Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Ei bine, am adaugat si ultimul border la quiltul meu

Well , I added the last border at my quilt

Si apoi cum nu imi puteam scoate din cap o rama vazuta pe net pentru quiltuitul manual , si cum in zilele noastre nu mai gasesti mesteri sa faca asa ceva la comanda... m-am pornit sa o fabric singura. Asa ca ieri seara am transformat bucataria in atelier de timplarie .

And as I couldn't get out of my head a frame that I see on the net for manual quilting and due to the fact that nowadays you can't find a craftsman to do it on order ...I started to DIM ( do-it-Myself ;))) ). Result ? last night I transformed the kitchen in a carpenter workroom

Si am finalizat cu asta :
ok, quiltul sta aici doar asa pentru ...admirat ;))

And I ended with THIS : - well, here the quilt is layed only for admiring it ;))

Iar azi dimineata am pornit montarea lui pe rama . Nu am mai facut asa ceva niciodata asa ca am luat-o ..."babeste".

And this morning I started the montage on the frame. As is for the first time I did this ( and never-never see one in real) I proceeded on the common-sense .

Oricum : quiltul e gata montat, bine intins si asteapta sa infig acul in el ;)))

Anyway, now the quilt is ready put on frame, well tensioned and waiting to stick my needle in it ;)))

Recunosc ca rama mai are nevoie de imbunatatiri la stabilitate si la sistemul de tensionare a materialului dar..ce mai incoace si-ncolo : am facut-o !!

I do recognize that the frame need some improvements on stability and on tensioning system but...come'on : I DID IT!!


  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Super ingenioasa masa ta! Te-ai trasformat in "handy-woman":) Iar quiltul arata bine, si sper ca de data asta nu ti-a mai "adus in dar" dureri de spate...

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Ce mai incoace si-ncolo: esti tare! Quiltul este excelent, sa ne spui diferenta intre a-l quiltui fara rama si cu rama! Tu cu siguranta nu esti din specia "lazy gal" ca mine, ci harnica-harnica :-) Toata admiratia, Teodora!

  3. Ba si eu sunt o "lazy girl", Sanda... uite de-aia am facut rama asta, ca sa mearga mai repede si mai usor ;))... da' acum a venit Geta cu site-ul Cotton Theory si m-a dat peste cap... alta tehnica, atit de usoara incit intreb: de ce nu ai venit mai repede, Geta, cu linkul asta ?? ;))) asa e in viata intotdeauna : dupa ce faci sau cumperi ceva apare o oferta muuuult mai buna. ;))
    Din experiente invatam, nu ?

  4. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Chiar ma intrebam ce e cu rama aia! Quiltul este superb, ce vroiai sa-i mai faci? Se pare insa ca te-ai lamurit intre timp...Elena

  5. Mai Nucutza, Harnicutza...Stimata doamna...esti grazava! Imi place tot ce-ai construit tu pe-acolo, dar as indrazni o intrebare(inginereasca). Ai facut si rama, sau doar picioarele? Daca da, cum ai montat suruburile pe capete??

  6. Congratulations!!tu sti sa faci chiar de toate?? :))

  7. Brava molto ingegnosa.
    Viene meglio così?
    ciao ciao

  8. Hello Teodora

    Well, well what a andy woman. And for your first time is very well done and thought. I also love woods and to drill the walls. Big tools don't scare me, my husband has to watch for me, or someday he will come home and ther's things and tools all over the place. And making errors sometimes is good to learn from them to.
    Keep up the good craft.




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