Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Ochisori de peruzea - Turquoise eye
A turquoise eyes little bird. Stained glass. Dimesions : 11" x 13,3".
O ultima poza...miine isi ia zborul...;)). Cip-cirip!
The last picture ...tomorrow she'll fly...;)) Cip-cirip!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Wild daffodil
Dimensiuni : 27 inch x 27 inch ( 68,5 cm x 68,5 cm) .
Mircea este super-incintat de cadoul primit ;)).
First attempt for a stained glass quilt. I'm very pleased with it...a lot of work, but all of it was fun and pleasure.
Dimensions : 27 inch x 27 inch ( 68,5 cm x 68,5 cm) .
DH is very happy with the gift received. ;)) .
Saturday, May 12, 2007
a few ATC-s
Atarashii -the drought.
Calea spre Andromeda - matase naturala, margelutze.
The way to Andromeda - pure silk, beads.
Joc de copil - bumbac, pictat manual, lipici cu sclipici.
Child game - cotton, hand painted, glitter glue.
Practica - tehnica de impaturire.
Practice - folding technique.
O incercare de etui...
Trying to make an etui.
Friday, May 11, 2007
a new frame
De-acum nu mai am nevoie decit de "practica-practica-practica"... asta pina intr-o zi cind voi avea o rama de marca. LOL.
I did, for myself, a new quilting frame. This time a MOBILE one ;)). Since now, I need no more than "practice-practice-practice"....this, until the day I'll have a brand new one. LOL.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Well , I added the last border at my quilt
Si apoi cum nu imi puteam scoate din cap o rama vazuta pe net pentru quiltuitul manual , si cum in zilele noastre nu mai gasesti mesteri sa faca asa ceva la comanda... m-am pornit sa o fabric singura. Asa ca ieri seara am transformat bucataria in atelier de timplarie .
And as I couldn't get out of my head a frame that I see on the net for manual quilting and due to the fact that nowadays you can't find a craftsman to do it on order ...I started to DIM ( do-it-Myself ;))) ). Result ? last night I transformed the kitchen in a carpenter workroom
Si am finalizat cu asta :
ok, quiltul sta aici doar asa pentru ...admirat ;))
And I ended with THIS : - well, here the quilt is layed only for admiring it ;))
Iar azi dimineata am pornit montarea lui pe rama . Nu am mai facut asa ceva niciodata asa ca am luat-o ..."babeste".
And this morning I started the montage on the frame. As is for the first time I did this ( and never-never see one in real) I proceeded on the common-sense .
Oricum : quiltul e gata montat, bine intins si asteapta sa infig acul in el ;)))
Anyway, now the quilt is ready put on frame, well tensioned and waiting to stick my needle in it ;)))
Recunosc ca rama mai are nevoie de imbunatatiri la stabilitate si la sistemul de tensionare a materialului dar..ce mai incoace si-ncolo : am facut-o !!
I do recognize that the frame need some improvements on stability and on tensioning system but...come'on : I DID IT!!