Am primit cadou de ziua mea - da, ziua mea de anul trecut - o noua rigla patchwork ...Ca intotdeauna, jumatatea mea m-a intrebat ce imi doresc cadou. Noi doi avem o lege sanatoasa si benefica : el nu isi cheltuie banii pe ceva ce nu imi place, iar eu primesc ce imi doresc. ;)
( haha: imi amintesc de o alta aniversare cind am primit un balot intreg de vatelina de bumbac :D. Dar cine este fericita ?eu :D)
Deci, de data aceasta, raspunsul meu a fost : o rigla. Si au trecut 4 luni pina am pus la munca rigla respectiva. Nu stiu de ce am ales aceasta combinatie de culori...poate pentru contrast, poate pentru ca am observat ca mobila moderna ( nu si a mea !) este de culoare neagra ( sau wenge), sau pentru ca, probabil, este o stare sufleteasca prin care trec acum. Nu sunt sigura de ce. Prea multa gindire....
Asa arata rezultatul : un table-runner lung, cu o infatisare foarte moderna.
I received for my last birthday - and yes, this was the year that has passed - a new patchwork ruler....As always my half asked me want I present want . We have a strong rule that is healthy and beneficial for both parts : he doesn't spend his money on something that I don't like, and I get want I want. ;) (LOL : I remember another birthday when I received a full bolt of cotton batting :D . But who's the happy dancing girl here ?:D )
So, this time, my answer was : a ruler. Here passed 4 months until I put at work that ruler. I just don't know why I choose this combination of fabrics...perhaps for the contrast, perhaps because I see that modern furniture - not mine! - is mostly black ( or wenge ) , or perhaps that it is a state of mind (?) I pass trough it right now....I am not sure why. Way too much thinking....
Here it is the result : a long table runner, with a very modern look.
Asa cum am spus inainte, este un table-runner lung : are 120cm x 35 cm . Materiale din bumbac, rosu si negru, vatelina compacta de bumbac, spatele din shifon alb. Pisuit cu ata de bumbac si quiltuit cu ata invizibila smoked YLI.
It is, as I said before, a long table-runner : it has 120cm x 35 cm . Black and red cotton fabric, compact cotton batting, and white muslin on the back. Pieced with cotton thread and quilted with YLI smoked invisible thread.
Este unic in felul lui, irepetabil, deoarece la momentul taierii materialelor, m-am considera mult prea "inteligenta" si am citit doar o data instructiunile riglei. Rezultatul este similar celui indicat de instructiunile respective dar mult mai unghiular. Nu cred ca imi doresc sa mai trec inca o data prin tot chinul acela....
It is unique in its way, unrepeatable, because at the time of cutting, I considered myself way much too "smart" and read just once the instructions on the ruler. The result is something similar as the instruction mentioned but much more angled. I don't think I wanna pass again through all that struggle...
A fost frumos si chiar distractiv ( intr-un anume fel ) constructia lui invatat inca ceva nou.
Was nice and fun ( in some way ) piecing it.....something new learned .
Si pentru ca , spre final, aveam senzatia ca arata mult prea tehnic, prea industrial, i-am adaugat aceste cusaturi manuale neglijente, oarecum intentionat strimbe, cu ata rosie de bumbac, pentru broderie. Doar pentru autenticitatea calitatii hand-made. ;)
and because , near finishing it, I have the sensation that it was way too much technical, almost industrial , I added this wonky, negligent hand seams made with red cotton embroidery thread. Just for the authenticity of hand-made quality. ;)
Cum va place ?... imi puteti da sfaturi, critici sau idei ...orice inafara de complimente....mi-e plin podul de astea .ha-ha....Deci ?
How do you like it ? you can give me advice, critics, ideas anything else but compliments....I have a full house of them . LOL. So ?
by Teodora Podina © 2006