Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A bright future

Sotul meu a implinit 51 ani acum citeva zile ...
My husband made 51 years a few days ago....

Il iubesc neconditionat, etern....
I love him unconditionally , eternally....
De aceea am petrecut citeva zile ( si citeva nopti, deasemenea :)) ) cosind un cadou pentru el. Stiu ca ii place verdele ( uite aici un alt cadou verde pentru el ) si ma intrebam ce as putea sa ii cos....Si mie imi place verdele, dar mai mult in gradina. haha....
This is why I spend a few days ( and some nights,too :)) ) sewing him a birthday present. Knowing that he loves green ( check out another green gift for him here ) I was wondering what to sew....I love green , too, but mostly ( only ? ) in the garden. LOL.

Luna trecuta am cumparat niste carti de patchwork de la prietena mea Geta, care mi-a trimis alaturat si citeva reviste. In una din acestea am gasit un tablou textil lucrat in tehnica "fundatie de hirtie". O tehnica pe care nu am mai lucrat-o. Ce greseala , sa incepi o piesa mare intr-o tehnica noua.... dupa atit de mult tatting, eram prea increzatoare in mine ( rusinica ) . Acesta este inceputul :
Last month I did buy some quilting books from my friend Geta, and she sent me some magazines along. In one of them I found a wall-hanging worked in paper-foundation technique. Something that I never worked yet. What a mistake, to start something so big in a new technique.... after so much tatting, I was way too confident in me (blush-blush)
So here is the start :

Pina acum, totul a mers minunat....chiar dragut, as spune.
 Until now, everything was flowing....quite pretty.

Apoi asamblarea finala a fost un moment de "Hmmmm..."
Then the assembling was something like "Hmmmm..." 

Dar scoaterea hirtiei a fost un razboi al nervilor, un fel de moment de monolog continuu , nu foarte delicat....un foarte lung monolog  :D . 
but tearing out the paper was nerve wrecking, something like a wtf moment ....a very long monologue moment ( blush )  . I was almost desperate that I will not finish in time....

Si totusi, multumita acelor milioane de bucatele de materiale pe care Geta mi le-a trimis in timp, ( multumesc inca o data !) , bucatele care au fost cusute intre ele pentru a ajunge in aceasta piesa, si multumita unei reviste care mi-a dat ideea , finalul este acesta : 
Still, thanks to all those millions scraps of fabric that Geta sent me ( thank you, again and again ) and that were sewn together in this piece, and thanks to a magazine that gave me the ideea, the final is this : 

Are dimensiunea de 75cm x 75 cm , este lucrat in metoda fundatie de hirtie, asa cum v-am mai spus inainte, ( o metoda cu care nu voi mai lucra niciodata-niciodata o piesa atit de mare ) , are vatelina de poliester si spatele din pinza alba. 
It has 75 cm x 75 cm, worked on paper-foundation method, as I previously told you, 
 ( something that I will never-ever work again in such a big piece ) , polyester batting and white backing. 
L-am intitulat " Un viitor luminos" : toate dorintele, ideile si realizarile de azi , converg spre un centru insorit - un viitor luminos - de unde reflecta inapoi pentru o viata mai buna. 
Ca o predictie. 
I named it  "A bright future " : all the wishes, ideas and accomplishments of today , converge into the sunny center - a  bright future - from where they reflects out for a better life.
Like a prediction . 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a tiny heart for a big love

Ca in fiecare an , jumatatea mea primeste un cadou handmade de Ziua Indragostitilor . 
Nici acest an nu putea fi diferit....doar ca acum nu mai e nimic patchwork ci e pur si simplu frivolite . 
O inimioara micuta-micuta, lucrata in ata de cusut , putin mai groasa decit media.

Each year for Valentine's Day, my beloved half receives a handmade gift. 
It couldn't be much different this year, only that now isn't any patchwork piece but a frivolite one. 
A tiny heart, worked in a thicker than average sewing thread . 

Si inramata : 
Here is framed : 

imapchetata si ascunsa intr-un loc foarte "sigur" ;) 
packed and hidden in a very "secure" place ;) 

si aici pusa de el ( temporar) pe perete...pina bat eu un cui acolo  :))
and here , placed by him on the wall for a temporary time...untill I'll hammer a nail there :))

Dragostea este TOTUL , stiati asta ? 
Love is EVERYTHING, do you know that ? 

Thursday, February 09, 2012

white and green

Iarna grea...si foarte friguroasa. 
Heavy winter.....and extremely cold. 

Multa zapada....ba chiar foarte multa. In repetate rinduri.
A lot of snow....too much, I can say. Repeteadly. 

Pot spune ca am scapat ieftin , pina acum, doar cu un copac doborit si un gard rupt de la zapada cazuta de pe acoperisul vecinilor.
I can say that we get out cheap, untill now,  only with a fallen tree and a broken fence from the snow downpour from neighbors roof. 

Dupa atita alb infinit  , zapada si gheata, visez incontinuu la primavara.....la verde, mult verde . 
After all this infinite white , snow and ice, I'm dreaming continue at spring....green, a lot of green. 

Si un cadou pentru prietena mea , Geta . Tot in verde. Altfel de verde ;) Un verde nastrusnic, proaspat si revigorant. 
And a gift for my friend, Geta, worked in green, too. Another green ;).  A crazy, fresh and revigorating green. 

Nu va e dor de primavara ? 
Aren't you longing for spring ? 


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