de sper sa nu uit sa-i fac poze mai tirziu dupa-masa!!
I hope that she'll be pleased with the gift...and I hope I didn't forget to make her some photos late in the evening...

Sa aveti o seara frumoasa, eu merg sa sar pe niste prajituuuuri! ;)))
Whish you a nice evening, I'm going to jump on some cookiiiiies! ;)))


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