Friday, March 30, 2007

No ladybugs, just some dogs

Nu am gasit "bubuluze" dar am gasit niste catei simpatici .

Nu stiu daca voi fi in stare sa il quiltuiesc in aceasta noapte...sunt prea obosita! daca nu, atunci...

" miine e o alta zi" - Scarlett O'Hara.

I didn't find in time a ladybugs fabric but I did find some cute dogs.
I really don't think I can quilt it tonight...I'm much too tired.... if not, then ..."tomorrow is another day". - Scarlett O'Hara.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hen pincushion

Pentru ca prietena mea trebuie sa apara din clipa in clipa - la o cafea ;)) - i-am facut o pernitza pentru ace : o gainusa. Ei ii place sa coase dar se plinge ca nu are timp...o inteleg dar poate asa o stimulez! LOL.
My friend is to arrive in a couple of minutes for a short coffee so I've made her a "hen pincushion" to stimulate her work. She's in love with sewing but she often complained the lack of free time...( understandable...)
Modelul l-am luat de aici, este FREE.
The pattern I take it from here, it's FREE.
Nu-i prea place sa fie fotografiata din profil...dar uite ce frumos sta totusi! ;))))
She didn't like to be in a photo from a side but look how pretty is she smiling :)))) O idee grozava penrtu cadouri mici de Paste, nu-i asa ?
A good ideea for Eastern small gifts, isn't ??

Thursday, March 22, 2007

today's table runner is finished

Table runner-ul de azi este gata si dat cadou deja . Citeva poze finale cu el . De ramas-bun...
Today's table runner is finished and already gifted... Here's a few farewell last photos ...
Hanged on
Intins pe canapea - nu e locul lui recunosc dar imi place cum se "completeaza" reciproc ;))

Lying on the sofa - I know it isn't the right place for it but I love the "team" they make ;))

Spatele :

The back of it :

Impachetat ...simplu...
Ramas bun si viata lunga!

Wrapped as a gift...simply....
Good bye and have a long life!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

today's table runner

Asta am lucrat asta seara: un table runner - cadou pentru ziua de nastere a cumnatei mele. Miine trebuie finalizat si cadorisit, evident. ;))
This is what I worked this evening - a table runner, as a gift for my sister-in-law birthday. Tomorrow it must be ready done ( quilted) and gifted, of course. ;))

Are dimensiunea de 110 cm * 42 cm. Interesant pentru ca in realitate din model rasar niste "mori de vint" pe cind in poza apare cu totul asa ??
It has 110 cm * 42 cm. Interesting that in practice it shows some "wind mills" and on the other side ( in the picture) it appears something totally different, isn't it ??

Monday, March 19, 2007

Candy was gifted

Candy gata.
Candy is finished.

A fost daruit in week-endul trecut
It was already gifted last week-end.
Cu ocazia zilei de nastere a prietenei mele, Katy Strempel :
With the birthday occasion of my friend : Katy Strempel.
Si se pare ca sub orice quilt te fura somnul ;))
And , it seems that under any quilt the sleep is coming fast ;))

Monday, March 05, 2007


Preocuparea din ultimele zile : Candy. Stiu ca are un nume copilaresc dar parca vad niste bomboane impachetate in staniol colorat cind ma uit la top...;))
My last days preocupation : Candy. I know it's a childish name, but when I'm looking at, I can see some sweet candies wrapped in rose foil ... Do you?

Si mai de aproape...
Si intins pe pat.
And lying on the bed... Este deocamdata doar top-ul, sper sa reusesc sa ma incadrez in timp si cu stratificarea, quiltuirea si marginea.Astazi sunt scurta, scuze...;)) prea mult de lucru pe linga casa, doar a venit primavara, nu ?
It's just the top , for now, I hope to make in time the quilting and border. Today I'm very short, sorry, too much to work around the house, the spring is here, no ?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

the 1st of March... for my love

Cum era un UFO ( obiect neterminat) prin atelierul meu ( si nu-i statea bine deloc in stadiul acela) am terminat o inimioara movulie pentru dragostea post de martisor! A fost impresionat...mai ales ca nu am folosit "tzintzele" ( margele, in termen popular de-al locului). degeaba i-am explicat eu ca tocmai "tzintzelele" dau farmec ...deh, optica masculina!;0)

As I had an UFO ( UnFinished Object) in my sewing-room ( and wasn't pretty at all in that stade) I did finished a mauve crazy-heart, for my a Martzichor! He was quite impressed...above all because I didn't use "tzintzele" ( beads, in a very local-popular way of speaking). Anywise I did explain that the beads give the charm for a crazy heart, wasn't good enough....well...male point of wiew! ;)

edit in 2015 : this heart is still here, in my studio, hanging on my soft work-board... this means I do love it deeply ! I remember several people asking it as a gift... it is still here with me.:D . After 8 years is looking as good and nice as in her first day of life. Question : does it mean that, somewhere deeply in my heart, crazy quilting is a favourite ? :) 


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